
吸泵出口管高度对自吸性能的影响因素: 试验研究表明自吸时间与多种因素有关,除泵本身结构特点外进水管道的安装状况对自吸性能的影响很大,这已有一些研究报导提出,但出水管的安装状况对自吸性能影响,一般认为很小,而不予研究。 本文是从解决实际工作中,发现在一定场合下,出口管道对自吸性能也会有影响,这研究结果会给泵设计和使用者带来帮助· 一、除了泵本身结构特点和外进水管道的安装状况对自吸性能的重大影响外,在一定场合下出口管道对自吸性能也会有影响。自吸泵出水段对自吸存水的影响自吸泵自吸时压力尚未xx建立泵体内的存水循环流动,但水的流动状况与出水管有关。 在自吸泵上泵出水流道与出水孔直通,出水流道有一个窗孔与气水分离室相通,从叶轮出来的水顺着出水流道进入出水管,如果出水管比较长(1M以上)由于压力不够水不会流出,水从窗孔进入气水分离室,分离出的气,从窗孔进入出水管上升排出。如果出水管很短则水压可使水从出水管流失,泵内存水将减少。当减少到一定程度时,泵内循环存水不再减少,但这时存水就很少了。对于泵体出水流道与泵出水口分开,中问有一个宽大的气水分离室的自吸泵泵体。叶轮出来的水不直接对准出口,水压不足时.水就不易出来,观察这类结构的自吸泵,可以看到在自吸时水在泵体上方形成一个大旋涡,不容易溢出来,这种结构的出水管对自吸存水影响不大。 二、 存水量对自吸能力的影响 自吸泵自吸时由叶轮形成气水混合层,如果存水太少,气水混台层就很薄、抽气量就少,存水极少时,不能有效隔离进出口腔,甚至相通,进口真空度遭破坏。从试验可知,泵存水小于1.6 2时,泵不能连续抽气,存水2 1时真空表稳定开始连续抽气,存水再增加,真空度也增加。存永加到一定数值后.真空度不再增加。这种规律对于各种自吸离心泵都一样,但其数值各异。 4TC-80流量:7.8升/,秒泵体存水的容积为l3升,经工厂试验,达到足够存水量的要求。但是这13L是静止时加入泵体的存水.在使用中发现,当4TC-80的出水段只有0.3 m高时,自吸时水会冲出来,停机检查存水面下降l40mm,存水减少72,这从图5可以看到,6 2的动态存水自吸能力是极低的,实际不能自吸上水。 在这种情况下,自吸时水易冲出来的泵结构.必须加高出水段,使之能容下泵体涌出来的自吸循环水,不减少自吸存水4TC-80泵的出水段加高至0.9m自吸能力就达到8m 5最小出水安装高度的探讨 从上述分析可以得到如下结论,泵出水流遭与出口相通的结构。泵效率高,但存水极易冲出,一定要配足够高的出水管,否则盯能造成自吸性能严重下降。泵出水流道与出口隔开,并出水方向转弯,不对正出口的结构。泵体内旋涡大,泵体内水利损失大但泵水内存水不易冲出泵外,气水分离效果好,泵自吸性能好,并且不受出水管安装高低的影响,泵出水流道与出口隔开两个口对正的结构。自吸存水也会冲出泵外,泵自吸性能也受出水管安装高度的影响。 那未,垂直段出水管要多高才保证存水足够呢? 理论上讲,出水管的容积理论{zd0}值等于泵体容积,实际上图3a的结构自吸时,泵体气水分离腔、叶轮腔内都有一些水在循环,只有一部分水进入出水管内,再从出水流遭窗孔流进气水分离室。所以实际的出水管容积小于泵体容积即可,而出水管的高度将由涌上高度所决定a这涌上高度与泵结构有关,即一定量的循环水量需要一定高度的静压失使出水管的水从窗孔流回来。主要的影响因素是窗孔的面积、下部回流孔面积,叶轮宽度和叶轮线速度等。如果窗孔很小,这个高度就要高些,如果出水管粗大,这水的容积就大,如果窗孔和回流孔都小,涌上高度就高,反之就低,叶轮宽度大,线速度大,这涌上高度也就大c 具体涌上高度可以用试验方法来确定,方法是把出口装一个高的出水管(1.2 m左右),把泵体灌满水,泵进口封死,开机自吸抽气,看水在管内冲上多高,这个高良就是涌上高度。这个高度亦可称之最小出水安装高度,自吸性能有影响。 三、泵出口与泵体流道不相通且流线转弯的自吸泵,出水高度对白吸性能~般无影响。 四.泵出口与泵体流遭相通的白吸泵,出水管安装要大于最小出水安装高良。 五、最小出水安装高度与泵体流道窗孔大小,回水孔大小、叶轮宽度,叶轮线速等有关。可以通过试验得到自吸{zd0}涌上高度来确定是小出水安装高度。

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Suction pump outlet tube height of self-absorption properties of factors: Experimental studies have shown that self-absorption time and a variety of factors, in addition to pump their own water pipe outside the structural characteristics of the installation of conditions on the great influence on the performance of self-priming, which has been proposed by some research reports, but the outlet pipe installation conditions on the self - suction performance impact is generally believed that small, but excluded from study. This article is from solving practical work, found that in certain occasions, the export pipeline to the self-absorption properties will also be an impact on the results of this study will help to bring pump design and user 1, in addition to their structural characteristics and the outer pump water piping installation conditions on the performance of a major self-priming effects, in certain occasions export pipeline will affect the performance of self-absorption. Self-priming pump self-priming water in the water segment of the effects of self-priming pump self-priming pump when the pressure has not been fully established in vivo flow deposit water cycle, but the water flow conditions and the outlet pipe. In the self-priming pump to pump water on the Road and the water hole straight through, there is an outflow passage fenestrae interlinked with the gas-water separation chamber, from the impeller out of the water along the outflow passage into the outlet pipe, if the outlet pipe of relatively long ( 1M and above) is not enough water will not flow due to pressure of water from the fenestrae into the gas-water separation room, isolated from the gas discharged from the fenestrae into the outlet pipe up. If the outlet pipe is a very short loss of pressure allows water from the outlet pipe, pump the memory of water will be reduced. When reduced to a certain extent, pump water in circulation is no longer reduced, but this time the water in very much. For Road and pump out the water pump outlet to separate, I asked to have a large gas-water separation chamber of the pump self-priming pump. Impeller out of the water does not directly targeting export, water pressure is insufficient. Water is not easy to come out to observe the structure of such self-priming pump, you can see in the self-priming pump when the water in the top of the formation of a large vortex is not easy to overflow, the structural water in the outlet pipe of the self-priming effect is not Great. Second, water storage capacity for self-priming effect Self-priming pump self-priming impeller formed by the gas-water mixed layer, if the water in too little, gas-water hybrid layer is thin and less exhaust volume, water in very small, it can not import and export of effective isolation chamber, and even similarities, import vacuum degree of destruction. We can see from the test, pump water in less than 1.6 2, the pump can not be a continuous pumping, the water in 21:00 a stable vacuum gauge consecutive extraction, the water in a further increase in vacuum has also increased. Cun-Yong added, after a certain value. Vacuum is no longer increasing. Such laws were a variety of self-priming centrifugal pumps are the same, but its value varied. 