Lingang New City on the 1st residential work - tailor-made “first ...

Key words: green east coast of Lianyuan City neighborhood planning BLOCK positioning the International Covenant on Civil Recently, a Hong Kong area, the city’s three-in-one integrated, ecological and modern Metro - Lingang New City is the beginning of the scale. This led to the advantages of the port industry Habitat prosperous market has been concerned about the regional effect. Today, the Lingang New City’s real estate development has entered a substantive stage, the Greenland Group in the Metro section the first to start the coastal real estate is not open after the green marketing success of Harbor City, Examination of water, and Xingyue Group, in the collection companies, Baoye Group, South Korea and other East and恩泰Co., the demand for Chinese and foreign enterprises have so green confidence.

Lingang New City as the first residential projects to start, green land located in the east coast of Lianyuan City Metro coastal core living circle, geographical location is extremely advantageous. Communities face total production of about 330,000 square meters, architectural style facade in order to build a simple German-style theme, follow the spirit to create new city district of Architecture and Landscape. Planning large-scale community-based theme of the collection business and commercial street, the owners to upgrade the comprehensive quality of daily life. Item of property types include gardens, villas Superposition, landscape of small high-rise apartments and youth, the promoter region of the villa with a superposition of two types of listed gardens.

the east coast of Greenland Lianyuan City project planning to a large extent by the Lingang New City Street area planning concept inspired by the project targeting the international community in Lingang the “first home.” It can be said that in order to block the planning BLOCK Binhai International German Garden community, through the B-Business (commercial), L-Liefallow (leisure), O-Open (open), C-Crowd (crowd), K-Kind (pro-and ) to support the five elements, and joined the native landscape garden to meet the consumer group on the request of Habitat Harmony, while Europe and the United States through the neighborhoods of the international mainstream of life lessons, but also from the spiritual heritage of the Shanghai culture of openness and integration magnanimity.




东海岸的格陵兰涟源市的项目规划,在很大程度上由临港新城大街区规划理念启发项目针对国际社会在临港的“{dy}家” 。可以说,为了阻挠该规划地块滨海国际的德国花园社区,通过在B -商务(商业) , L型Liefallow (休闲) , O型开放(公开)和C -人群(人群) ,钾实物(亲和) ,以支持五个要素,并加入了本地园林,以满足消费群体的要求,人居和谐,而欧洲和美国通过社区的国际主流的生活经验,但也从的精神遗产的上海文化的开放和一体化的宽宏大量。

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