扩大外资增加的生活用纸品牌,以提高集中度« Reuse world

自人均90年代,我的生活用纸量正在迅速增长上个世纪。 2005年,中国的家庭用纸和一次性卫生用品产量四三六八零零零吨,对四○八八○○○吨,分别消费,与2004年相比(对四百〇五万二吨,消费的三百八十一万三千吨)增长7.8%和7.2%的输出。目前,中国的家庭用纸约438.0亿的市场规模,但我国生活用纸人均水平的仍然很低,人均生活用纸的消费量只有美国,1 / 10,甚至也不是等同世界人均生活用纸消费3.5公斤的水平。纸专家


早在2005年9月,世界上{zd0}的组织制造商-金佰利公司,在北京,九千点〇 〇万美元投资,3.9万吨的纸张生活成人保健设施,成为一个分水岭,联产承包责任制的确立。目前,在南京,上海,广州和北京成立,全国各地的销售网点已经走出了40多个主要城市,基本完成在中国的战略部署工厂。例如对于尿布,金佰利目前在中国高达200亿元的投资规模,去年,仅“好奇”在中国市场销售的婴儿纸尿裤,在近300%%的增幅。




纸专家称永目前,中国的造纸工业发展的总体生活新国,有三个特点:一是快速增长;第二,生产装备水平有了很大提高,是三次产业提高浓度。 2005年,中国{zd0}的纸生活4家企业,这是金箔,维达,中顺恒和纸张的60万吨左右,生产和销售的总生产能力约占13%%。生命的排序前十的公司,总销售额约占20%%的市场份额,显着提高整体发展水平。此外,位居前列的企业发展也非常快,如金红叶纸生产,增加了14.4%%,销售额增长了9.8%%。在生产设备,目前国内企业进口大量的纸生活设备,装备水平有了很大提高。 06.8.24

Expansion of foreign capital increased household paper brands to enhance the degree of concentration

The last century since the 90’s, my life’s per capita paper consumption is growing rapidly. In 2005, China’s household paper and disposable hygiene supplies output 4.368 million tons, consumption of 4,088,000 tons, respectively, compared with 2004 (output of 4,052,000 tons, consumption of 3,813,000 tons)up 7.8% and 7.2%. At present, China’s household paper market size of about 43.8 billion, but the life of our country’s per capita paper consumption level is still low, per capita consumption of household paper is only the equivalent of the United States, 1 / 10, not even the world in per capita living 3.5 kilograms of paper consumption level. Paper experts

Yong-Xin Guo told reporters, there are indications that the current paper Living in China market, a fierce fighting broke out soon - paper-making giant foreign enterprises in China have been put into production layout in order to expand its market share in China; domestic enterprises not far behind, continuous large-scale projects implemented in the fight against the foreign big guns.

as early as September 2005, the world’s largest tissue manufacturer - Kimberly-Clark Corporation, in Beijing, 90 million U.S. dollars investment, the establishment of an annual output of 39,000 tons of paper Living adult care facility, become a watershed. At present, in Nanjing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Beijing to establish factories, sales outlets throughout the country have already paved to more than 40 major cities, and basically complete the strategic deployment in China. For example in diapers, Kimberly-Clark is currently the scale of investment in China up to 20 billion yuan last year, only “curious” baby diapers in China’s market sales, on an increase of nearly 300%%.

and Living APP’s paper business - Gold Hongye Paper, after 8 years of operation, has been living in the domestic high-grade paper larger market share, and began to profit and export products. At present, the gold leaves paper Living with an annual output of 120,000 tons paper, finished processing 90,000 tons, are the lives of Asia’s largest paper production and marketing company, the main products are toilet paper, tissues, soft wipes, paper handkerchiefs, paper towels, the brand has Wei Jie Ya, breeze, Zhenzhen. Living

another paper giants - Procter & Gamble, as early as 1990 had already entered China. Currently, P & G diapers in China in this field be very mature, and diapers to become P & G expand market in China, one of the main products.

the face of aggressive foreign big guns battle, the domestic paper-making enterprises are also unwilling to very much jeopardized. This year, the domestic life began paper production enterprises launched large-scale projects. Hunan Heng such as paper, in Hunan, Shandong, Fujian to establish three large-scale paper-making base in Chongqing, Liaoning Fushun, Weifang, Shandong, Fujian Jinjiang, Changde, Hunan and other places the formation of the five international-type paper products processing base in Hunan, Shandong, Fujian, Liaoning, Chongqing and other places have also established 10 branch offices, is expected in 2008, Heng On paper the size of the living will reach 300,000 tons. And has always been known as the domestic “big banyan Paper” of Vinda Paper, also in Hubei, Shanghai, Beijing, Sichuan and other places to establish their own production base, medium and long-term goals and strategies to complete the layout.

Paper Experts Say Yong-Xin Guo, at present, China’s paper industry overall development of life has three characteristics: First, rapid growth; Second, the level of production equipment has been greatly improved; are three industries improve concentration. In 2005, China’s top paper Living 4 enterprises, which are gold leaves, Ouidah, Heng and Paper Zhongshun total production capacity of about 600,000 tons, production and sales account for about 13%%. Sort of life before the 10 paper companies, the total sales accounted for about 20%% market share, significantly improve the overall level of development. In addition, ranking the forefront of enterprise development is also very fast, such as Gold Hongye Paper production increased 14.4%%, sales grew by 9.8%%. In the production equipment, the current domestic enterprises to import large quantities of paper Living equipment, equipment levels have greatly improved. (06-8-24)

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