Women who want to live on the edge4_FELICITY IS HERE_百度空间

She laughs at suggestions that she was on the path to becoming a multi-millionaire: ‘I don’t understand where they got them.’



On the path to … 走向……之路

    But in America, men at the top of the skateboarding scene earn fortunes. Such opportunities may soon be available to women as more sports brands come to sponsor women athletes in order to promote the sales of women-specific goods.



Not only are sportswear manufacturers muscling in on women athletes. The Extreme Sports Channel—a satellite TV station—is joining in too, running dedicated women’s programming.



Muscle in(informal)force one's way into (something), typically in order to gain an advantage

    Alistair Gosling, owner of the Extreme Sports Channel, says: ‘I think, to date, women have been in the shadow of men, but now two things are happening—women are getting better and female retail sector is growing massively, outstripping the men’s in many areas.’



To date: 迄今为止

Outstrip 超越

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