4TC-80 Flow: 7.8 liters /, second pump water in the volume of l3 l, by the factory test, to achieve adequate water storage requirements. But this 13L is a stationary pump body to join the storage. In use found that when the water 4TC-80, only a 0.3 m high, the self-absorption when the water is coming out of the water drop down check deposit l40mm, reduction of water in 72 This can be seen from Figure 5, the dynamics of water in 62 self-priming ability is very low, the actual can not be self-priming in Sheung Shui. In this case, the self-absorption easily washed out when the water pump structure. Have heightened the water above, so that it can come pouring placement supports self-priming pump recycled water, does not reduce the self-priming pump water in 4TC-80 increasing the height of the water segment to 0.9m self-priming ability to reach 8m 5 Minimum installation height of water From the above analysis the following conclusion can be, pump out the water has been interlinked with the export structure. Pump efficiency, but out of water in vulnerable must be equipped with a high enough outlet pipe, or stare can cause a serious decline in self-absorption properties. Road and exit to pump water separated, and turn the direction of the water, not being the export structure. Large vortex pump body and pump water body will suffer greater losses, but not easy to pump water out of the memory of water pumps, the gas-water separation is good, self-priming pump performance is good, and free from the impact of high and low outlet pipe installation, pump out the water Road and export mouth right now separating the two structures. Water storage will be self-priming pump out, the pump self-priming performance is also affected by outlet pipe to install a high degree of impact. That is not, the vertical section outlet pipe to be how high the water in only ensure that enough? In theory, theory of maximum volume outlet pipe is equal to pump volume, in fact the structure of Figure 3a, when self-priming, pump gas-water separation chamber, the impeller cavity have some water in the loop, only a portion of the water into the outlet pipe within the , then from out the water was flowing into the fenestrae gas-water separation chamber. Therefore, the actual volume of the outlet pipe can be smaller than the pump volume, while the outlet pipe will clog the height of the height determined by a pump that clog the height related to the structure, that is, a certain amount of circulating water requires a certain high level of static pressure loss so that the water outlet pipe from the fenestrae flow back. The main factor is the size of fenestrae, the lower part of back-hole size, impeller width and impeller speed and so on. If the fenestrae small, highly necessary to higher, if the outlet pipe thick, this volume of water on the large fenestrae and return if the holes are small, well up high on the high contrast is low, the impeller width of the large, wire Great speed, it also took to a high degree of large c Can clog the height of the specific test method to determine the, method is to install a high export outlet pipe (1.2 m or so), the pump filled with water, pump imported sealed, self-priming pumping start to see water in the pipe onto the tall, this high-liang is well up high. The high degree of water can also be termed the minimum mounting height, affect the self-priming performance. 3, pump outlet flow channel is not interlinked with the pump and the flow line turning self-priming pump, the water absorption performance of a high degree of dialogue ~ as no effect. 四. Pump outlet and the pump flow were interlinked white suction pump, the water outlet pipe installation is greater than the minimum installation of high-liang. 5, minimum installation height and pump the water flow channel fenestrae size, backwater hole size, impeller width, and other relevant wire-speed impeller. Self-absorption can be obtained by experiment to determine the maximum height clog small water installation height.

郑重声明:资讯 【出口管高度对自吸泵的性能会造成哪些影响_中国化工泵网_新浪博客】由 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.com)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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