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(2)继最初腐乳坯用盐水腌渍,叫“后发酵。”方法是先盐,用沸水煮辣椒,梁梁加入到米酒。罐,然后洗净,用沸水前,干xx。然后把空白的水平层次豆腐,每一个版本的一层,撒上胡椒盐。被放在的罩盖,放在温暖的地方(15摄氏度),因此再一次泡菜豆腐坯酒精。 10天左右,菌毛溶化,成为醇厚,美味自制腐乳。



{dy}豆腐,分为5厘米见方,1厘米厚的小,干净Longti排放削减旅行的纱布灰尘,({zh0}用干净的稻草)自然发酵覆盖层。当总统的黄色菌毛豆腐表面层,删除{dy}家葡萄酒(烹饪酒)在滚动一圈,然后盐\辣椒\,五香粉拌匀(穿上表面的一些辛辣食物辣椒)层下降(蘸厚一点),豆腐成一层一层的,清洁的祭坛,每一个版本的一层,撒上盐(一个小数目,或将要咸)。放在后,用干净的Bumeng吸引人的字符串,然后密封,在温暖的地方(15摄氏度)放置,以便再一次酒腌豆腐。 10天左右,菌毛溶化,成为醇厚,美味自制腐乳。

不好意思,有点多,但真诚地希望它能够帮助你… …

毛霉在较低温度下生长的要求,他们对16℃左右,最适生长温度一般只在冬季,根据毛霉腐乳生产的低温条件。传统工艺在空中毛霉,自然接种,培养使用,必须为10-15天(用于平房实行家庭)。也可以开发模具纯羊毛,人工接种,15 - 20℃,可培养2-3天。
介质马铃薯:马铃薯听净,去皮,切成小块的服用20克,加水,煮15-20分钟,纱布过滤器,过滤去渣取得的果汁,加水增加了100毫升,加入琼脂2克,沸点溶剂混合,并加入糖后的2G,分装在体外(试管安装容量的1 / 5的棉花塞浦路斯包扎,xx后标本),放入斜坡,接种毛霉(或根霉)15-20℃(根霉28-30℃)为3天,也就是xx在体外。
2瓶xx培养基:麸皮100克蛋白胨1克水100毫升,将蛋白胨溶于水,然后拌匀与麸皮到瓶,500毫升瓶50克的培训材料,与棉塞插头,后担任xxxx抖动松散热,冷却后接触到xx的体外小块,25 - 28℃培养,2 - 3菌丝后,是与大量的孢子覆盖备用天。
(二粉碎和骰子):蹲后在大脑中的豆腐片,黄浆水澄清。挤压在65-70%,水分含量适宜豆腐坯,厚度均匀,热压成型,入(4 × 4 × 1.6厘米的小件)晋级。
(1)接种:将已划进蒸笼竹格,或木框架底盘坯块豆腐,豆腐坯必须放在一边,使行间(约1厘米左右)的空间,以便通风热调节温度,有利于毛霉菌生长。添加每个瓶400毫升冷水种,使用竹枝,打破xx动摇了菌丝体,用纱布过滤,以400毫升冷水冲洗一次,加上残留过滤,滤液混合二,孢子悬浮液。可用于喷雾接种,也可豆腐浸泡杆菌空白,浸会立即删除,以防止水浸泡,钢坯的影响毛霉生长含水量增加。一般大豆100公斤的豆腐空白瓶接种2种液体,高温季节,可以添加在杆菌少许醋,使杆菌酸(PH4)抑制xx的生长。 ,成长良好的麸曲接种,低温干燥煤粉细筛与成粉,筛上的干粉豆腐坯,所需要的统一,每一方都一粉,接种的1%的重量的大豆数量。 (家庭作坊式的生产也可直接获得的头发与自然的空气xx和根霉菌接种,但要求有一个清洁,温度控制比较远的自然风貌和良好的培训室)。
(2)文化:文化板叠堆高,覆盖着一个空盘,用湿布水分,春天和秋天,周围一般为20℃,冬季48小时培养,室温保持在16℃,培养的72小时,夏季高温,室温30℃,培养30小时。 (如自然疫苗的使用,所需的时间较长,冬季约10-15天)终止发酵取决于毛霉旧的增长程度,通常用时产生多一点招标,发霉绿时,菌丝体长成白色棉花可以在这个时候,毛霉蛋白酶活性尚未达到蛋白质的分解峰不会太强烈,否则会导致豆腐破碎(因豆腐乳下旬,相对强)。预发酵红腐乳,应采取更老,淡黄色。
增长和发展的预毛霉发酵的变化大致可分为三个阶段:孢子萌发阶段,菌丝生长阶段,孢子的形成。 (注:当表面开始生长有豆腐坯菌丝后不久,一个豪华样菌丝,有必要把笼,一般为3次)
(3)腌空白:当菌丝开始,变黄,并有灰色,褐色孢子的形成,这是可以分散笼,窗通风,降温冷却鲜花,并停止霉变,促进毛霉产生后,年底前发酵蛋白酶,8 - 10小时,立即擦发咸。钢坯到酸洗过程中,首先按照相互离不开的菌丝体,和他的手擦到时候来包装的豆腐坯放入缸咸菜,低于20厘米的大桶底部约在一中孔辅助约15厘米直径圆木,将在董事会中粗糙沿筒壁的中心行的另一个紧,腌坯应注意间隙行,是不是菌丝长边,不下来,防止产品的变种。钢坯盐分层盐的方法,使用盐层增加,所涉及的{zh1}散射表面的盐层。每1000钢坯(4 × 4 × 1.6厘米),6公斤盐春季和秋季,冬季盐5.7公斤,夏季6.2公斤盐。坯料在冬季盐,约7天,5天左右春季和秋季,夏季约2天。盐空白12-14%,氯化钠含量要求,盐后,以契约钢坯3到4天,即,然后添加了空白面前,腌渍时间3-4天盐水,盐。腌制后的空白,打开底部开口,放出盐水放置过夜,使盐坯干燥收缩。
