
何谓多功能水泵控制阀?水泵有什么运行特性需要阀门来控 制?水泵控制阀能否实现这些控 制?以及它与传统的闸阀、蝶阀、止回阀以及匀速、双速缓闭 的水力控制止回阀在原理、功能 等方面有什么质的不同,笔者在本文中以活塞式多功能水泵控 制阀(下称控制阀)为例,通过 对其结构、主要功能、工作原理的剖析,提出对上述问题的看 法,供读者参阅。   一、结构   控制阀的结构见图1(图示为开启状态)。   控制阀结构的主要特点是取消了阀座中间的定位机构和阀 瓣上侧的弹簧,而且在阀瓣的下 侧设计了导流板,{zd0}限度减少了介质过流时的机械损失和阀 瓣下侧穹腔内的旋涡损失。以 缸体内的活塞作驱动元件,在介质自身压力作用下带动阀瓣作 上下运动,实现阀的开启或关 闭。活塞、启闭件、连同缸体配置在阀体上,流线形、宽阀腔 的阀体,不但水头损失可以比 同类产品减少30%以上,而且具有良好的抗气蚀性能。   以电磁阀换向机构(下称电磁阀)和压力管路组成伺服系统, 取控制阀两端的压力水为驱动 源,通过电信号指令,任意一端的压力水都能实现水泵控制阀 在设定的时刻和速度执行泵的 开启或关闭。   二、泵的运行特性与控制阀的功能特点、工作原理   1.泵的启动特性及其控制   a)离心泵的零流量启动特性及其控制(即关阀启动)   离心泵在零流量工况时轴功率最小,为额定轴功率的30%- 90%,所以离心泵的启动特性 是零流量启动(即关阀启动)。待泵至额定转速之后控制阀按 设定的速度缓慢开启。   工作原理:泵启动时(前)压力水经过设有延时的电磁阀流向 缸体内活塞上腔,而活塞下腔 通过缸体下端经电磁阀通向大气,此时控制阀处于关闭状态。   电动机补偿启动结束,泵正常运转,电磁阀即执行换向指令 ,切断活塞上腔压力水源、关闭 缸体下端通向大气的回路,同时将压力水经电磁阀注入缸内活 塞下腔、打开活塞上腔通向大 气的回路,活塞上腔的水经电磁阀排出阀外,控制阀按设定的 速度缓慢开启,完成并满足了 离心泵在零流量时轴功率最小的启动特性,保证泵机组的安全 运转。   b)轴流泵的大流量启动特性及其控制(即全开阀启动)   轴流泵在零流量工况时轴功率{zd0},为额定轴功率的140% ~200%,所以轴流泵的启动特 性应是大流量启动(即全开阀启动)。   工作原理:控制阀满足轴流泵全开阀启动的工作原理是离 心泵关阀启动的逆运行,即电磁 阀先工作,将阀全开后,泵再启动。参阅a)条,不赘述。   轴流泵启动前,这时阀的进口压力为零,控制阀利用阀出 水端的介质压力将阀开启,而离 心泵启动时是利用阀进水端的介质压力将阀开启。无论阀的哪 一端介质都能实现控制阀的开 或启,这是水泵控制阀功能的重要特征之一。   c)控制混流泵的启动特征   混流泵在零流量工况时轴功率介于上述两种泵之间,为额 定功率的100%~130%,所以混 流泵的启动特性也应是上述两种泵之间,一般可选择泵启动与 控制阀的缓慢开启同步进行。   工作原理:工作原理与控制离心泵零流量启动特性相同, 只要取消电磁阀的延时设置即可 。 2.停泵及其控制   a)控制离心泵的零流量停泵(即先关阀后停泵)   对于离心泵,先缓慢关闭控制阀,然后再停泵的重要性在 于:这时管内介质流速由额定流 速逐渐降至为零,速度变化梯度极小,可有效的避免停泵水锤 的发生和泵的逆转;泵的轴功 率由额定功率逐渐降至最小的运行功率,有利于机组安全。   