Engineers at the Kennedy Space Center are gearing up to start the shuttle Endeavour's countdown this evening at 8 p.m., setting the stage for launch on a space station assembly mission at 6:36:36 p.m. Wednesday. Forecasters are predicting a 70 percent chance of good weather Wednesday and Thursday, improving to 80 percent "go" on Friday.
"All our systems are in very good shape right now," said NASA Test Director Steve Payne. "Countdown work is on schedule and we have no issues
to report. The team is ready, Endeavour's ready and we're looking forward to Wednesday's launch and a safe and successful mission."
Commander Scott Kelly, pilot Charles Hobaugh, Tracy Caldwell, Rick Mastracchio, Dave Williams, educator-astronaut Barbara Morgan and Al Drew flew to the Florida spaceport Friday.
They originally hoped to take off Tuesday evening, but last week NASA managers delayed the flight one day because of time lost replacing a valve in the shuttle's crew module. Located behind the orbiter's toilet, the positive pressure relief valve failed a pressure test and engineers opted to replace it with a valve borrowed from the shuttle Atlantis.
"We found a little tiny piece of debris in the sealing surface, which was causing that slight leak rate," Payne said today. "Once we removed it and retested the valve, it was tight as can be. So there's nothing wrong systemically with any of the valves.
"We did borrow one from OV-104, from Atlantis, and
we put it in there and we just finished a leak check, I believe early this morning, and it's very, very tight. So we're good to go as far as valves and we're not concerned about anything system wide."
Shuttle weather officer Kathy Winters said she
expects a 70 percent chance of good weather Wednesday, with the only concern being a chance of isolated showers and electrically active anvil clouds moving into the launch area. Two of NASA's three European emergency runways are forecast "go," as is Edwards Air Force Base in California's Mojave Desert.
The outlook is much the same Thursday, still 70 percent go with less chance of anvil clouds, and by Friday, Winters said drier air is expected, prompting an 80 percent go forecast.
"The weather looks good overall," Winters said.
Endeavour has enough on-board liquid hydrogen and oxygen for it's three electricity producing fuel cells to make four launch attempts in five days. If the shuttle isn't off the ground by then, the team would stand down for 48 hours to top off fuel cell supplies before making additional attempts.
A detailed countdown timeline, along with NASA's television schedule (revision A), a launch windows chart and the latest version of the crew's flight plan are available here.
原文来自: http://www.spaceflightnow.com/shuttle/sts118/070805csb/
With new valve tested, countdown set to begin;是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海赛泰泵阀有限公司还生产
“我们所有的系统是非常良好的状态,现在,说:”美国宇航局测试主管史蒂夫佩恩。 “xxx工作正按计划进行,我们没有任何问题报告。团队准备,奋进的准备,我们期待着周三的发射和安全,成功的使命。”
“我们发现一小片小碎片在密封面,结果造成了轻微的泄漏率,”佩恩说。 “一旦我们删除,并重新测试阀,这是紧张的,可以。所以没有关系的阀门任何错误的全身。
“我们没有借过压1 - 104,由亚特兰蒂斯,我们把在那里,我们只是完成了泄漏检查,我相信今天凌晨,它和它非常,非常紧张。所以我们好去尽可能阀门,我们还没有任何事情全系统有关。“