什么是新型的压力自平稳截止阀- 中国控制阀网- 博客大巴
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    新型的压力自平稳截止阀广泛用于石油化工、油田、冶金和热电厂等压力管道,用于高、中压管道更具有明显的优越性。该阀的结构设计上xxxx了管道内介质压力对阀门工作的影响,使启闭件上承受的介质压力始终处于自平衡姿态。新型的压力自平稳截止阀的主要特点如下: 1. 该产品的操作力矩仅为传统截止阀的1/10,无需外加力臂就能轻松地启闭阀门,不仅阀门的密封面不易磨损,而且不会造成对阀门中法兰的密封垫片和连结件的塑性变形,大大减少了内漏,延长了中法兰静密封的使用寿命,同时还节省了大量的阀门驱动装置,降低了阀门成本。 2. 对于相同规格\不同公称压力的阀门,其手轮阀杆和填料环等零件的尺寸可以互换,既节省材料,又为该产品系列化生产创造了有利条件。该阀改变了目前国内仅能生产规格DN≤100mm高压截止阀的状况,可满足工业生产,尤其是热电厂、油田等方面对更大口径高压截止阀的需要。该阀的主要技术指标如下:公称通径DN50˜400mm,公称压力PN2.5˜32.0Mpa;适用介质为水、蒸汽、油及其它腐蚀性介质;适用温度≤450℃;操作力矩(以DN100mm,PN16.0Mpa为例)120Nm9 传统产品为120Nm。

    “ What is the new pressure from a smooth cut-off valve ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国截止阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。



    The new pressure from a smooth cut-off valves are widely used in petrochemical, oil, metallurgical and thermal power plant such as pressure pipe, for high, medium pressure pipes are more obvious superiority. The valve on the complete elimination of the structural design of the pipeline work within the media, the impact of pressure on the valve, so that open and close pieces of the medium pressure to bear always in self-balance posture. The new pressure from a smooth cut-off valve of the main features are as follows: 1. The product of the operation of torque is only the traditional cut-off valve 1 / 10, without external lever makes it easy to open and close the valve, the valve sealing surface is not only easy to wear, and will not result in the valve flange sealing gasket and links pieces of plastic deformation, greatly reducing the internal leakage, extended the life of static sealing in flange, but also save a lot of valve drive, reducing the cost of the valve. 2. For the same size \ different nominal pressure of the valve, the hand wheel \ stem and the packing ring the size of interchangeable parts, both to save material, but also for the product has created favorable conditions for series production. The valve has changed only the current domestic production specifications DN ≤ 100mm high-pressure cut-off valve of the situation, can meet industrial production, particularly in thermal power plants, oil fields in terms of larger-aperture high-pressure cut-off valve needs. The main technical indicators of the valve are as follows: Nominal diameter DN50 ˜ 400mm, nominal pressure PN2.5 ˜ 32.0Mpa; applicable to medium is water, steam, oil and other corrosive media; suitable temperature ≤ 450 ℃; operating torque (in DN100mm, PN16.0Mpa, for example) 120Nm9 traditional products 120Nm.


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