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    本来自己就不是狠喜欢The Twilight Saga: New Moon ,也不喜欢鞋拔子脸,总是不顾人品四处寻找往这片身上多扣一个屎盆子的机会。看了罗杰野爷的影评我彻底笑抽,丫真是犀利死了,果然骂人不带脏字儿才是流氓的{zg}境界。野爷毫不留情地批评了鞋拔子脸那张仿佛总被人欠钱、一副欠抽相的poker face,对于该片的狗血情节也同时予以了深入浅出全方位立体式多角度点线面的鞭挞。但是问题就在于,野爷实在是太喜欢Kristen Stewart了。据部分看过The Runaways的淫民群众透露,Dakota Fanning在其中的表现非常霸气,而Kristen Stewart的表演就如同她那张万年欠扁的脸一样没有看点。而艾伯特野爷却狠慷慨地为伊的表演打了个超高分,这不禁刺激了我困惑的小神经。其实我也是Kristen Stewart的粉丝一枚,不过在我看过的、有她戏份的电影之中,还是最喜欢Panic Room。至于她摆脱假小子形象之后的电影嘛……见仁见智!见仁见智!

    附上野爷评的The Twilight Saga: New Moon,愿各位在新的{yt}里心情舒畅。

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    The characters in this movie should be arrested for loitering with intent to moan. Never have teenagers been in greater need of a jump-start. Granted some of them are more than 100 years old, but still: their charisma is by Madame Tussaud.

    "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" takes the tepid achievement of "" (2008), guts it, and leaves it for undead. You know you're in trouble with a sequel when the word of mouth advises you to see the first movie twice instead. Obviously the characters all have. Long opening stretches of this film make utterly no sense unless you walk in knowing the first film, and hopefully both Stephanie Meyer novels, by heart. Edward and Bella spend murky moments glowering at each other and thinking, So, here we are again.

    Bella () is still living at home with her divorced dad (), a cop whose disciplinary policy involves declaring her grounded for the rest of her life and then disappearing so she can jump from cliffs, haunt menacing forests, and fly to Italy so the movie can evoke the sad final death scene from--why, hold on, it's Romeo and Juliet! The very play Edward was reciting narcissistically and contemptuously in an opening scene.

    Yes, Edward () is back in school, repeating the 12th grade for the 84th time. Bella sees him in the school parking lot, walking toward her in slow-motion, wearing one of those Edwardian Beatles jackets with a velvet collar, pregnant with his beauty. How white his skin, how red his lips. The decay of middle age may transform him into the Joker.

    Edward and the other members of the Cullen vampire clan stand around a lot with glowering skulks. Long pauses interrupt longer ones. Listen up, lads! You may be immortal, but we've got a train to catch.

    Edward leaves, because Bella was not meant to be with him. Although he's a vegetarian vampire, when she gets a paper cut at her birthday party one of his pals leaps on her like a shark on a tuna fish.

    In his absence she's befriended by Jake (Taylor Lautner), that nice American Indian boy. "You've gotten all buff!" she tells him. Yeah, real buff, and soon he's never wearing a shirt and standing outside in the winter rain as if he were--why, nothing more than a wild animal. They don't need coats like ours, remember, because God gave them theirs.

    Those not among that five percent of the movie's target audience that doesn't already know this will (spoiler) be surprised that Jake is a werewolf.

    Bella: So…you're a werewolf?
    Jake: Last time I checked.
    Bella: "Can't you find a way to...just stop?
    Jake (patiently): "It's not a lifestyle choice, Bella."

    Jake is influenced, or controlled, or something, by Sam, another member of the tribe. He's like the alpha wolf. Sam and his three friends are mostly seen in long shot, shirtless in the rain, hanging around the edges of the clearing as if hoping to dash in and pick off some fresh meat.

    Bella writes long letters to her absent vampire friend Alice (Ashley Greene), in which she does nothing to explain why she is helplessly attracted to these sinister, humorless and vain men. It can't be the sex. As I've already explained in my review of the first film, The Twilight Saga is an extended metaphor for teen chastity, in which the punishment for being deflowered I will leave to your imagination.

    The movie includes beauteous fields filled with potted flowers apparently buried hours before by the grounds crew, and nobody not clued in on the plot. Since they know it all and we know all, sitting through this experience is like driving a tractor in low gear though a sullen sea of Brylcreem.

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