多路换向阀的组装与试验的注意事项- 中国气动阀门网的日志- 网易博客


2010-03-11 10:53:09 阅读5 评论0 字号:

1.所有零件应小心地进行清洗,用吹干或用鹿皮擦干。 2.装合后的试验: (1)密封性能试验:用压力为0.2-0.4Mpa的压缩空气与多路换向阀出口接通,换向阀的其余孔均用螺塞堵住。再将多路换向阀浸入油中20-30mm,打开空气阀门,将换向阀杆置于两个极限位置。多路换向阀表面不允许有漏气现象。如果发现有漏气,应在漏气的地方记上记号,然后进行返修。 (2)功能试验:将多路换向阀通入公称压力和流量的压力油,在没有渗漏的情况下,检查操纵杠杆,应能接通任何一个极限位置,并能自动返回中立位置。 在功能试验时,应将所有单元的操纵杠杆向两个极限位置,各接通四次。在第五次接通时,应在极限位置上停止3min,并且操纵杆应能自动返回中立位置。 (3)正确性能检查:检查在所有负载时,换向阀应能否以最小的调速位置,负载油缸能否以最小速度运动。 (4)外部密封性能检查:将各出口压力改为2.5-3Mpa,将进口压力改为20MPa,把各单元阀杆在6-10s的时间内,接通极限位置15次,不允许外部有漏油现象。

“ Multi-valve assembly and testing of Attention ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国气动阀门网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

1. All parts should be carefully carried out cleaning, use dry or dry skins. 2. Fitted together after the test: (1) The sealing performance test: the 0.2-0.4Mpa Pressure of compressed air and multi-way valve connected to exports, the rest of valve holes are blocked with the drain plug. Multi-channel valve and then immersed in oil, 20-30mm, open the air valve, the valve rod placed in two extreme positions. The surface does not allow multi-channel valve leakage phenomenon. If you find a leak should be recorded on the mark where gas leakage and then rework. (2) function tests: The multi-pass valve Nominal pressure and flow into the pressure of oil, there is no leakage in the case, check the control lever, should be able to connect to any one extreme position, and can automatically return to neutral position. In the functional test, all units should be two extreme positions to manipulate the levers, each connected to four. Connected in the fifth when the position should be the limit stop 3min, and the joystick should be able to automatically return to neutral position. (3) the proper performance check: check all the load, the valve should be able to at minimum speed position, the load can tank with a minimum speed of movement. (4) External sealing performance check: will each outlet pressure into 2.5-3Mpa, will be replaced by inlet pressure 20MPa, the stem of each cell in the 6-10s of the time, connected to limit positions 15 times, does not allow external Youlou Oil phenomenon.

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