在抽油烟机油脂如何洗啊? « City life wiki 城市百科




2。洗涤剂,醋浸泡的方法。从水泵叶轮表面除去的烟雾,浸泡在3 — 5滴洗洁精和50在一个温暖的一盆水混合醋毫升,浸泡10 - 20分钟,然后擦洗干净抹布。壳牌公司和其他部分地区也受到清洗与此解决方案。这种对人的皮肤不损坏设备的方法是不受腐蚀,清洗表面仍然是原来的光泽。





On the range hood grease how wash ah?

grease on range hoods are too poor to fight the whole, and every time I get on with a steel cleaning agent to wipe cloth, but Cawan steel cloth because of dirty wash they clean and rejection , and so good to waste Oh! Do not know if there any other good solutions?

three kinds of simple cleaning method:

1. pressure cooker steam washing. The pressure cooker in cold water Shaofei after they have been emitted when the steam pressure to take lower valve, open the cooker hoods steam water column alignment rotating blades, due to high water vapor continuously into the blades and other components, oil and water will be the Methodist into the oil cup, until there is no oil until the oil cup.

2. detergent, vinegar soak method. Fumes from the pump impeller surface removed, soaked in with 3 — 5 drops of detergent and 50 ml of vinegar mixed in a basin of warm water, soak 10 - 20 minutes, then scrub clean rag. Shell and other parts are also cleaned with this solution. This method on human skin without damage to the device is free from corrosion, clean the surface remains the original luster.

3. soap smear method. Will be made of soap paste, then spread onto the surface of the impeller and other components, range hoods used for some time, remove the impeller and other devices, using a rub rag, oil on out.

simple way to the surface of adhesive layer in the smoke machine insurance, film, use a period of time after the film changed the line of insurance. Previously used and specifications of the insurance film are not exactly come in handy.

in the smoke machine outside a layer of cling film paste, so that would tear up the dirty, do not wash. Like watching TV shopping there is a spray and it’s protective film can be formed of the spray, you can go to inquire about.

go to the supermarket to buy a bottle of special cleaning agent fumes, also 10 bar a few dollars, sprayed on the surface or with a cloth dipped in very easy after the wipe. Bottle of a number of times it can be.05-11-16

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