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此板块 地面的施工,一般是在顶棚、立墙饰面完成之后进行,先铺设地面,后安装踢脚板。施工前,先清理现场,检查施工部位有没有水、暖、电等工种的预埋件,是否会影响板块的铺砌或铺粘;要检查板块材料的规格、尺寸、色泽、边角等方面的几何尺寸和外观要求,凡有翘曲、歪斜、厚薄偏差过大以及裂缝、掉角等缺陷应予剔出。同一地面工程应采用同一厂家、同一批号的产品,不同品种的板块材料不得混杂使用。搭设好加工棚,安装好台钻及砂轮锯 ,并接通水电源。

1)Construction Preparations:
Here the ground plate construction should be carried out after the completion of the ceiling and the facing of the wall. The ground should be laid first, and then the washboard. Before construction, the site is to be cleared first. Check whether there are any types of embedments for water pipes, HVAC pipes and electrical cables in the construction region and whether these embedments will affect the paving or adhering of the plates. Check the plate material’s specification, size, color and luster, edges, etc, to ensure that they meet the geometrical dimension requirements and the appearance requirements. If there are defects like warp, deflection, thickness deviation out of tolerance, cracks and dropped arris on the plates, pick the defective plates out. Plates of the same lot number and from the same manufacture should be applied to the same ground work. Different species of plates should not be used to the same ground work. Next, erect sheds for fabrication, install bench drills and abrasive wheel saw s, and get water and electrical sources connected.

1. 1)施工条件 此板块 地面的施工,一般是在顶棚、立墙饰面完成之后进行,先铺设地面,后安装踢脚板。施工前,先清理现场,检查施工部位有没有水、暖、电等工种的预埋件,是否会影响板块的铺砌或铺粘;要检查板块材料的规格、尺寸、色泽、边角等方面的几何尺寸和外观要求,凡有翘曲、歪斜、厚薄偏差过大以及裂缝、掉角等缺陷应予剔出。同一地面工程应采用同一厂家、同一批号的产品,不同品种的板块材料不得混杂使用。搭设好加工棚,安装好台钻及砂轮锯 ,并接通水电源。


1.1) construction conditions

The paving of this floor section is generally conducted after the accomplishment of the ceiling construction and the plastering of the upstreight walls, the process sequence is paving of the floor firstly and install baseboards thereafter. Before paving, the Construction sites are need to be cleaned up beforehand, and check if pre-casted parts which utilized for constructional jobs in the system of water supplying & drainage, heating, electricity and etc were in place or not, and to check, if those pre-castings would affect paving or sticky-laying within this section of the floor or not; all materials to be used for this section of the floor shall be checked with its specifications, Sizes, colors, edges and other aspects of geometry and appearance requirements; where there were warpage, skew, extensive over-deviation of thickness, cracks, angle-missing and the like incurred .all such defects should be screened out immediately. same one of the ground floor projects shall apply same products from same manufacturer and from the same pordoction batches, no mixed use were allowed. Other preparations are needed such as Putting up a processing shed, keep good installation of the bench drill and wheel saws , and ensure connection of the water supply.


Bridge Saw

或Tile Saw

在工厂里用的Bridge Saw
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