红腐乳汤:红曲3公斤,1.2公斤表面曲,12.5公斤米酒,浸泡2-3天,后粉碎成浆,加入五十七点八公斤米酒,糖,4公斤。序列加表面150克,荷叶1-2张,150克的盐盖,盖烧酒150克。 [红曲的过程:由于红曲的生产工艺十分复杂,不适合在家庭作坊式生产实行适当,一般可以在市场上这里将不详细讨论。 ]
制备成分:一种独特的混合辣酱油,包括香辣调味比例如下:1公斤,辣酱油,良姜0.20公斤,辣椒粉(辣椒粉要求不霉变优良,质量,上)0.50公斤,辣椒0.12混合公斤,0.04千克阵列皮革,肉桂0.04千克,0.03千克甘草,芝麻0.03千克(需要胡椒,接待皮革,桂皮,甘草昆联手后烘烤面粉),糖0.04千克(如汤使用的材料是一种辛辣的发酵豆腐汤党可不加),味精0.02公斤(如使用的是汤辣腐乳汤党可不增加)。混合所有这些成分混合在一起,加少许热油锅,可以白色,而且还可以被添加到许呼肮浆水空调。 ]
[注意:罐子在沸水xx后使用,以扣冷却到室温丽水,才可装现场。 ]
按部颁标准的Sb - 80“红腐乳质量标准”,SB76 - 80“白腐乳质量标准”,SB77 - 80“绿色豆腐的质量标准”和国家食品卫生标准GB2712 - 81“发酵酱油卫生标准。”
2,大肠菌群近似(1 / 100克)比30少微生物指标。

I ask how the made of fermented bean curd /

What time does the winter solstice? Bowl with the bowl or the bowl. Tofu cut into 5 cm square, 1 cm thick pieces, clean Longti trip on the emissions covered with a layer of gauze. This step is difficult ah?

homemade fermented bean curd
system of law:
(1) tofu, cut into 5 cm square, 1 cm thick pieces, clean Longti trip emissions on a layer of gauze covered with dust to natural fermentation. Usually at room temperature at 10 degrees Celsius, the required 15 days; room temperature at 20 degrees Celsius, the required 5 days, tofu out of the surface layer of yellowish, president of the fimbriae, a process called “initial fermentation.”
(2) Ji initial billet fermented bean curd pickled with salt water, called “post-fermentation.” Way is to first salt, pepper with boiling water to boil, Liang Liang added into the rice wine. Wash jars and then, scalded with boiling water before, dry. Then the tofu into the blank level by level, each release layer, sprinkle some pepper salt. Be put in, the cover cap, put warm place (15 degrees Celsius), so that once again made pickled tofu billet alcohol. 10 days or so, pili melt, become mellow and delicious homemade fermented bean curd.
features: salty, elimination incense, and delicious, delicious, can be used for seasoning.

