A new type of environmentally friendly plant-based film come out ...

After more than ten years of research and practice, and through a three-year marketing certification, recently, a new high-tech environmentally friendly anti-corrosion materials - plant-based film was born. The technology can replace the conventional anti-rust oil, an effective solution to machinery and equipment in processing steel plate surface rust problem.

According to the patent holder of technology, Zhao Wen introduced the green plant chemical coating on the price of two or more metal ions are able to generate strong sequestration, on the metal surface to form a layer of dense single molecular layer of protective film, and the good stability, can effectively prevent the erosion factor penetrate the metal surface. As drawn from the corn bran, rice paper and other natural plant, can completely replace the phosphate technology, alternative toxic chromate, in order to achieve clean production, to eliminate phosphate and chromate emissions, wastewater discharge to the environment caused by pollution.




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