住户损坏上水井阀门流水汇成河- 嘉德阀门- 嘉德阀门- 和讯博客
住户损坏上水井阀门流水汇成河 [转贴 2010-06-24 10:00:48]   

原文:Valve damage on household well water converged into river
June 21 at 11 am, a tenants room without permission to enter Chengguan District Chief of the wells before the garden will be a bad water valve screw, resulting in 5 hours water gush of water swept over the old garden dashed Jiuquan Road, part of the sections of water into the "river." Maintenance staff that, after understanding the well valve damage is in the vicinity of a household water facilities damaged due to their own, secretly opened the covers well, go down the water supply valve to want to turn off their own equipment repair, guessed describing on the well pipe valve damage caused by the accident. Until 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the well water and backwater until thoroughly smoked, maintenance personnel replaced the damaged valve, the road finally restored the water supply. Maintenance side, said the accident caused at least in recent tonnes of water loss. Lanzhou Veolia Water Group reminds the public: Household facilities on the well do not know, secretly go down not only the danger-prone and easily damaged wells, facilities, equipment damage if the family can find the property sector repair, and must not arbitrarily go down operations, so as not to harm harm have.
原文来自: http://www.google.com.hk/news

原文:Valve damage on household well water converged into river


是由 提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海依耐泵阀有限公司还生产 及三片式法兰球阀,主安全阀,外螺纹球阀,双杠杆安全阀,高压内螺纹球阀,欢迎您的选购。)


6月21日上午11时许,一住户私自进入城关区政务大厅前花园内的上水井,将水管阀门拧坏,导致自来水喷泻5小时,水漫过花园冲向老酒泉路,部分路段积水成“河”。 维修人员说,经了解,此次水井阀门损坏,是附近一名住户因自家用水设施损坏后,私自揭开上水井井盖,下井欲关掉自家供水阀门以备修理,孰料竟将上水井管道阀门损坏,造成此次事故发生。直到当日下午4时许,井内积水和回水才彻底抽完,维修人员将损坏的阀门更换后,该路段供水终于恢复。维修方称,此次事故至少造成近千吨自来水流失。兰州威立雅水务集团提醒市民:住户对井内设施不了解,私自下井不但易发险情,且容易损坏水井设施,如果家中设施损坏,可找物业部门修理,万不可擅自下井操作,以免害人害己。

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