5dTw《护肝宝胶囊》临床应用."Hugan Capsule&quo_Cancer and ...

> > 5dTw《护肝宝胶囊》临床应用."Hugan Capsule&quo

我汇报的题目是《护肝宝胶囊》的临床应用及药理、药效、功能的临床体会,肝胆疾病的发生、起因。传统医学认为肝主疏泄、喜条达,如长期抑郁、郁怒、肝阳上亢、肝肾阴虚,皆可导致肝炎,肝郁气滞,9dTq昆明门禁 考勤 门禁考勤机 指纹考勤 门禁系统 指纹门禁 门禁,甚至乙肝→肝硬化→肝腹水→肝癌。
1、 抗氧化、抗衰老、抗自由基的作用。
2、 修复受损细胞,修复受损器官,增加人体器官功能
3、 保护强化肝脏及其他内分泌功能
4、 增强免疫功能
5、 抑制癌细胞、防止癌变、复发或扩散,甘遂二丑、附子肉桂具
"Hugan Capsule" is the only company to employ such experts and scholars Zhang Gambling ancient secret recipe, combining ancestral集藏BY, Miao, Han Chinese medicine all in one, over a hundred species in a treatment prescription liver disease, more than 200 kinds of herbal medicine, integrated election to election drugs, application of modern scientific and technological means, extraction, refining, research has become the treatment of liver and gallbladder diseases, drugs, in clinical applications, won the overwhelming majority of patients with a recognized, such as drug supply the domestic market and exported to Japan, South Korea, the Middle East eight countries serving patients both a sense of efficacy after the extraordinary, the saint known as the Oriental liver disease drug.
Now I am from the use of Chinese medicine treatment of liver and gallbladder disease, prognosis, etc. to you experts, friends, make the following report
I report is entitled "Hugan Capsule" Clinical Application and pharmacology, efficacy, clinical experience function, liver and gallbladder diseases, causes. Traditional medicine that the liver疏泄, hi article Tatsu, such as long-term depression,郁怒, hyperactivity, liver kidney-yin deficiency, can lead to hepatitis, liver depression qi stagnation, or even hepatitis B cirrhosis → → → liver liver ascites cancer.
Modern medicine is liver disease caused by a variety of viral liver inflammation, hepatitis B study of an important breakthrough in the 1965 to 1970 before they know it is a complete hepatitis B virus particles, developed in 1971 blood small particles of hepatitis B vaccine is widely used in high-risk groups, children and mother to child transmission block, in the prevention achieved good results, but have患乙肝patients still do not have a complete system.
Hepatitis A is the pathogen was confirmed in 1973, and its route of transmission of fecal - oral means, mainly due to food and water source pollution was caused by hepatitis A virus epidemic.
Hepatitis D is found in 1977, since its pathogenesis is not clear, the lack of effective prevention and treatment.
Hepatitis C was identified in 1989, due to hepatitis C virus after blood transfusion non-A - the main source of non-B precursor, the main reason for post-transfusion hepatitis, chronic hepatitis C tend to, and may be associated with the occurrence of liver cancer related to liver disease research for the current hot topic, there is no defined treatment.
Hepatitis E is the incoming 1986-1988 China's mode of transmission of this disease and hepatitis, but a higher mortality rate than hepatitis A, especially pregnant women, patients die higher, there is no specific drug available.
Cirrhosis is a common disease worldwide, the disease is caused by a variety of reasons a chronic, progressive, diffuse liver disease,有机玻璃制品, pathogenic factor in the repeated or continuing role, the liver cells showed diffuse degeneration and necrosis , apoptosis, remnant liver regeneration, the formation of regeneration nodules, diffuse connective tissue hyperplasia, the formation of the fiber is separated from the ultimate destruction of肝小叶structures and replace them with tuberous sclerosis or false lobules characterized by pathological changes, clinical manifestations liver dysfunction and portal hypertension.
To sum up the formation of the liver no effects of the rule, we are now developing the "Hugan Capsule" for liver-hi article Tatsu, the main疏泄nature, the rationale for the whole body Qi Shu, activating blood stasis, improve body immunity, in order to achieve the purpose of the treatment of various diseases.
"Hugan Capsule" the main component
Crocus sativus, Phyllanthus emblica, Cordyceps sinensis, Phi Thai, turquoise, coral, musk, saiga horn, Aquilaria, Dalbergia widely Muxiang, clove, nutmeg, cloves, Hedyotis Terrier umbrella, boat甘遂II Aconitine ugly, etc. ( ) the composition of medicines. Fangyi analysis, the side by the () species growing in the more than 3000 meters above sea level pure natural green herbal composition, the main effects, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, Jianpi strong stomach, clearing away heat and toxic, Ruanjian Sanjie. Huoxuehuayu, uphold, are widely used in the treatment of various types of hepatitis, liver depression and blood stasis liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreatic diseases, especially of liver cirrhosis, liver ascites of patients with a clear emphasis on efficacy, it is clinically favored by patients.
Fang Xie
Crocetin: huoxuehuayu, into the heart and liver by, Buxue Huoxue, Quyu Rougan, cooling blood detoxification, the justifications for gas pain relief, the liver-hi article Tatsu loss of gas due to liver depression疏泄,气郁a long period of time of the fire, gas stagnation and blood stasis caused by the disease will not work, mental depression,纳呆heating, chest tightness, abdominal distension, good太息, or vomiting, bowel disorders, women's irregular menstruation, pulse string, the main air-and-run ease Yangxue liver, Sheng Jin Runzao Liqi Jieyu.
Musk: The main result of emotional depression, eating liver and spleen due to internal damage to organs estranged, gas anesthesia machine, blood stasis inside the stop, plot the course of time gradually from the spirit of depression, liver depression, blood loss in the Chong and Ren flow caused by disease, able to qi meridian, due to gas line blood line, it can be cured of气滞血瘀Zhengjia.
Cordyceps: 1. An inhibitory role in cell division and cancer.
2. Its body, mycelia suppress T cell-mediated role of Pai.
3. With non-specific immune response so as to enhance anti-cancer ability of the body.
Saiga horn: Main Xiexin irascibility. Heart-Lung-ching, head and opens into the possession of blood, for the top grade flame Pinggan liver Kang materials, inadequate or肝阴emotions long-term depression is not Shu疏泄irritated due to the liver, liver depression, Yu-long consumption of dark liver fire yin, yang fire wind action due to the disturbance-ching dizzy eyes, and even hurt the liver and suppression of the disease.
Turquoise, coral: traditional Tibetan medicine are in strict accordance with the formula concocted by technology, medicine, after detoxification with Qinggan Jiedu Mingmu Tongmai Zhuyu, Kiyotoshi hepatobiliary heat of Pinggan Qianyang, Fuzheng to the role of evil so as to achieve enhanced regulation of the body immunization and antiviral activity.
Phyllanthi:味酸can float up the convergence of yang, acid can Ruanjian Sanjie, which is conducive to soften the liver and spleen retraction played prevention and treatment of cirrhosis, splenomegaly role.
Sinensis, Dalbergia widely Muxiang, boat Aconitum:
With clearance in liver and gallbladder damp-heat diarrhea Liqi Huoxue,散瘀heat the role of blood-money, head Kimotsuki wood, wood fire, the fire will burn-off of body fluid, Jin Zhuo for sputum, uplink clearance are blinded eyes.
Cloves, meat豆寇: aromatic scent with huoxuehuayu, Ruanjian Sanjie, the more the role of ulcers, it can be used for various types of hepatitis and liver cirrhosis due to recurrent liver necrosis hepatosplenomegaly of swelling of the liver, can improve the microcirculation, so that the entire liver cells to restore liver function.
Phi Thai: scientific name of "meat lucidum" legends of the Qin Shi Huang Xu sent abroad looking for "longevity"仙药, find back仙药"meat lucidum" Phi Thai scientists carried out an analysis of medicinal value of the outcome. Ganoderma lucidum has developed the meat inside is rich in nucleic acids, chitin, Valley PHGSH
Acetylcholine, yellow the type of material, a variety of amino acids, mainly Koji:
1, anti-oxidation, anti-aging, anti-free radical effect.
2, repair damaged cells, repair damaged organs, increase in human organs function
3, protection to strengthen the liver and other endocrine function
4, enhanced immune function
5, inhibition of cancer cells to prevent cancer recurrence or spread of甘遂b ugly, cinnamon with Aconite
There Onyang奇效by water.
All drugs combined, played to enhance the body immunity, clearing away heat and toxic treatment of various types of liver disease, Ruanjian Sanjie, dehumidification and rule Jianpi cirrhosis, splenomegaly, liver ascites; promoting blood circulation, removing toxins organs to achieve the occurrence of liver cancer prevention and treatment, prevention and treatment so as to achieve its purpose.
Clinical data.

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