
现代生产和生活都离不开泵和阀门,泵阀作为液体输送设备被广泛用于农业、化工、石油、冶金、矿产、电站、食品及城市给排水等工程。作为通用机械的重要分支,泵阀业发展势头良好,并在国内形成了部分产业基地。 中国泵阀之乡——永嘉 永嘉泵阀产业起源于20世纪70年代,经过几十年的发展,已成为永嘉县的支柱产业。全县现有泵阀企业5000多家,其中规模以上企业125家。近年来,永嘉泵阀产业持续保持30%以上的年经济增长率,2004年实现产值75亿元,占全县工业部产值的31.5%,占国内泵阀产值的20%以上。2000年4月, 永嘉泵阀行业被国内相关行业协会命名为“中国泵阀之乡”。 作为中国泵阀行业最早起源的永嘉,始终致力于泵阀企业的升级转型中,过去的产品结构单一、企业规模小、品牌不响、信息不畅、技术创新能力不强等因素,成为制约泵阀产业快速发展的“瓶颈”。经过二十多年的发展,永嘉泵阀逐渐提高各方面素质,力求在泵阀行业发展中寻求新的突破。目前 已建成集产品制造、技术创新、质量检测、企业聚集、人才培训为一体的泵阀产业生产制造基地,参与多个xxxx工程项目建设,从整体上改变着中国泵阀产业的整体格局。 水暖阀门之都——玉环 改革开放30年来, 玉环实现了从经济小县到经济强县的变化,从农渔经济向工业经济的变化,从单纯经济发展向经济社会协调发展的变化,人民生活从贫困向富裕的变化。浙江省水暖阀门产品在全国占有55%以上的市场份额,玉环作为“中国水暖阀门精品生产(采购)基地”,已拥有800多家产业链企业。近年来,玉环水暖阀门行业产业升级迅速,集群效应明显,配套产业日趋成熟,出交货总值由2004年的3.2亿美元,增至2007年的10.8亿美元,增长238%,占全县出口总量的55.1%,持续保持玉环县{dy}的出口行业地位。玉环水暖阀门将继续深入发展,走向国际。 新兴泵阀产业园区推荐 沈阳泵阀工业园区:随着振兴东北老工业基地步伐的加快,阀门需求量将不断增加,当前,国内阀门主产区处于温州一带, 北方应用相对运输成本较高,加之温州地区产业结构的调整,建设辽中泵阀工业园时机已成熟。 滨海瓯北泵阀工业园:位于滨海经济开发区北区,濒临沿海高速出口,南距江苏名城盐城市80公里,北距欧亚大陆桥东桥头堡连云港76公里,处于上海、青岛三小时都市经济圈,327省道直奔建设中的深水大港——滨海港,园区距盐城机场、连云港机场均在一小时车程之内,交通四通八达、高速便捷。 天门市泵阀工业园:湖北省天门经济开发区规划800亩工业用地用于天门市泵阀工业园项目。 自贡市泵阀工业园: 在自贡市全国泵阀制造业的“窝”的基础上成立,其目的是整合自贡泵阀的技术、人才资源,{zd0}限度的利用好“自贡造”这个品牌。 “液压之都”全国泵类{zd0}生产基地——阜新 阜新液压气动产业有着40多年的历史,早在上世纪60年代,阜新液压件厂就是当时同行业中的全国骨干企业之一。阜新液压产业已形成了一定比较优势,初步形成了汽车动力转向泵、高中压、叶片泵、石油液压机械、液压系统、泵配件、密封件、空压机等主导产品。 目前,阜新液压气动产品已成功地为北汽、一汽、二汽、华晨金杯、江铃汽车等国内40余家企业配套,同时产品还出口德国、俄罗斯、巴基斯坦等国家,已全面进入汽车、机车、工程机械、农业机械、机床、塑机、冶金矿山机械、发电设备、石油化工、铁路机械、船舶、港口、轻工及国防工业等领域。2009年上半年,阜新经济开发区液压产业基地已投产、签约、开工建设项目80个,投资额为58.79亿元;共开发新产品24项,实现产值15.2亿元。到2008年底,全市液压企业生产各类液压泵130余万台,占全国总产量近1/3,成为全国泵类{zd0}生产基地。

“ General machinery valve regional market analysis”是由提供的水泵行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国隔膜泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

