招聘职位70:Construction Engineering Mgr合资汽车_猎头胡浩Hunter_ ...

·Establish, motivate and maintain a competent, productive complement of site personnel according to the approved site organization plan.
·Establish a viable method of construction for all aspects of the work.
·Establish the sites overall programme and ensure that the detailed programmes of subordinates are adhered to.
·Implement, monitor and control The Quality Assurance Plan.
·Identify unsafe practices and conditions
·Take part in the project management review and risk management review
·Organize internal work meetings and external meetings with subcontractors
·Approve detailed schedules of work execution
·Check work progress statements
·Motivate his personnel and ensures that the teams implement the quality health and safety plans
·Define his personnel and equipment requirements
·Coordinate interfaces between works, methods, suppliers and subcontractors
·Must have a Degree in B.S. Civil / Structural /Architectural / Engineering or any related field
·Minimum 10 years working experience in building construction or architecture with proven ability of managing a strong and diverse engineering workforce. Experience in construction of high-tech buildings is preferred.
·Experience in China market and Knowledge of Chinese local statutes and regulations, including international codes & standards is Preferred
·Strong technical orientation, excellent project & time management skills, ability to perform well under pressure
·Superb engineering management and leadership skills
·Proficiency in computer literate


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