Faffe and dramatic first-round encounter enemies NFL China | 广告 ...
Faffe and "enemies" dramatic first-round encounter

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This week days, NFL quarterback Brett record - France Front (Brett Favre) will represent the first time the New York Jets in the game against a Miami Dolphins, interesting is the game of his rival Chad - Penim Dayton (Chad Pennington) is to be his "out of" New York people.

9-time NBA All-Star in March this year, the French Front in the effectiveness of the Green Bay Packers announced his retirement after 16 seasons,, and soon after changed his mind as to the age of 38,, joined the New York Jets, His arrival prompted jet to last season's starting quarterback Penim Cotton Exchange to the AFC East rival Miami Dolphins. Dayton joined the Dolphins after Penim five weeks, has won the trust of his teammates, starting quarterback position firmly occupied,, but he does not regard this match as their revenge.

week three, he said in an interview: "If there is no point feeling would be too hypocritical, and we are emotional animals, but my focus will be on how to win, i attachment to personal feelings do not respect this team, my only hope is to beat the jet. "This game is currently in Miami for the current sports director Bill - Passels is also significant, he is a former Jets head coach, this is his first time to face former team Lvdui. Meanwhile, he also had his assistant in the Jets Tony - Sparano brought to Miami, so he served as coach.

Faffe put the game back as their battle, he said: "Like this, like other games, I did not so naive as to think about how special, you should believe I am very excited and can not guarantee what will happen pitch, but I like the team's current situation, this shirt is for my body. "

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