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2,选择基础上的主轴旋转和直径的计算:以匹配锯片,切割速度:V =π× ×革命的D N/60直径(米/秒)一个合理的切割速度,一般可在60-90米/秒


软木60 -90(米/秒)











Saw the purchase and proper use

First, how to choose the correct saw blade?

1, the basic data: ① machine spindle speed, ② workpiece thickness and texture, ③ knife saws outside diameter and aperture size (diameter);

2, select basis: by the spindle rotation and diameter of the calculation to match the saw blade, cutting speed: V = π × diameter of D × revolutions N/60 (m / s) a reasonable cutting speed generally available in 60-90 m / seconds,

specific recommendations:

material cutting speed
cork 60-90 (m / s)
hardwood 50-70 (m / s)
particleboard, plywood 60-80 (m / s)

cutting speed is too large, machine vibration, and voice, and saw blades reduce the stability, processing quality, cutting speed is too small, the production efficiency. Feeding the same speed, each tooth cutting increased, affecting the processing quality and the life span of saws and knives. Because blade diameter D, and spindle speed N are the power function relationship, in practical applications, reasonable improve speed and reduce the diameter of the most economically blades.

3, quality price:

the saying goes: “no good cheaper goods, better goods not cheap,” in terms of other merchandise may be right, but tools for the tool may not be do their likelihood; the key is matching. Operating at the scene of many factors: equipment, such as sawing object, quality requirements, such as the quality of personnel. Comprehensive assessment, a rational choice as far as possible with the right in order to reduce costs, reduce costs, and Participation in the competition. This depends on the professional knowledge and understanding of information similar products.

Second, the correct use of:

To enable the blade to function at its optimum performance, must be used in strict accordance with the norms;

1, different specifications and uses the blade, and its Blade design point of view and matrix forms are different, as far as possible by their use of the corresponding occasions;

2, the spindle and splint device size and shape effects on the use of precision has a significant impact, by loading Saw ago to inspect and adjust. In particular, plywood and saw blade contact surface displacement caused by the impact of clamping force skid factors must be excluded;

3, Saw the work of attention at any time, the occurrence of abnormalities, such as vibration, noise, processing surface material away, the stands the importance of timely adjust and grinding a timely manner to maintain peak-li;

4, saw blade grinding shall not change its original point of view, to avoid sudden head local hot at first cold, the best professional grinding please

5, the time being do not have the saw blade to vertical hanging and avoid prolonged flat, nor should we make material piled pressure on it, Cutter Service to be protected, not collision. (07-11-29)

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