Acceleration of the death of safety is how going on? « China tour ...

acceleration of death in traffic safety is how going on?

traffic deaths accelerated from April 26 to protect the national road safety seminar reports: China’s unusually severe road safety situation, the death toll was the trend of accelerated growth. Since 2001, for 3 years the number of deaths in traffic accidents more than 100,000 people, with an average of 300 people died per day, equivalent to an airliner crash.
accelerate the issue of traffic deaths is a more complex and comprehensive treatment of the issue of the need. Main reasons: First, the overly rapid growth of vehicles; Second, a new number of new factors; Third, there is a gap between the traffic control science; four is poor awareness of road safety.
govern: 1, road to ensure public security forces should be strengthened; 2, to enhance the safety of the driver training; 3, start-wide emphasis on community safety; 3, from the start to enhance children’s awareness of road safety; 4, severe punishment of illegal driving behavior ; 5, strengthen the road construction and maintenance of facilities.

acceleration of death

Western traffic management sector in order to traffic safety, the death of Special formulated 500g acceleration this value to Xingshi people. Acceleration means that if traffic exceeds this value, there will be life-threatening, then a large acceleration, the vehicle under normal circumstances is not, but if there is a traffic accident, will reach this value, because the collision time by vehicles short, most of milliseconds.

For example, two motorcycles per hour speed of 20km (5.6m / s), opposite the line of collision, the collision time in milliseconds level, then in such a short period of time, resulting in the acceleration a = V / t = 5.6 / 0.001 = 560g, it can be seen that the collision can produce such a large acceleration.







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