Inside the bubble gum is what elements? Play what role? Right ...

Category:catering food

bubble gum inside is what elements? play what role? right people do harmful?

bubble gum the main component of the rubber and plasticizer. Natural rubber is generally non-toxic, but the production of bubble gum used by a white crepe rubber pieces are added vulcanization accelerator, antioxidant and other additives. These additives have a certain toxicity, the state provides for the daily intake. If the child is eating too much bubble gum, these toxic substances would potentially harm the child. The role of plasticizer in the bubble is a bubble, it generally takes to join seven percent of the plasticizer to be blowing bubbles. Plasticizers Although low toxicity, but its metabolites - phenol re-absorption in the digestive tract would be harmful to humans, but also the use of large amount of plasticizer, a bubble gum that contains 350 mg. If a child a day to eat two bubble gum, it will intake of 700 mg of plasticizer, then a large dose of children’s health has an effect. In addition, some bubble gum, when children eat, eat a while, I threw up their hands pull a thin bubble, eating a candy repeated several times, hand on the dirt stick up in the sugar, this kind of unhealthy eating habits can cause parasites disease and gastro-intestinal infections. Therefore, parents should educate kids eat bubble gum.


类别: 餐饮食品


泡泡糖的主要成分是橡胶和增塑剂。xx橡胶一般是xx的,但制作泡泡糖所用的一级白绉片胶是加了硫化促进剂、防老剂等添加剂的。这些添加剂均有一定毒性,国家规定了每日的允许摄入量。如果儿童过多地吃泡泡糖,这些有毒物质会给孩子带来潜 在的危害。增塑剂在泡泡糖中的作用是起泡,一般需加入7%的增塑剂才能吹起泡来。增塑剂虽然毒性低,但它的代谢产物——苯酚在消化道重吸收会对人体有害,而且增塑剂的使用量大,一块泡泡糖即含350毫克。如果一个儿童{yt}吃两块泡泡糖,就会摄入700毫克的增塑剂,那么大的剂量对儿童的健康是有影响的。另外,有些儿童在吃泡泡糖时,吃一会儿,吐出来用手拉薄吹泡,一块糖反复吃数次,把手上的脏物沾在糖上去了,这种不卫生饮食习惯,会造成寄生虫病和肠道传染病。因此,家长要教育小孩子少吃泡泡糖。

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