to pay into the stinky bean, and add a little seasoning can啦

Sichuan tofu practices.

first tofu, cut into 5 cm square, 1 cm thick small, clean Longti trip emissions on a layer of gauze covered with dust, (better with a clean straw) to natural fermentation. To be president of a layer of yellow bean curd surface fimbriae, remove the first wine (cooking liquor) where rolling lap, and then salt \ pepper \ five-spice powder mix well (to put some pepper on the spicy food of the surface) layer dip (to dip a bit thicker), the bean curd into the level by level, clean the altar, each release layer, sprinkle some salt (a small amount, or will be salty). Be put in later, with a clean string Bumeng catchy then sealed, placed in warm place (15 degrees Celsius), so that once again made alcohol pickled tofu. 10 days or so, pili melt, become mellow and delicious homemade fermented bean curd.

embarrassed, a little more, but the sincere hope that it can help you … …

fermented bean curd making process
fermented bean curd (Soycheese) also known as fermented bean curd, is China’s well-known specialty of fermented foods, with more than thousand years of production history. Have different characteristics throughout the product, is a taste of delicious, unique flavor, nutrient-rich foods, mainly soybeans like material, after soaking, refining, the system blank, Pui fungus, pickled embryo, ingredients, equipment altar fermentation refined formed.
one type of
fermented bean curd according to production process, there are four types of fermented bean curd: ① ② preserved bean curd bean curd Rhizopus Mucor sufu ③ ④ bacteria fermented bean curd.
1, pickled bean curd: Tofu blanks after boiling water, salt curing, mounted the altar by adding accessories, fermented into a fermented bean curd. This processing method characterized by: Tofu blanks without fermentation (without pre-fermentation) directly mounted altar, post-fermentation, microbes rely on and bring in accessories and mature. The disadvantage is lack of protease, post-fermentation time length, amino acid content is low, poor color, the smell, such as the four Tang games fermented bean curd, fermented bean curd in Hunan Beardsley no mold.
2, Mucor sufu: The tofu billet train Mucor, saying that pre-fermentation, so that blank white mycelium covered the surface of bean curd to form tough film to accumulate protease, in order to install the altar preserved to create conditions for the latter part of fermentation.
Mucor growth requirements at lower temperatures, their optimum growth temperature of 16 ℃ or so, generally only in the winter under the conditions of low temperature production of Mucor sufu. Traditional process used in the air Mucor, natural vaccination, must be incubated for 10-15 days (for the family practiced on a cottage). Can also develop mold pure wool, artificial inoculation ,15-20 ℃ can be cultured in 2-3 days.
3, Rhizopus type of fermented bean curd: The high temperature of the root fungus, by pure bacteria culture, artificial inoculation, in the summer heat season is also able to produce fermented bean curd, but the thin silk Rhizopus vegetables, light gray, protease and peptidase activity is low, the production the fermented bean curd, its shape, color, flavor and physical and chemical quality not as good as Mucor sufu.
combining these strengths and weaknesses, through experiments, using mixed bacteria brewed fermented tofu, not only can increase its flavor. You can also reduce the amount of excipients in the white wine, reduce costs, improve economic efficiency, Mucor, and Rhizopus ratio of 7:3 is best.
2, bacteria culture method
1, test-tube slant inoculation medium: malt sugar 15g protein, 2g peptone water 1.5g agar can also be used 100mlPH6
medium potato: the potato to listen the net, peeled, cut into small slices that taking 20g, add water, boil 15-20 minutes, gauze filter, to filter residue obtained juice, add water added to 100ml, by adding agar 2g, boiling solvent mix well after adding glucose 2g, sub-loaded in vitro (test tube installed capacity of 1 / 5) stuffed with cotton Cyprus, bandaging, after sterilization, placed into the slope, vaccination Mucor (or Rhizopus) 15-20 ℃ (Rhizopus 28-30 ℃) for 3 days, that is, bacteria in vitro.
2, flask bacteria medium: bran 100g Peptone 1g water 100ml, will peptone soluble in water, then mix well with the bran, into the flask, 500ml flask 50g training materials, stuffed with cotton plugs, eliminate Serve hot after bacteria shake loose, after cooling access to a small piece of bacteria in vitro ,25-28 ℃ cultured ,2-3 days after the mycelium is covered with a large number of spores spare.
