

2010-04-29 16:39:33 阅读5 评论0 字号:

气动隔膜泵是以压缩空气为动力,通过膜片往复变形造成容积变化的容积泵,其工作原理近似于柱塞泵。 使用气动隔膜泵操作运行时要注意以下几点: 1、保证流体中所含的{zd0}颗粒不超过泵的{zd0}安全通过颗粒直径标准。 2、进气压力不要超过泵的{zg}允许 使用压力,高于额定压力的压缩空气可能导致人身伤害和财产的损失及损坏泵的性能。 3、保证泵压的管道系统能承受所达到得{zg}输出压力,保证驱动气路系统的清洁和正常工作条件。 4、静电火花可能引起 爆炸导致人身伤亡事故和财产的损失,根据需要使用足够大截面积的导线,把泵上的接地螺钉妥善可靠接地。 5、接地要求符合当地法规法律要求及现场的一些特殊要求的规定。 6、紧固好泵及各连接管接头,防止 因振动撞击擦产生静电火花。使用抗静电软管。 7、要周期性的检查和测试接地系统的可靠性,要求接地电阻小于100欧姆。 8、保持良好的排气和通风、远离易燃易爆和热源。 9、泵的排气中可能含有固体物,不要将排气口对着工作区或者人,以免造成人身伤害。 10、当隔膜失效时,输送的物料会从排气消声器中喷出。 11、当输送易燃和有毒的流体时,请将排口接到远离工作区的安全地方。 12、请使用至少3/8"内径内壁光滑的 管道连接排气口和消声器。 13、流体的高压可能会导致严重的人身伤亡和财产损失,请不要在泵加压时,对泵及料管系统进行任何的维修工作,如要做维修时,先切断泵的进气,打开旁通的卸压机构使管路系统卸压,慢慢松开连接的各管道接头。 14、如输送的有害有毒流体泵,请不要把 泵直接送到厂家来修理。根据当地法律法规妥善处理,并使用纯正配件以保证使用寿命。 15、液体输送部分使用铝合金材料的泵,请不要用来输送含有Fe3 的液体和卤代烃及其他的卤代碳氢化合物溶剂,则将会产生腐蚀引起泵体爆裂。 16、保证所有接触输送体的部件不会被输送的流体腐蚀损坏。 17、保证所有的操作人员熟悉操作使用和掌握泵的安全使用注意事项,必要的话,配给必需的防护用品。 18、正确使用泵,不允许长时间的空运转。

“ Daily use of diaphragm pumps should be noted that several issues ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国化工泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

Pneumatic diaphragm pumps are air driven, reciprocating diaphragm deformation caused by changes in the volume of pump volume, it works similar to piston pump. When using pneumatic diaphragm pump operation and running to note the following: 1, to ensure maximum fluid particles contained in the pump does not exceed the maximum standards of safety through the particle diameter. 2, pump inlet pressure should not exceed the maximum allowable working pressure, higher than the rated pressure of the compressed air can cause personal injury and property loss and damage to the pump performance. 3, to ensure the pump can withstand the pressure of the pipeline system achieved the highest output pressure driving gas system to ensure clean and normal working conditions. 4, static electricity spark could cause an explosion of personal casualty and property losses, the need to use a large enough cross-sectional area of wire to ground screw on the pump properly grounded reliably. 5, grounding the request complies with legal requirements of local regulations and site requirements of some special requirements. 6, fastening well pump and all connecting pipe joints, and prevent static electricity sparks rubbing vibration impact. Use anti-static hose. 7, to periodic inspection and test the reliability of grounding system, grounding resistance of less than 100 ohms required. 8, good exhaust and ventilation, and heat sources away from flammable and explosive. 9, pump exhaust may contain solids, not to exhaust the work area or in front of people to avoid personal injury. 10, when the diaphragm failure, the transportation of materials will be ejected from the exhaust muffler. 11, when the transportation of flammable and toxic fluids, set the row I received a safe place away from the work area. 12, use at least 3 / 8 "diameter smooth wall pipe connecting the exhaust port and muffler. 13, fluid pressure may result in serious personal injury and property damage, do not pressure at the pump when the pump and tube system, any maintenance work, such as the need to do maintenance, the first cut off the pump inlet, open relief agencies to bypass the pressure relief piping system, and slowly release the connection of the pipe joints. 14, such as the transportation of hazardous and toxic fluid pump, please do not pump directly to the manufacturer for repair. Properly handled in accordance with local laws and regulations, and use genuine parts to ensure life. 15, liquid delivery pump some use of aluminum materials, please do not be used to transport liquids and halogenated hydrocarbons containing Fe3 and other halogenated hydrocarbon solvents, the pump will cause corrosion caused by burst. 16, to ensure that all access to transport body parts will not be transmission fluid corrosion damage. 17, ensure that all operators are familiar with operational use and control of pump safety precautions if necessary, allocated the necessary protective equipment. 18, the proper use of the pump, does not allow a long period of empty running.

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