首钢集团成功开发高速线材厂Φ15轴承钢« oursolo.net



Shougang Group to successfully develop high-speed wire rod factory Φ15 bearing steel

Recently, high-speed wire rod factory Shougang market and user demand, for the first time organizations Φ15 bearing steel pilot production work, a complete success. This will also enable Shougang boutique bar production line Product specifications reach 30.

good the specifications for the completion of the development of bearing steel production, the plant actively organize relevant technical staff to make preparations ahead of work, re-pass design, a new water craft to wear requirements and positions in advance of workers to organize technical training. At the same time, the plant also three regions by the regional chief and technical staff to carry out technical team myrmidon escort. In well-organized, successful completion of the first batch of 106 tons of steel bearings contract Φ15 mission and has been submitted to the user. (07-11-27)

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