[used equipment: high-temperature sterilization pot Woon Incubator Clean Bench ... Sterilization conditions: use of high-pressure sterilization pot, 0.1Mpa sterilization 45-60 minutes]
3, sufu fermentation process
billet production of pre-fermented tofu → → → post-fermentation equipment altar (or bottled) → billet production of finished
tofu: Tofu blank system of good quality, the foundation is to improve the fermented bean curd, tofu billet production and the same as ordinary as tofu, but point to brine Some slightly older, squeezing the time longer, tofu billet lower water content.
tofu production of billet is divided into: soaked beans, refining, residues, point pulp, squatting brain, press forming, cuts and other processes.
(1) soybeans, soaking: soak beans water temperature, time, water quality will affect the three foam quality beans. Foam bean water temperature to below 25 ℃, the temperature is too high, so easy to change the water soak beans acid, extracted soy protein negative, summer temperatures are high, changing the water several times to reduce the temperature.
(b) of the crush and dice: squatting in the brain after the bean curd sink, yellow jiangshui clarification. Squeeze the tofu in the 65-70% moisture content suitable billet, thickness uniformity, press molding, cut into (4 × 4 × 1.6 cm) in small pieces.
pre-fermentation: the process of pre-fermentation is a moldy, or tofu billet Mucor or Rhizopus culture process, fermentation of the result is tofu covered with mycelium blank to form a soft, delicate and tough film and accumulated a large number of protease, in order to In the latter part of fermentation will be slowly hydrolyzed proteins, in addition to an excellent selection of bacteria, but also control the growth pattern of Mucor, control culture temperature, humidity and time conditions.
(a) vaccination: will have been designated billet block of tofu into the steamer bamboo lattice, or wooden frame chassis, tofu billet must be placed side, leaving space between the lines (about 1 cm or so), so that ventilation heat and regulate temperature, there is conducive to mold growth of hair. Add cold water species of each flask 400ml, use bamboo sticks to break the mycelium fully shaken, with gauze filtration, residues coupled with 400ml cold water washing once, filtering, mixing the two filtrate, made of spore suspension. Can be used spray inoculation, tofu can also be blank dipping bacilli, the Baptist immediately removed to prevent the water immersion billet, the increased water content of affect the growth of Mucor. General 100 kg of soybean tofu blank flask inoculated two seed liquid, high-temperature season, can add a little vinegar in the bacilli, so that bacilli sour (PH4) inhibit the growth of bacteria. Or to grow a good bran koji inoculation, low-temperature drying pulverized into a powder with a fine sieve to sieve on the tofu dry powder billet, the required uniform, each side has a powder, inoculation volume of 1% of the weight of soybean. (Family workshop-style production can also direct access to the air in the hair with natural mold fungi and root inoculation, but asked to have a clean, temperature controlled comparison Yuan natural setting and good training room).
(2) culture: The culture plate piled high stacked, covered with an empty plate, surrounded with a damp cloth moisture, spring and fall generally around 20 ℃, and cultured for 48 hours in winter to keep at room temperature 16 ℃, cultured for 72 hours, summer high temperature at room temperature 30 ℃, cultured 30 hours. (Such as the use of natural vaccination, the required time longer, winter is about 10-15 days) fermentation of the termination depends on the extent of old growth Mucor, are generally produced when the moldy green with a little more tender, when mycelia grow into a white cotton wool can at this time, Mucor protease activity has not yet reached the peak of protein decomposition would not be too strong, otherwise it will lead to tofu broken (due to the latter part of fermented tofu, relatively strong). Pre-fermented red bean curd should be a little old and more, pale yellow color.
changes in growth and development of pre-fermentation of Mucor be roughly divided into three stages: the spore germination stage, the mycelium growth stage, the spore formation. (Note: When the surface begins to grow there is tofu billet hyphae later, long after a plush-like hyphae, it is necessary to turn the cage, generally around three times)
