

2010-04-22 16:34:53 阅读3 评论0 字号:

Marolyn Davenport, senior vice president of the board and a former member of a backflow prevention task force established by the city, said the numbers of buildings that have installed valves is probably much higher than city records suggest. But she said unclear reporting requirements might have kept many businesses from completing all the steps necessary to be in compliance with the law. Skip to next paragraph The city Department of Health and Mental Hygiene did not consider the contamination an immediate health threat because the amount of the chemical found in the water was minute, and the contamination was expected to last only a few days. Ms. Lloyd said her department was authorized to issue violations and eventually terminate water service to buildings without a backflow prevention device.
原文来自: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/05/19/nyregion/19water.html?pagewanted=2&_r=1

Thousands of Buildings Lack Required Water Valve, New York Records Show ;是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海天阀实业有限公司还生产 及锻钢止回阀,铜角式截止阀,美标内外螺纹针型阀,美标多口计量阀,高密封取样阀,欢迎您的选购。)

译文: 阀门化学污染潜在危险
但在本月皇后污染,水在例行测试中发现,强调了潜在的危险。四氯乙烯是已知会导致肝脏问题和癌症的风险增加,如果经过长期饮用。 卫生和心理的城市卫生局没有考虑到污染对健康的即时威胁,因为该化学品的数量在水中发现了一分钟,和污染,预计只持续几天。 不过,官员说,谁担心用于做饭和饮用瓶装水的人,直到问题清理。 这个星期的水质样本无明显痕迹四氯乙烯,劳埃德女士说。在考察该地区的数百幢房屋,官员的重点是林登大道,他们怀疑是在坎布里亚洗车至少是部分的污染来源。 劳埃德女士说,洗车了一个小污染的,从两个连接到城市供水系统,一名法律和其他非法的水。不知何故,被污染的井水越过到非法连接,没有一个回流防喷,进入水管渗漏。 劳女士说,她的部门是授权问题,并最终终止违法行为未经水倒流防止器的服务大楼。 但记录显示,在过去25年来,全市已关闭的水只有三个商业建筑物没有安装阀门。


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