亚洲展览合成革邀请专家制定企业标准« oursolo.net




Asia Exhibition synthetic leather invite experts to formulate enterprise standards

Adapt to the current synthetic leather industry to continuously develop new products, new technology applications, materials have changed when the market situation, November 1, Wenzhou Synthetic Leather Fair Asia for the company’s shoe business, and PU synthetic leather luggage the formulation of standards.

Asia Exhibition co-Rip leather, leather industry Heng Tung, Wing Daly synthetic leather 3 Brothers, invited Synthetic Leather Association, the Urban Development Zone Detected homes and Quality Supervision Bureau of eight engineers, experts, to synthetic leather industry standards as the key link, combined with current production enterprises, sales of enterprise standards are discussed. The experts agreed that the main function of enterprise standards is to ensure that product quality, maximum to satisfy market needs. At the meeting, experts on the sub-exhibition of shoes, bags leather enterprise standards (draft) made changes to improve the standards of these two enterprises. Asia

express outreach leaders, corporate standards in the quality of enterprise products have a more stringent test on the basis, in favor of customers and enterprises to safeguard their interests and is conducive to orderly Products towards large market forward, is more conducive to sub-exhibition business in the future development of fast and good. (07-11-30)

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