(3) pickled blank: When the mycelium has begun to turn yellow , and a large gray-brown spore formation, which is can be scattered cage, window ventilation, cooling cool flowers, and stop mildew, promote Mucor produce protease ,8-10 hours after the end of the pre-fermentation, immediately rub hair salted. Billet into the pickle process, first in accordance with the mycelium separated from each other, and wiping his hand when the time to wrap tofu billet placed in the pickle vat, vat below 20 cm from the Bottom of about a hole in the middle of an auxiliary about 15 cm in diameter round wood, will be rough on the board, along the cylinder wall to the center row to another row of tight, pickled billet should pay attention to the sidelines is not a long side of hyphae, not down, to prevent the product variants. Billet salt stratified salt method, using salt layer increased and covered the last scattering surface layer of salt. Per 1000 billet (4 × 4 × 1.6 cm) 6 kg salt spring and autumn, winter salt 5.7 kg, 6.2 kg salt in summer. Billet salt in winter time, about 7 days, spring and fall by about 5 days, summer is about 2 days. Salt content of 12-14 blank asked NaCl%, salt 3 to 4 days after the billet to compacts, that is, then add salt water, salt over blank face, pickled time of 3-4 days. After pickled blank, open the Bottom openings and emit brine overnight placement, so Salt billet dry shrinkage.
post-post-fermentation is the use of fermented bean curd
blanks on the growth of microorganisms Mucor, as well as the role of various ingredients to make bean curd maturity, the formation of color, smell, taste process, including installation altar, clyster, storage and other processes.
(a) remove the salt-loaded altar billet, salt water is draining, points into the altar, the equipment can not be too tight when, after to avoid affecting the latter part of fermentation, the fermentation is not complete, the middle of the sandwich would be salt and billet priority, hand - and compacted layer by adding ingredients, such as the little red yeast, flour music, red pepper powder, filled with poured into the soup after.
(b) the ingredients clyster with a good soup poured into the altar or on the bottle, filling materials, as you need the number of species is, but should not be too full, so as to avoid fermentation soup pouring altar or bottles.
[Preparation of fermented bean curd soup, because the different ingredients to form a variety of fermented bean curd and flavor varieties.
red fermented bean curd soup: Monascus 3 kg, 1.2 kg surface Qu, 12.5 kg rice wine, soak 2-3 days, after the pulverized into a slurry by adding 57.8 kg rice wine, sugar, 4 kg. Sequence plus surface 150g, lotus leaf 1-2 sheets, the cover of salt 150g, the cover shochu 150g. [Red koji making process: Because red yeast production process very complicated and not suitable for family practiced on a cottage, generally available in the market here will not be discussed in detail. ]
Green Party fermented bean curd soup: cold water 450g, yellow serofluid 75g, and then spent brine and the brine make up hair, the use concentration of about 8% cover of each altar shochu 50g.
Belarus fermented bean curd soup: with 16% of the saline preparation of rice as a soup with 12 degrees (the consumption of alcohol is generally 2-4%) in the high season, temperatures can also add a little yellow serofluid to increase the flavor.
spicy fermented bean curd soup side: a 1000 with the 46-degree shochu 9 kg, 0.9 kg chilli powder is about 12 degrees liqueur 10 kg or so, red yeast 1 kg is about 1.2 kg of sugar, monosodium glutamate 10g.
Preparation of ingredients: A unique blend of spicy sauces, including spicy seasoning mix ratio as follows: 1 kg mixed in spicy sauce, galanga 0.20 kg, chili powder (chili powder require fine without mildew, quality, upper) 0.50 kg, pepper 0.12 kg, 0.04 kg array leather, cinnamon 0.04 kg, 0.03 kg licorice, sesame 0.03 kg (requires pepper, Front leather, cinnamon, licorice-kun joined together after baking flour), sugar 0.04 kg (as used in soup material is a spicy fermented bean curd soup party may from time to increase), monosodium glutamate 0.02 kg (as used in soup is a spicy fermented bean curd soup party may from time to increase). Mix all these ingredients mixed together, add a little hot boiling oil can be white, but als…

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