汽油泵出故障怎么办?教你应急修理方法- 化工泵- 化工泵- 和讯博客
汽油泵出故障怎么办?教你应急修理方法 [转贴 2010-05-19 16:39:53]   

内、外摇臂间隙过大   在内、外摇臂之间填塞垫片。垫片可用铁皮、铜皮、铁丝、半圆开口销等制作成“厂”字形。安装时要使内、外摇臂之间有一定间隙,并缠住垫片,以防掉下。相关阅读: 科学合理维修爱车 帮你节省不必要花的钱 避免在汽车维修中出现的十种误区   检验垫片厚度是否合适用手伸入到缸体上的汽油泵安装孔内,慢慢人工转动发动机曲轴,待手摸到凸轮上汽油泵的驱动偏心轮尖朝里即不泵油的位置时,将汽油泵装上。装上汽油泵紧固螺栓并旋入少许,用手推动汽油泵,使其与缸体贴合,随后再放松,此时若起吸压作用时,说明垫片过厚,应予以调整。   摇臂折断。当摇臂折断时,可采取如下方法之一:   用一根金属丝或细绳拴在汽油泵的手摇臂上,另一端引驾驶室内,用手牵动控制,汽车只能低速行驶。   如果有一鞋轮,可使上述金属丝或细绳经过鞋轮拴在加速踏板上,用脚加以控制。   将折断的摇臂拆掉,找一根阻风门或节气门拉钮的软拉管,使其内孔充分润滑后,将其一端固定在汽油泵的手摇柄上,而另一端固定在雨刮器杆上的适当位置。使用时,打开雨刮器的开关,利用雨刮器杆来回的摆动使汽油不断的泵油。   对于电动雨刮器的车型,可将电动雨刮器的总成卸掉,将其固定在汽油泵上方合适的位置上,用铁丝的两端分别固定在手摇柄上和雨刮器杆上的适当位置。接好雨刮器的电源,即可利用电动雨刮杆的来回摆动带动手摇柄泵油。上述几种方法的选用,可极据当时的具体条件决定。   泵膜破裂   对于破损不严重的泵膜,例如只是边缘破损时,可在破损处深抹肥皂后,将各破损的泵膜与好的泵膜相互隔开,而且将各片破损交错开再装复。   如果泵膜破裂缝较长,可用塑料、油布、薄膜等剪成原膜片形状,夹在原各膜片之间。   如果发现汽油从泵膜破裂处流入曲轴箱,已严重稀释曲轴箱中润滑油时。应更换新机油。如果没有新机油时,也可以将曲轴箱中的旧机油放出来,进行加热,以便将机油中的汽油蒸发后,旧机油可暂时继续使用。   进出油阀封密性差   如果胶木制的油阀不平,可将油阀翻个面继续使用,或者将不平的一面在油面上研磨平,{zh0}采用研磨膏在玻璃上进行磨平。将研磨好的阀门清洗干净后方可装复使用。   如果进、出油阀因有结胶而密封性差时,可用酒精或高浓度的白酒或丙酮清洗掉结胶物。   如果油阀已破裂,可用较薄的玻璃片取代。制作的方法是把玻璃浸入水中,用钳子将玻璃片慢慢地钳成油阀的形状。

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Inner and outer rocker clearance is too large The inner and outer packing gasket between the rocker arm. Metal gasket can be used, copper, wire, semi-circular opening such as making sales to "Factory" shape. For installation within a certain gap between the outer arm, and wrapped gasket to prevent falling. Related reading: a scientific and reasonable to help you repair your car to save money spent to avoid unnecessary car repair errors appearing in ten Test the suitability of hand-inserted into the gasket thickness to the cylinder on the fuel pump mounting holes, slowly rotate the engine crankshaft manually until the hands touch the fuel pump cam eccentric angle towards the driver does not pump oil in that position, the fuel pump installed. Equipped with fuel pump and tighten the screw a few bolts, hand push gasoline pump, so considerate and cylinder together, then relax again, this time if the pressure from the suction effect, the note pads too thick, should be adjusted. Arm broken. When the rocker arm broken, they can take the following methods: With a wire or cord tied to gas pumps in the hand arm, the other end of lead cab, hand affects the control, vehicle only at low speed. If there is one shoe wheel, make the wire or cord through the shoes tied to the accelerator pedal on the wheel, foot control. The broken arm removed, look for a choke or throttle button pull soft trombone, to fully lubricate the hole, will be its one end fixed in the petrol pump hand cranks, while the other end fixed on the wiper poles in the appropriate place. Use, open the wiper switch, wiper lever back and forth using the swing to keep pumping gasoline. For the electric wiper models can be electric wiper assembly of relieved, to a fixed location in the fuel pump on the top right, with the respective ends of the wire fixed in the hand crank on the pole wiper, and the appropriate location. Connect the wiper of the power supply, you can use electric wiper rod back and forth swing hand crank driven oil pump. The selection of the aforementioned methods can be very, according to the specific conditions at the time the decision. Pump membrane rupture The pump membrane is not seriously damaged, for example, the edge is damaged, it can wipe the tear of deep soap, will the damaged film and a good pump membrane pump each other off, and will damage the film staggered again refitted. If the pump membrane breaking cracks longer available plastic, linoleum, films, etc. cut into the shape of the original membrane, the membrane between the original folder. If you find that gasoline from the pump into the crankcase membrane rupture have been severely diluted crankcase lubricant. Should be replaced with new oil. If no new oil, they can be in the old crankcase oil released, heated, in order to oil in the gasoline evaporates, the old oil may temporarily continue to use. Out of poor valve sealing If the glue wooden valve injustice, can turn a valve surface continue to use, or uneven ground surface side of the oil level, the best use of grinding paste on the polished glass. The ground only after a good clean install valve complex to use. If you enter, the valve due to poor end sealing plastic and when used alcohol or a high concentration of liquor or acetone washed knot rubber material. If the valve has broken, can be replaced by thin glass. The glass produced is submerged, and slowly with the pliers to clamp glass into the shape of the valve.

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