

2010-04-01 11:34:09 阅读8 评论0 字号:

在给水泵出口处原装有手动闸阀(即水泵控制阀)和止回阀,以保证水泵轻载启动,停泵后防止介质倒流并xx水泵对机泵的影响。然而,因水泵控制阀为手动闸阀,在水泵启、停过程中必须手动操作,操作时间长且随意性很大,劳动强度大;同时,由于手动闸阀启闭频繁,法兰漏水问题很难解决,由原止回阀瞬时关闭常常发生很大的水锤冲击,水泵及管网系统存在安全隐患。 一. 电磁-液动缓闭闸阀简介: 该阀依靠自身管内介质压力作动力源,在常规控制和PLC电控设备的配合使用下,可实现自动控制、远程控制、集中控制、多点控制及泵阀一体化。因此,简化了操作程序,降低了工人劳动强度,并且该阀在电网突然停电时,能自动先快后慢地关闭。由于关阀过程分为先快后慢两个阶段完成,故又能有效地防止和xx危害性水锤对管网设备的破坏。 二. 使用效果: 1. 简化控制系统: 采用“电磁-液动缓闭闸阀”后,实现了机电一体化控制。开泵时,按下水泵启动按钮,水泵开始运转,当水泵达到正常运转时,阀门自动先慢后快开启;关泵时,按下水泵停止按钮,阀门开始先快后慢进行关闭,当即将xx关闭时,水泵自动停止运转,突然停电时,阀门利用管道回流介质自动先快后慢进行关闭。 该阀不需要任何外加动力,便可实现直接对水泵进行启停控制,不公保证了水泵电机轻载启动,而且彻底解决了因突然停电而造成的水锤危害,介质回流的问题,提高了供水安全的可靠性。 2. xx水水锤效果理想 开泵、开阀、停泵、关阀都很平稳、无噪声、振动,阀门关闭严密,是非常理想的达到了一阀多用的目的。 3. 维护与安全 由于其设备设计合理,维护简单,必购买零配件非常方便可靠;因电磁阀供电采用低电压24伏直流电,符合国家和国际电工委员会的要求。

“ Electromagnetic hydraulic slow closing valve in the pump house in the practical application ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国闸阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

In the original there is a manual pump outlet valve (the pump control valve) and check to ensure the pump light load start, stop the pump after the pump to prevent medium back and eliminate the influence of the pump. However, due to manual gate valve pump control valve in the pump opens, stops the process of manually operated, the operation very long time and randomness, labor-intensive; the same time, frequent opening and closing manual valve, flange leakage problem is difficult to resolve, the original instantaneous valve closure occurs very often the impact of water hammer, water pump pipe network security weaknesses. 1. Electromagnetic - hydraulic slow closing valve Description: The valve tube on its own as the power medium pressure, in conventional PLC control and with the use of electronic control devices, it can be to achieve automatic control, remote control, centralized control, more control and valve integrated. Therefore, simplifying the procedures and reduce labor intensity, and a sudden power failure the valve when in power, able to automatically slow down after shut down. As the closing valve process is divided into slow down after two stages and, therefore, can effectively prevent and eliminate harmful water hammer on the pipe network equipment damage. 2. Use Effect: 1. Simplify the control system: Using "electromagnetic - hydraulic slow closing valve", the realization of mechatronic control. Open the pump, press the start button pump, water pump started running, when the water pump to normal operation, the valve automatically opens the first slow after the fast; off the pump, press the stop button pumps, valves began to slow down after the shutdown, When about to completely shut down, the water pump will cease operation, a sudden power failure, the valve using pipe back to medium to slow down after automatic shut down. The valve does not require any outside power can start and stop the direct control of the water pump, water pump motor injustice ensure light-load start, and completely solved due to a sudden power outage caused by water hammer damage, medium back problems, improve water supply the safety and reliability. 2. Elimination of water of the results are satisfactory Hammer Open pump, open valve, stop the pump, closing valve is very smooth, no noise, vibration, valve closed tight, is ideal to use a multi-purpose valve. 3. Maintenance and Safety Because of its equipment, reasonable design, simple maintenance, purchase of spare parts will be very convenient and reliable; solenoid valve power supply for low voltage 24 V DC, in line with national and International Electrotechnical Commission requirements.

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