2010-04-04 20:12:09 阅读17 评论0 字号:大中小
For linear magnetic material, you can specify relative permeability values MURX, MURY, and MURZ using the MP command.
For nonlinear soft magnetic material, specify the B-H curve by reading from a material library or by creating your own B-H curve
To invoke the usage of a B-H curve along on
mp,murx,2,1000 mp,mury,2,0! read B-H curve for material 2 mp,murz,2,1000
If a B-H curve is specified along with zero permeability in two directions and a non-zero permeability
in on
e direction, the B-H curve will be applied to the two axes with zero permeability. For example, if MURX and MURY are zero and MURZ is non-zero, the B-H equations are: