耐环境高可靠圆形电连接器高压连接器玻璃烧结连接器圆形连接器|壳克 ...

(The series of products using bayonet quick connect system, and have small size, high density, good environmental resistance, the advantages of access to reliable, consistent with the GLB598 Series I (equivalent to MIL-C-26482 Series I) of the technical requirements, products are widely used in aviation, aerospace and other electronic devices between the electrical connections.)

郑重声明:资讯 【耐环境高可靠圆形电连接器高压连接器玻璃烧结连接器圆形连接器|壳克 ...】由 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.com)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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