福州出售的铅晶电池,可使用5年« oursolo.net




Fuzhou, the sale of lead-crystal battery, can be used 5 years

Electric car body parts which the most “money-burning”? Batteries! Fuzhou recent emergence of a market and non-polluting battery longevity, the material known as lead crystal battery life of up to 5 years.

It is reported that the advantages of lead-crystal battery of non-ordinary comparable lead-acid batteries. Electrolyte lead-acid batteries are sulfuric acid, in the charge-discharge process easy evaporation, resulting in the capacity of failure and environmental pollution; and lead-crystal battery electrolyte for Portland, which crystallized form, charge-discharge process of evaporation and the loss will not but the crystals become very attached to the board, continue to play a role. Therefore, lead crystal battery will not pollute our environment, but also can greatly extend the service life. It has been the Chinese people, quality assurance and property insurance company insurance, is the first dangerous goods do not belong to the batteries, can be 2-year warranty, the longest up to 5 years.

In addition, winter, traditional battery discharge performance with the temperature declines, therefore continued to shorten the trip mileage, and leaded crystal camera batteries in the minus 20’s can still be normal use. Another example is the depth of tradition should not discharge the battery, and can lead crystal battery, uphill or manned when strong and easily damaged. However, the price of such batteries than ordinary batteries by about 30 percent, “found” is located in Plaza 51 Min Huang electric car shop. (07-12-3)

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