

2010-05-10 17:02:29 阅读4 评论0 字号:

泵和阀门的有效密封取决于各个部件的整体状况,特别注意,在进行盘根安装前,确信需要更换盘根的设备已经按照现场和系统进行有效的隔离。以下内容用于指导检修人员、工程师和装配工正确地安装和调节盘根。 1、需要的工具在取下旧盘根换上新盘根时需要用专用工具,以及用紧固器预紧压盖螺母。此外,需经常使用标准的安全设施和遵守有关的安全规定。 安装前,首先要熟悉以下设备:校验盘根环的切割机、校验扭矩扳手或扳手、安全帽、内外卡钳、紧固器的润滑剂、反光镜、盘根取出器、切盘根的刀具、游标卡尺等。 2、清洁和检查。缓慢松开填料函的压盖螺母,释放盘根组件内所有的残余压,移去所有旧的盘根,彻底清洁轴/杆的填料函;检查轴/杆是否有腐蚀、凹痕、划伤或过度磨损;检查其他零件是否有毛刺、裂纹、磨损,它们会减少盘根的寿命;检查填料函是否有过大的间隙,以及轴/杆的偏心程度;更换有较大缺陷的零部件;:检查旧盘根,作为失效分析的依据,以找到盘根早期失效的原因。 3、测量与记录。记录轴/杆的直径、填料函孔径和深度,且当时用水封环时,记录填料函底部至顶部的距离。 4、选择盘根。确保选用的盘根应满足系统和设备要求的操作工况;根据测量记录,计算盘根的横截面积和所需盘根环的数量;检验盘根,确保其无缺陷;在安装前,确保设备和盘根清洁。 5、盘根环的准备。编织盘根在适当尺寸的轴上缠绕盘根,或使用校准过的盘根环切割机;根据要求干净利落地切割盘根成对接(方形)或斜接(30-45度),一次切一个环,并用轴或阀杆检验尺寸是否合适。 模压成型盘根,确保环的尺寸与轴或阀杆xx配合,必要时,根据盘根制造商的操作指南或要求切割填料环。 6、安装盘根。小心地每次安装一个盘根环,将每一个环围绕在轴或阀杆上,在安装下一个环之前,应确保本环已xx在填料函中就位,下一个环应错开排列,至少相隔90度,一般要求120度。最上一个环装好后,用手拧紧螺母,压盖均匀下压。如有水封环,应检查其与填料函顶部的距离是否正确。同时确保轴或阀杆能自由转动。 7、调整盘根。 1)泵用盘根 (1)继续用手拧紧压盖螺母; (2)开泵后,调整压盖螺母,此时允许有稍多的泄漏; (3)缓慢地拧紧压盖螺母,逐渐减少泄漏,直到泄漏达到可接受的程度; (4)如果泄露突然停止,应回拧压盖螺母,重新调节以防止盘根过热; (5)调节泄漏率达到一个稳定状态即可。 2)阀门用盘根。向盘根制造商或企业的技术部门咨询有关扭矩的规定或压缩百分比,按以下步骤拧紧压盖螺母。 (1)向压盖螺母施加扭矩至满扭矩的30%或是党的压缩百分比; (2)反复开闭阀门数次,当阀门处于关闭位置时,施加全部扭矩; (3)重复步骤(2)3或4次。 8、再次紧固和替换。在操作几个小时后,检查压盖的调节状况,必要时加以拧紧,当压盖不能再进一步调节时,必须更换盘根。

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Effective sealing pumps and valves depends on the overall situation of the various components, special attention during packing installation before, convinced of the need to replace packing equipment and systems have been effective in accordance with site isolation. The following guidance for the maintenance personnel, engineers and assembly workers to correctly install and adjust packing. 1, the tools needed to remove the old packing put in new packing with a special tool is required, and the use of fasteners tightening gland nut. In addition, the need to frequently used safety devices and comply with the relevant safety requirements. Before installation, first of all be familiar with the following equipment: Check packing ring cutting machine, check torque wrench or wrenches, safety helmet, inside and outside calipers, fasteners lubricants, mirrors, packing extractor, cut packing tool, vernier caliper, etc.. 2, cleaned and inspected. Slowly release the letter of the gland packing nut, packing the release of residual pressure of all components, remove all the old packing, thoroughly clean shaft / rod stuffing; check the shaft / bar have corrosion, dents, planning injury or excessive wear; check whether there are other parts burr, cracks, wear, they will reduce the packing life; check whether there is too much stuffing the gap, and the shaft / rod eccentric degree; replacement of defective parts greater ;: Check the old packing, as the basis for failure analysis to find the reasons for early failure of packing. 3, measured and recorded. Records shaft / rod diameter, pore size and depth of the stuffing, and then water seal ring, stuffing box at the bottom to the top of the record the distance. 4, select packing. Ensure that the use of packing systems and equipment should meet the requirements of the operating conditions; according to the survey record, calculated packing packing ring cross-sectional area and the required number; test packing, to ensure that no defects; Before installing, ensure that cleaning equipment and packing. 5, packing ring preparations. Braided winding shaft in the appropriate size of the packing, or use the calibrated cutting machine packing ring; upon request, packing neatly cut into the butt (square) or ramp access (30-45 degrees), a cut of a ring, and with the shaft or stem test size is appropriate. Molded packing, to ensure that rings the size and precise with the axis or stem, if necessary, according to the manufacturer's operational guidelines packing or require cutting ring. 6, installation of packing. Carefully every time you install a packing ring, the ring around each axis or stem, in the installation before the next ring, make sure the ring is completely in the stuffing in place, the next ring should be staggered arrangement, at least 90 degrees apart, the general requirement of 120 degrees. A ring on top is completed, hand tighten the nut, gland even under pressure. If water seal ring, should check with the stuffing at the top of the range is correct. While ensuring that the shaft or stem can be free to rotate. 7, adjusting the packing. 1) Pump packing (1) continue to hand tighten the squeeze cap nut; (2) after opening the pump, adjust the gland nut, this time to allow a little more leakage; (3), slowly tighten the squeeze cap nut, gradually reduce the leak until the leak to an acceptable level; (4) If the disclosure of a sudden stop, should be back to tighten the gland nut, packing re-adjustment in order to prevent overheating; (5) adjust the leakage rate can reach a steady state. 2) the valve packing. Manufacturer or to the packing company's technical department or consult the relevant provisions of torque compression percentage, the following steps to tighten the squeeze cap nut. (1) applied to the gland nut torque to full torque of 30% or the percentage compression of the party; (2) repeated opening and closing the valve several times, when the valve is in closed position, to exert all the torque; (3) Repeat steps (2) 3 or 4 times. 8, once again tightening and replacement. Several hours after the operation, check the gland's regulation, if necessary, be tightened, no further adjustment when the gland, the packing must be replaced.

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