According to, merchant services enables to process credit card payments from your customers. It's a special account tied to a credit card processor that works with your customer's bank to help route payments into the bank account. All small businesses require some form of payment processing. Understanding how to select merchant services can impact your sales revenue and profit. One method is to outsource merchant services to a third party. The third party collects your customers data and does all the work to process payments for your small business. Another way to collect credit card payments on the web is called deferred payment processing. The customer inputs all data and you receive the data manually. With deferred processing, the data does not go through the gateway. One advantage to deferred processing is the ability to inspect all orders and correct them. Deferred payment processing can be time-consuming especially if you have hundreds of orders per day. Finding the best merchant service option can be overwhelming. Review your options and make the decision based on what your customers would prefer and your Small business can afford.
As per,an internet merchant account will have three types of costs
1. Up Front Application Fees 2. On Going Fixed Fee 3. Discount Rate 4. Fixed Transaction Fee 5. Termination Fees 6. Miscellaneous Fees
Up Front Application Fees: Many internet merchant accounts will require an up front application fee. This fee, supposedly, is to cover their costs for processing your application. In case you choose not to open an internet merchant account, they still cover their initial costs.
On Going Fixed Fee: Most all internet merchant services provider require a monthly fixed fee or "statement fee" as it is commonly named, which is simply another way to cover their costs and make money. You will be hard pressed to find a provider that does not require this type of fee on a monthly basis.
Discount Rate: Usually, the discount rate will be between 2 and 4 percent. The discount rate is the sales commission the provider earns on each sale. For example, if the discount rate offered is 3%, and you receive a sale over your web site for $20, you will owe 60 cents to your internet merchant provider.
Fixed Transaction Fee: Usually between $0.20 and $0.30, the fixed transaction fee is the fixed fee portion of each sale. Unlike the discount rate, the fixed transaction fee is the same for every transaction.
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