Recycling of resources on improving the level of the proposed ...

since the human society followed a “significant development of the earth’s resources - mass production - mass consumption - a large number of generated waste” model of development, has brought mankind is faced with resource shortages and environmental pollution, the dual pressures. China is a developing country, is still dominated by extensive mode of economic development, resources and environment, the contradiction between the more prominent. General Secretary Hu Jintao of the Central population, resources and the environment in 2003, the forum said: “We must change our mode of economic growth will be the development of circular economy concept through to the regional economic development, urban and rural construction and production, allowing the most efficient use of resources. “Beijing is the capital of their own resources are not abundant, to ensure sustained and rapid economic growth, maintain and improve the eco-environmental quality, we must increase the level of recycling of resources, development of the capital recycling economy. Specific recommendations are as follows:

1, development of “trash reduction programs” and the implementation of the program.

“National Solid Waste Pollution Prevention Law” clearly provides that treatment of solid waste prevention and control strategy is minimization, recycling and sound. At home and abroad a large number of environmental economics research and social practice has shown that in terms of resource efficiency, environmental benefits, economic or governance costs of view, reduction of superior resource, while the resource is better than another harmless. Therefore, the reduction is the treatment of garbage, the most fundamental way to improve the environment. In accordance with internationally accepted interpretation of “waste reduction” of the system is reduced into the garbage, and that residents and reduce the amount of waste discharged. Its measures could include: restrictions on packaging, clean vegetables into the city to encourage waste recycling, reuse second-hand transaction, and so on. Practice shows that the developed countries, “waste reduction” is not only can save a lot of resources, resulting in huge benefits, but also can solve the jobs. To this end, the proposed study and formulate the relevant departments of Beijing municipal government’s “waste reduction program” and the implementation of the program, increase advocacy and coordination, mobilize all social forces to work together to reduce waste emissions.

2, establish and improve the recycling network.

According to the survey in 1965 within the Second Ring Road of Beijing State-owned waste recycling 2,000 more than in 1998, remaining six. At present, active in the recycling market in Beijing is a city by the farmers into the army composed of scavengers. The team of about 10 million people, they have formed a pick up, acquisition, trading, distribution, sorting, transport and processing and utilization of the industrial chain. However, it also brings social security, health prevention, secondary pollution, family planning, children’s schooling and a series of social problems. And they are the urban-rural village, sorting, trading, storage, transportation of these municipal waste, has formed a village surrounded by the city’s garbage situation. The development of circular economy must develop a healthy, orderly, and suitable for the market system of waste recycling laws. Otherwise, you can not re-use of centralized processing. Therefore, the proposed policy as soon as possible the relevant municipal authorities, in accordance with the development of circular economy goals, planning, picking up right Zhezhi army give some preferential policies, strengthen guidance and management, and gradually establish and improve the city’s recycling network system to form a reasonable and orderly industrial chain.

3, as soon as possible the planning development of waste tire recycling program.

2003, China has become the world’s largest rubber importer, nearly 70% of the rubber imported. According to the Chinese tire renovation of the use of Association statistics, in Beijing in 2003 discarded tires have been produced by the more 3 million, but a double-digit rate increases every year. However, these discarded tires more than 90% of the flow field, the city lost a lot of renewable resources, the use of rubber, but also lost several hundred million dollars each year’s economic interests. Based on the current technical condition of the domestic industry, and better reuse of waste tires there are three ways: ① tires refurbished, re-use; ② tires produced powder, while the later production of rubber modified asphalt (low noise, high-quality roads) and the Movement products such as plastic runway venues; ③ production of renewable rubber tires. These three use patterns in the domestic processes are mature technologies. To this end, it is recommended this part of the municipal government can utilize renewable resources as soon as possible the planning development of waste tire recycling program, actively support the development of the industry, so that Beijing won many benefits.

4, start of discarded appliances and electronic products recycling management.

multiple studies have shown that the near future China will usher in home appliances and electronics waste scrap the peak, therefore, the corresponding recovery and treatment should be early studies and preparations. According to the survey, at present the city’s waste household electric appliances and electronic waste in the uncontrolled state, a large number of foreign Laijingrenyuan engaged in waste household appliances, scrap computer acquisition, maintenance, dismantling and reorganization, transportation and other activities. Solid Waste also appeared related to waste. Circuit fire, dismantling the accident, purchase disputes, fraud, injury, damage to the environment and other phenomena occur. Suggested the municipal government departments concerned to carry out this work as soon as possible to study and formulate relevant laws and regulations and standards; the establishment of multiple recovery, centralized processing, qualification system; to encourage household appliance manufacturing enterprise or yuan invested in dismantling discarded household appliances, processing and recycling business ; encourage and support relevant technology research and development; and advocacy, education and training activities. Clearly the responsibility of the parties concerned, including: the responsibility of home appliances manufacturers, distributors responsibility, recycling corporate responsibility, as well as dismantling, processing and re-use of corporate responsibility, and its related technical indicators. Clearly in charge of departments, to strengthen management and supervision, and clearly the responsibility of the penalties.











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