HPI Cyber 10B 钛合金螺丝| RCFans遥控迷模型网

hpi-cyber-10b-titanium-screw-setHPI Cyber 10B 是一辆高xxx的越野车,现在HPI公司为该产品推出全车钛合金螺丝,能大幅减轻车架重量!有效提升Cyber 10B行走性能!






Reduces weight while adding strength and durability.
Drop the weight on your Cyber 10B with this fantastic complete set of titanium screws!

By replacing the standard steel screws with titanium, you can save about 30% of the weight of the stock screws. This gives you faster lap times, more acceleration and even more runtime plus less wear on the drivetrain because the motor and gears have less weight to pull around the track!

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