Royal jelly, honey and pollen « Industry info 工业信息

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royal jelly, honey and pollen to eat with you? Which effect is good point?

China’s royal jelly royal jelly

clinical application began in the late 20th century, 50 through 40 years of clinical observation, as well as pharmacological and pathological studies show that royal jelly on the primary role of the human organism are: to reduce blood fat, prevent arteriosclerosis, lowering blood glucose; enhance memory, improve intelligence; promote hematopoietic function, regulation of the endocrine and metabolic; anti-aging; anti-radiation, promote tissue regeneration; improving immunity, anti-cold, anti-hepatitis, anti-cancer . Some critically ill patients, and some other drug treatment ineffective strange and complicated diseases, the use of royal jelly, the Jing-Ran received unexpected results.

a lot of people take royal jelly, got the feeling is: eat well, sleep well, energetic, less illness, indicating the health effects of royal jelly is quite remarkable. Modern high-stress work and pace of life, maintain a good mental state has become very important; the disease on the human body in order to reduce interference and reduce medical expenses, people’s growing awareness of disease prevention, it will become the first choice of royal jelly health foods, In fact, over 50% of royal jelly is applied to health care.

Propolis Propolis is a bee

the source from the rubber plant new branch of the axillary buds or the buds have been collected resin material, mixed with their palate and wax glands gland secretions of bees repeatedly processed by the colloidal material. Propolis origin and formation mechanism, in the bee-keeping discipline has not yet completely clear. Clarify Propolis on the role of bees, both in the bee-keeping production practice of significance, but also with the Theory of value.

Propolis in modern times begun to explore the use of one bee. But already there are a number of years! Humans, this is a very long time, but for the bee is, it is much more short. Where traces of human existence long before the bees begin production until the propolis before long, the bees already exists.

Propolis is a natural broad-spectrum antibiotics, natural immune enhancer, natural anti-oxidants, the blood “scavenger” and the health protection of God, has been successfully used in clinical treatment of various diseases, in particular the treatment of modern medicine, there is no special efficacy of illnesses, so that people regain health and longevity.

bee pollen

Chinese Academy of Sciences, the famous medical scientist Professor Ye Jiequan that “pollen is a nutrient most comprehensive diet Jiapin, with strong physical strength, increase the spirit of the rapid elimination of fatigue, enhance sexuality, beauty and anti-aging role. “

clinical evidence, pollen significantly enhanced immune function, regulate blood lipid health care role and can effectively prevent atherosclerosis, protect the heart and brain blood vessels and so on. A variety of medical literature on the therapeutic effects of pollen records of a broad and deep. The ancient “Shen Nong’s Herbal Classic,” the cattail pollen as a top grade; “Compendium of Materia Medica” on pine pollen praised; “Puji side” were particularly made lists to pollen “cosmetic side.” The modern “New Pharmacology”, “Dictionary of Chinese Medicine” and other pairs of bee pollen are described in detail. The combination of these works, the therapeutic effect of bee pollen mainly from the management of nutritional point of focus to highlight.


honey is nutritious and sweet aroma of natural foods, in addition to water things, mainly sugar-based, and contain the right amount of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes, etc.. Sugar accounted for 70-80% of the total honey, mainly fructose, glucose-based, accounting for 80-90% of the total sugars, in addition to still contain a small amount of maltose, sucrose, etc.; mineral average concentration of 0.04% -0.06% mainly with potassium, calcium, iron, sodium, manganese, silicon and other salts, is considered alkaline foods, including potassium up to approximately 250ppm above; many kinds of low vitamin content, such as vitamin B1, B2, B6, C, H, K, etc.; containing more than 10 kinds of amino acids; many kinds of enzymes, these enzymes are honey process, joined by the gland secretion is the most abundant natural food in the prime of a kind of enzyme is to help the body digest, absorb, and a series of physical and chemical changes in metabolism to promote complex; acetylcholine per 100 grams of honey contains about 1,200-1,500 micrograms, with vigor, fatigue effect. In addition to containing biological hormones, chlorophyll derivatives, lutein and so on.

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honey and pollen can be reconciled with drinking, but the royal jelly is best taken alone, because royal jelly of taking a single dose of a smaller, separate medications nutrient absorption is more benefit.

be the best flower pollen powder, that is, the processing procedures for as little as possible to maintain the freshness of the original pollen and nutrients. Obviously pollen tablets can not do these requirements, as well as fresh pollen grains can visually examine the quality of pollen, high-quality hay should be color uniformity, particle full, no impurities of foreign body, there are sources of plant-specific fragrance. Available when taking cold water immersion to full melting temperature and can be mixed with honey drink, so something to the absorption of nutrients. President should take a small amount of pollen to eat, common principles, and pay attention to whether the changes in menstrual cycles, have become worse off if the law should be suspended.

men than women taking the pollen is more appropriate to safeguard the male reproductive function, and to prevent the growth of age led to the phenomenon of benign prostatic hyperplasia, rape pollen this role more prominent.


类别: 餐饮食品


















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