The completion of strontium carbonate production line in Chongqing ...

Recently, both China and Japan by the technical staff for nearly 10 months of hard work, China’s first zero-pollution strontium carbonate production line in Chongqing Tongliang declared completed. This is our country, following Japan, Germany, the third country to own the advanced production technology, country, using the technology to produce products of strontium carbonate can improve the added value of more than 30%.

strontium carbonate production of TV and computer CRT important material. For a long time, China’s production of strontium carbonate products have been quality is not high, can only be used for general TV production, computer tubes, but not used for plasma, LCD and other high-end products. Therefore, China’s used for plasma, liquid crystal display production of strontium carbonate had all the raw materials imported from abroad. Meanwhile, the backward production technology has also brought serious environmental pollution. In October 2004, Chongqing Qing Long Fine Strontium Salt Chemical Co., Ltd. and Japan Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., Japan’s Mitsubishi Zhushihuishe finally entered into a collaboration to jointly invest more than 900 million U.S. dollars building in the strontium carbonate production line.

the production of raw materials production line, using liquid carbon dioxide instead of the original limestone, with heavy oil to replace the original coal, and the establishment of sulfur production plant. Therefore, the new production line of dust, exhaust pollution almost zero. In addition, the production line has also established a waste water recycling plant, plant a permanent recycling of water and not to discharge a drop of water. The new production line is composed of computer control, if any part of the production line A small gas leak and the computer can make accurate alarm.



锶的电视和电脑碳酸钙生产CRT显示器的重要材料。长期以来,中国的碳酸盐锶生产的产品已素质不高,只能用于一般的电视制作,电脑管用,但对等离子,液晶等xx产品的使用。因此,中国的等离子使用的液晶显示器生产碳酸锶的一切从国外进口原材料。同时,落后的生产技术,也带来了严重的环境污染。 2004年10月,重庆庆龙精细锶盐化工有限公司与日本化学工业株式会社,日本三菱Zhushihuishe终于进入到一个合作,共同投资900多万美元的碳酸锶生产线建设。


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