博朗软件开发(上海)有限公司_Account Manager 客户经理|一网职尽
In order to obtain the glorious career path, Bleum will offer the free English training courses to improve the skill of the staff. Professional foreign English teachers design various training courses tailored to each employee to adapt to the {bfb} English harmonious working environment. The best overseas working opportunities to Europe and America are also included.

International Certification/Recognition

-In October 2006, Bleum was certified ISO 27001 compliant by BSI Management Systems, obtaining the gold standard in security management standards.
-In February 2006, Bleum was named one of the top 100 global outsourcing companies by the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP).
-In January 2006, Bleum was named an emerging outsourcing player by BusinessWeek magazine.
-In August 2005, Bleum achieved SEI CMM Level 5 certification.
-In January 2005, Bleum was named the number one outsourcing company to watch in China by the global outsourcing advisory firm neoIT and Managing Offshore magazine.


閫氳繃涓哄鎴锋彁渚涘熀浜庨暱鏈熷悎浣滃叧绯荤殑杞欢寮€鍙戞湇鍔★紝骞舵嫢鏈夊厛杩涚殑鎶€鏈強鍩轰簬CMM5鐨勮鑼冪殑绠$悊娴佺▼锛屽崥鏈椾负鍛樺伐鎻愪緵闈炲父绋冲畾鐨勮蒋浠跺紑鍙戠幆澧冦€傚崥鏈楁敞閲嶅憳宸ョ殑涓汉鍙戝睍锛屾瘡骞翠负鍛樺伐鎻愪緵鍚勭鍩硅璇剧▼锛岄櫎浜嗙郴缁熶笓涓氱殑鎶€鏈煿璁€佺爺璁ㄥ锛屽叕鍙歌嚧鍔涗簬涓嶆柇鎻愬崌鍛樺伐鐨勮嫳璇簲鐢ㄦ按骞筹紝鎻愪緵{bfb} 鑻辫宸ヤ綔鐜锛屼笓鑱岃嫳璇绫嶆暀甯堟牴鎹憳宸ヤ笉鍚岀殑鑻辫姘村钩璁捐鍩硅璇剧▼锛屽苟鎻愪緵瀹炴椂鍦版妧鏈嫳璇敮鎸併€傜敱浜庡鎴峰湪娆х編鍥藉锛屽叕鍙镐細瀹氭湡娲鹃仯鍛樺伐鍒版捣澶栧煿璁笌宸ヤ綔锛屾垨閭€璇锋捣澶栧鎴峰埌鍏徃杩涜鐜板満鍩硅鍜屾寚瀵笺€傚揩閫熷彂灞曠殑鍗氭湕鍚屾椂涔熺粰璇稿浼樼鍛樺伐鎻愪緵浜嗗揩閫熻亴涓氬彂灞曟満浼氾紝浣夸箣鎴愰暱涓烘妧鏈骞插強绠$悊鑰呫€傞殢鐫€鍏徃涓氬姟鎸佺画杩呴€熷闀匡紝鍗氭湕鐪熻瘹鍦版杩庢偍鐨勫姞鍏ワ紒

BLUEM is not just a company, but an attitude to life and to the work. It is a challenging and dynamic place to work, a place where innovation, initiative, and collaboration are encouraged and rewarded. What are you waiting for? Come on and join us!






Location: Shanghai, 1 people

Department: Sales Department

Main Responsibilities include:

  • Total client satisfaction.
  • Aggressively achieve personal and dept. revenue and profit targets. 
  • Explore and develop all the relevant business from new clients, and develop more key clients at the same time.
  • Coordinate internally and externally for all services from client, be responsible for following up service status to make sure client鈥檚 satisfaction.
  • Arrange meetings and sales presentations with potential clients. 
  • Preparation of quotations and preliminary system design. 
  • Negotiate and sign contracts in accordance with Sales Goals.
  • Maintain long-term relationships with clients and prospects. 
  • Increase ICD brand name and image though sales and marketing channels.
  • Build and maintain strong relationships with partner companies.  


  • Bachelor degree or above.
  • Minimum 5 years selling experience focused on local Banking, Chemical Industry or
    Energy sources (Oil, Petrochemical and Coal, etc.)
  • Hands-on solution-based sales experience (security-related preferred).
  • Strong analytical skills, detail oriented with demonstrated multi-tasking ability.
  • Excellent communication, presentation and negotiation skills.
  • Team player.




  • 绉瀬鏈夋晥鍦板畬鎴愪釜浜哄強閮ㄩ棬鐨勯攢鍞拰鍒╂鼎鐩爣銆?/LI>
  • 鎷撳睍涓氬姟鍜屽鎴凤紝鏈夋晥鍦拌瘑鍒湡姝g殑瀹㈡埛銆?/LI>
  • 鏍规嵁瀹㈡埛鐨勯渶姹傝璁$郴缁燂紝鍜ㄨ锛屽畨鎺掑拰缁勭粐涓氬姟浼氳锛屽睍绀轰骇鍝佸拰绯荤粺銆?/LI>
  • 瀹屾垚椤圭洰鐨勫垵姝ヨ璁″苟鎶ヤ环銆?nbsp;
  • 涓庡鎴疯皥鍒わ紝 绛捐婊¤冻鍏徃閿€鍞洰鏍囩殑鍚堝悓銆?/LI>
  • 寤虹珛鍜岀淮鎶ら暱鏈熺殑瀹㈡埛鍏崇郴銆?nbsp;
  • 寤虹珛鍜岀淮鎶や笌鍒嗗寘鍟嗙殑闀挎湡鍚堜綔鍏崇郴銆?nbsp;


  1. 鏈浠ヤ笂瀛﹀巻銆?/LI>
  2. 鑷冲皯5骞翠互涓婄殑閾惰锛堝浗鍐呯殑锛夋垨鍖栧伐鎴栫煶娌广€佺煶鍖栥€佺叅鐐瓑鑳芥簮琛屼笟鐨勯攢鍞粡楠岋紝 骞舵湁姝ょ被琛屼笟鐨勪赴瀵岀殑瀹㈡埛璧勬簮銆?nbsp;
  3. 鐩稿叧鎶€鏈垨瀹夐槻琛屼笟瑙e喅鏂规寮忛攢鍞粡楠岃€呬紭鍏堛€?nbsp;
  4. 浼樼鐨勫垎鏋愯兘鍔涳紝鍏虫敞缁嗚妭锛屽苟涓旇兘澶熸壙鎷呭椤瑰伐浣溿€?/LI>
  5. 浼樼鐨勪汉闄呮矡閫氭妧宸э紝鍛堢幇鍜岃皥鍒よ兘鍔涖€?/LI>
  6. 鑹ソ鐨勫洟闃熷悎浣溿€?/LI>


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