霓虹灯干扰大脑神秘的电磁辐射« oursolo.net






























Neon lights interfere with the brain mysterious electromagnetic radiation exposure

Neon lights interfere with the brain! Large mysterious electromagnetic radiation exposure

rapid development of science and technology to bring all sorts of convenience in our lives, but also may bring some hidden damage. When we use the computer, listening to MP3, watch TV, then playing phone, the electromagnetic radiation would be haunting. To get along with too much time, it is possible for us against physical health.

not just mobile phones, computers, home appliances and other electronic equipment, and even the neon lights may be issued by interference signals, the brain is abnormal peak may not rest, resulting in headaches, mental tension and stress symptoms, which arise because of electronic products excessive electromagnetic radiation on human health impact, it was also called “e-patients.”


What is electromagnetic radiation?

surrounding any charged body there is the electric field, periodic changes in the electric field will result in periodic changes in the magnetic field, on the existence of electromagnetic waves to produce electromagnetic radiation, excessive levels of electromagnetic radiation caused by electromagnetic pollution. Some transmission equipment, microwave equipment, household appliances, modern office equipment, high-voltage transmission and distribution systems, are likely caused by electromagnetic pollution. Divided by the frequency of electromagnetic waves: long wave, medium wave, shortwave, FM and microwave. In general, long-wave impact on the human body is weak, the shorter the wavelength the higher the frequency, the greater the impact on the human body, the impact of the most prominent microwave.

color TV, home computer belonging to electromagnetic waves emitted by ultrashort wave, microwave ovens, mobile phones and other communications during the launch in the use of electromagnetic waves are microwave areas.

radiation into the quality of computer隐疾electromagnetic radiation into a new source of pollution


radiation into the quality of computer隐疾

by AQSIQ latest computer National Product Quality Inspection results show that the current domestic market of computer products in the computing speed, multimedia functionality and hardware support have a greater respect than ever improve, but some enterprises, the level of product quality not stable enough. Number of Electromagnetic Compatibility Product Radiation harassment, harassment conduction indicators exceeded.

radiation computer harassment are working to launch a space electromagnetic interference, such interference would affect the other electrical appliances, especially high sensitivity of the normal electrical work; conduction of harassment will be affected in the same electrical power grid with other normal work, such as the composition of whole system motherboards, display cards, switching power supply, display, keyboard, mouse, and so on, if the purchase will not cause excessive radiation harassment.

sources of electromagnetic radiation into a new

medical research shows that long-term, excessive levels of electromagnetic radiation on human health damage caused by eyesight, memory decline in such phenomena happen. Electromagnetic radiation has been classified as World Health Organization following the water, air, noise environment after the fourth-largest source of pollution has become an element of human health hazards.

to our most frequently in touch with computer use as an example, computer terminals are CRT monitors, it’s the same principle and TV, when the cathode-ray tube emits electronic flow impact in the screen, they can transformed into visible light, in the process will produce harmful X-ray. But also in the VDT would also produce low-frequency electromagnetic fields around a long time by the electromagnetic radiation pollution, affect people’s health.

10 item anti-electromagnetic radiation techniques specific measures


10 item anti-electromagnetic radiation computer skills

for electromagnetic radiation hazards, the current can be taken Active protection and passive protection in two ways. Passive Protection Act, that is, apart from improving the working environment and pay attention to the use of methods, taken to the frequent contacts and operation of computer staffing radiation suit, radiation protection screen, radiation protection curtains, radiation-proof glass and other measures to reduce or eliminate electromagnetic radiation injury; Active Protection Act, it is electromagnetic radiation from the computer, “the source” - such as monitors and chassis components to gain the upper hand, to eliminate or shielding.

In addition, for most people, except to face the computer every day but also a lot of electronic equipment and contact. For their own health, for those products produced by electromagnetic radiation is also necessary to actively guard against. You recommend the following for the 10 “all-around” technique, to prevent electromagnetic radiation.

skills specific measures

less moment all kinds of household appliances, office equipment, mobile phones and so on should also try to avoid prolonged operation.

Do not let electrical household appliances扎堆not to place too concentrated or frequently used together, especially television, computers, refrigerators should not focus on display in the bedroom. So as not to expose themselves to super-dose radiation risk.

Do not stay behind in the computer the location of computer is very important. Do not let the screen as far as possible toward the back of someone’s place, because most computer radiation are back, followed by the right and left sides, the front screen instead of the weakest radiation.

离远some use of various electrical appliances should be maintained at a certain safe distance. Eyes such as the distance from the TV screen, the screen width is generally around 5 times; microwave turned to leave one meters away, pregnant women and children should be kept away from the microwave oven; phones, when used, should be enabled head distance and cell phone antenna far-sighted, it is best to use headphones and microphone separation calls.

get bottles of water absorption of electromagnetic waves interior to maintain a good working environment, such as a comfortable temperature, clean air, a suitable anion concentration and ozone concentration. Because water is the best medium to absorb electromagnetic wave, the computer can take many bottles of water surrounding. However, it must be plastic bottles and glass bottles are the do, absolutely should not use metal cup water.

reduce standby when electrical suspended, it is best to not let their time (an hour and above) in a standby state, because at this time, produce more weak electromagnetic fields, radiation will also have accumulated a long time. Wash your hands promptly wash

computer screen there is a substantial electrostatic surface, and its accumulation of dust can be re-reach the face and hands exposed skin, the time, prone to rash, pigmentation, or more seriously, can cause skin lesions, such as. Therefore, in the use of hand-washing after washing should be timely. eat eat

the nutritional supplements many computer operators should eat carrots, cabbage, bean sprouts, tofu, red dates, oranges, as well as milk, eggs, animal liver, lean meat and other food to supplement the human body vitamin A and protein. Also many drinking water, tea in the tea polyphenol, such as active substance to be beneficial to the absorption and resistance to radioactive substances.

impatient then phone other phone connected to the moment and when the call charge, the release of electromagnetic radiation the most, it would have been preferable had the phone ring for 12 seconds after the call. Charge when not receive calls. wear protective clothing

live, work in high-tension line, radar, television, electromagnetic wave transmission tower near the people who wear a pacemaker patients and people living in the modernization of electrical automation environment, especially those resistant to more weak pregnant women, children, the elderly and so on, conditional block should be equipped with electromagnetic radiation shielding protective clothing. (07-12-3)

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