Modern production and life are inseparable from pump and valve, pump and valve as a liquid delivery devices are widely used in agricultural, chemical, petroleum, metallurgy, mining, power plants, food and urban water supply and drainage works. As an important branch of general machinery, pump and valve industry, a good momentum of development and form part of the domestic industrial base. Hometown of China Valve - Yongjia Yongjia valve industry originated in the 20th century, 70s, after decades of development, has become a pillar industry in Yongjia County. County has more than 5,000 valve companies, including 125 above-scale enterprises. In recent years, Yongjia valve industries continue to maintain more than 30% of annual economic growth rate of output value 7.5 billion in 2004, the Ministry of Industry output value accounting for the county 31.5%, accounting for more than 20% of output valve. April 2000, Yongjia valve industry is domestic-related trade associations named "China valve village." As the valve industry, originated in Yongjia, has committed to upgrading of enterprises in the valve, the last single product structure, small scale, the brand does not ring, poor information, technical innovation is not strong and other factors, restricted the pump valve industry, the rapid development of the "bottleneck." After 20 years of development, the gradual improvements in all aspects of Yongjia valve quality, seek development in the valve industry to seek new breakthroughs. The current set of products have been built manufacturing, technical innovation, quality testing, business gathering, training as one of the valve manufacturing industry base, participated in many national key construction projects, the overall change from China's valve industry, the overall pattern. Plumbing valves of all - Yuhuan 30 years of reform and opening up, Yuhuan County, realized the economic small changes to the county economy, from agricultural and fishing economy to changes in the industrial economy, from the purely economic development to changes in economic and social development, people's lives from poverty to wealth changes. Plumbing Valve products in China, Zhejiang Province, holds more than 55% market share, Yuhuan as "China Plumbing Valve boutique production (procurement) base", already has more than 800 chain enterprises. In recent years, Yuhuan rapid industrial upgrading plumbing valve industry, the cluster effect is obvious complementary industry matures, the export delivery value from 2004 to 320 million U.S. dollars, increased to 1.08 billion U.S. dollars in 2007, an increase of 238%, accounting for county to 55.1% of total exports, continued to maintain the export trade of Yuhuan County, the first position. Yuhuan plumbing valve will continue to further develop and become international. Recommend new valve industrial park Shenyang Pump Valve Industrial Park: With the revitalization of northeast old industrial base and the acceleration, the valve will increase the demand, the current, internal valve in the main producing areas in Wenzhou area, north Application relatively high transport costs, combined with the industrial structure in Wenzhou adjustment valve industrial park construction in Liaoning time is ripe. Binhai Industrial Park, Oubei valve: Binhai economic development zone in the North, near the coastal high-speed exit, 80 km north of Yancheng city in Jiangsu, Lianyungang bridgehead south of Eurasia Eastbound 76 km in Shanghai, Qingdao, three-hour urban economy circle, 327 provincial highway construction in the deep water straight port - the coastal port of the park away from Yancheng airport Lianyungang Airport are within one hour, the traffic extends in all directions, high-speed convenient. Tianmen Valve Industrial Park: Planning, Economic Development Zone, Hubei Province Tianmen 800 acres of industrial land for industrial park project Tianmen valve. Zigong Pump & Valve Industrial Park: Pump and Valve Manufacturing Industry in Zigong city of the country "home" to the establishment of the basis, which aims to integrate Zigong valve technology, human resources, maximize the use of good "Zigong made" the brand. "Hydraulic capital" the largest production base in the country pumps - Fuxin Fuxin Hydraulic Pneumatic industry with 40 years of history, as early as 60 years in the last century, Fuxin Hydraulic Component Factory is the industry was one of the national backbone. Fuxin Hydraulic industry has formed a certain comparative advantage, formed a power steering pump, high pressure, vane pumps, oil and hydraulic machinery, hydraulic systems, pump parts, seals, air compressors, and other leading products. At present, the Fuxin Hydraulic Pneumatic products successfully Beijing Auto, FAW, the Second Automobile, Brilliance Jinbei, JMC and other domestic enterprises supporting more than 40, while products are also exported to Germany, Russia, Pakistan and other countries, have entered the car , motorcycle, engineering machinery, agricultural machinery, machine tools, presses, metallurgical and mining machinery, power generation, petrochemical, railway machinery, ships, ports, light industry and defense industry and other fields. First half of 2009, Economic Development Zone Fuxin Hydraulic industrial base has been put into operation, signed, 80 projects under construction, investment amounts to 5.879 billion yuan; a total of 24 new product development, production value of 1.52 billion yuan. The end of 2008, the city's production all kinds of hydraulic pump 130 million, accounting for total output of nearly 1 / 3, becoming the nation's largest production base of pumps.

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