沪江博客- chrysoidine的博客

其实我只想翻译一句:我用鼠标比用键盘用的多。一开始我翻译的是 I use the mouse more (frequently) than I use the keyboard. 后来根据下面的内容,看起来可不可以翻译成 I use the mouse more than the keyboard.但这样貌似觉得像键盘在用鼠标,但如果是键盘在用鼠标应该是 I use the mouse more than the keyboard does. 嗯,搞清楚了,所以说法2是可行的,mouse和keyboard共同使用主谓 I use.



1.比较级通常由 “形容词(副词)比较级+than+…” 构成,表示在两者中间一方比另一方“更加……”。连词than后可接句子,也可接名词、代词、名词短语、介词短语、动词、动词不定式、-ing结构和-ed结构,有时也可省去than。如:

Mary is happier than Jane.  玛丽比珍妮幸福。(形容词和系词连用)

He lives more happily than I. 他过得比我幸福。(副词修饰行为动词)



The purpose of the research had a more important meaning for them than it did for us.

Sound travels faster through water than through air.


3. 比较级前还可用much, even, still, a little等词语来修饰,表示“……得多”,“甚至……”, “更……”,“……一些”等意思。如:

Japan is a little larger than Germany. 日本比德国大一点儿。

用“…times + 形容词的比较级 + than…”句式表示倍数;用“表示数量的词 + 比较级”来表示具体的比较差别。如:

Our room is twice larger than theirs. 我们的房间比他们的大两倍。

He is a head taller than I. 他比我高一头。  




Are you feeling better now?  你现在感觉好些了吗?


prior to 较早的,较重要的

superior to优越,高于

inferior to 下等的,次的

senior to 年长的,地位高的

junior to年幼的,地位低的,迟的

preferable to 更好的

  The task is prior to all others. 这项任务比其他所有的任务都重要。

In maths he felt superior to John. 他觉得自己数学比约翰强。

He is two years senior to me. 他比我大两岁。

Health without riches is preferable to riches without health. 贫穷但健康要比富有却多病更可取。



1.{zgj}用于三者以上比较,形容词的结构形式是“定冠词+形容词{zgj}+名词+表示范围的短语或从句” (如of all, of the three, in the world, that has ever taken place等)。如:

Of all of the writers in England, William Shakespeare is the most widely known.


He runs fastest of the three. 三个人中他跑得最快。



He is the tallest of the four boys. ( He 与boy属同类)

He is the tallest in our class. ( He与 class不属同类) 



She is the best student in her class.

She is better than any other student in her class.

No other student in her class is better than she.

No other student in her class is as good as she.

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