【Matlab常用函数】矩阵循环移位circshift 函数_simonYUMing_百度空间

CIRCSHIFT     Shift array circularly.

    B = CIRCSHIFT(A,SHIFTSIZE) circularly shifts the values in the array A
    by SHIFTSIZE elements. SHIFTSIZE is a vector of integer scalars (整数标量组成的矢量)where
    the N-th element specifies the shift amount for the N-th dimension of
    array A. If an element in SHIFTSIZE is positive, the values of A are
    shifted down (or to the right). If it is negative, the values of A
    are shifted up (or to the left).

       A = [ 1 2 3;

               4 5 6;

                7 8 9];

      B = circshift(A,1) % circularly shifts first dimension values down by 1.

       B =     7     8     9
               1     2     3
               4     5     6

       B = circshift(A,[1 -1]) % circularly shifts first dimension values down by 1 and second dimension left by 1.
       B =   8     9     7
               2     3     1
               5     6     4

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