Yuna Random Awesome Lyrics « Eva Seidel

Random Awesome by Yuna Sory if i have some mistake! lyrics: It all began at the show one weekend i was a friend of your cousin said “hey how you’ve been” And with your checkered shirt on And my Reebok shoes on Let’s watch something random turned to something awesome And I smile I love no, I laugh happier somehow No I don’t know what is up with me I laugh too much recently No, They don’t know much about us When we’re exchanging glances We’ll figure out one day, what happened on your 24th birthday It all began with a simple confession You had an urge to kiss me and I was on the verge to miss you and it happen, no we don’t understand no i won’t even budge before we didn’t hang out much So save me in your playlist so, You wont forget this And if this dont quite go your way You’ll still have me on replay With your checkered shirt on And my Reebok shoes on Let’s watch something random turned to something awesome And I smile I love no, I laugh happier somehow No I don’t know what is up with me I laugh too much recently No, They don’t know much about us When we’re exchanging glances We’ll figure out one day, what happened on your 24th birthday

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