工作原理:需要停泵时,只要先切断电磁阀的控制电源, 电磁阀即执行换向指令,关闭活 塞下腔的压力水源和活塞上腔通大气的回路,同时开启活塞上 腔的压力水源和活塞下腔通大 气的回路,即以进口压力水作驱动源,缓慢关闭控制阀,等控 制阀全关闭后,通过限位开关 指令泵即停止运转,全过程为自动控制。   控制阀缓闭时间可以通过节流阀的调节在5~60s范围内或根 据用户需要进行选择。   b)控制轴流泵、混流泵的停泵   轴流泵、混流泵的停泵功能和工作原理与上述内容相仿, 不赘。   3.改变装置特性(即流量无级调节功能)   改变装置特性属于对泵运行工况调节的范畴,最常用的是 节流法,也称阀门调节法,利用 开大或关小阀门的开度;改变泵装置中的阻力系数ξ,从而使 管路的供水特性H=F(Q)发生变 化,以达到调节流量的目的。   控制阀从全闭至全开之间,阀的开度可以无级调节,由开 度显示器显示开度,并予以记忆 和稳定。   工作原理:   a)流量由小调大   活塞下腔的压力水注入管路和活塞上腔与大气相通的回路 开启,同时活塞上腔的压力水注 入管路和活塞下腔与大气相通的回路关闭,这时阀瓣缓慢开启 ,达到设定流量时,控制电路 即按指令将活塞上、下腔与大气相通的回路关闭,同时将活塞 上、下腔压力水 注入管路开启,这时活塞上、下两侧总压力相等,活塞处于静 止,整个缸体内成为密闭状态 ,稳定了阀的开度,并由开度显示器显示开度。   b)流量由大调小   是a)条的逆运作,不赘。   上述控制电路的指令可由限位开关执行,也可设小型的电 控箱执行,两者都能实现自动控 制。   4.意外突然停泵水锤力的控制   意外突然停泵一般指供电网络故障或强雷电保护性跳闸等 停泵现象,此类停泵的概率不到 停泵总次数的1%,但因此而产生的水锤对管网及供水机组具 有破坏性,应予以重视。   a)停泵水锤的物理现象   本文不是讨论管道中的水锤,只是为了便于对控制阀减小 水击力的功能和工作原理的叙述 ,引用茹可夫斯基水锤公式对停泵水锤的物理现象作简单的述 说。    式中H——产生水锤时的水击力(m水柱);   C——水锤波传播速度,若暂时不考虑介质、管 壁材料的弹性系数和管壁厚度,近似取 C=1000m/s;   g——重力加速度,9.81m/s;   Vo——水锤发生前介质流速(m/s);   Vt——水锤发生时介质流速(m/s)。   从式4-1可以看出发生水锤的必要条件是流体的速度变化, 水击力的大小取决于变化梯度 的大小。停泵时流速由V0降为零,首层液面由于流体的惯性, 水层被压缩,压力上升(即水锤 压力),接着因惯性力的作用依次一层、一层……滞止、压力 升高、被压缩,出现微观的高压 区和低压区,它们的分界面称为水锤波(此时为增压波),增压 波直至输水管的管端末层消失 。接着又逆向一层、一层……传播至水锤开始时的首层液面( 此时为复压波),这个往返过程 所需时间t可用下式表示:    式中L——输水管长度(m)。   若阀门关闭时间为T关,则T关L/500s条件下的水锤为间接水锤 ,ΔH小于直接水锤。这是因 为间接水锤时,阀门前正在发展的增压过程,会受到复压波的 干扰而被削弱。ΔH的大小与干 扰程度和干扰次数有关。   从以上简述中可知,控制阀不能避免意外突然停泵时水锤 的发生,但可以根据输水管道长 度,通过对阀门关闭时间的调节,将直接水锤转化为间接水锤 使ΔH降为最小,保证输水管道 和泵机组的安全。   b)阀门关闭时间的调节   目前水泵控制阀常用的关闭时间调节方法有两种,要指出 的是本文所指的调节方法是水泵 控制阀的功能之一,虽具有这种功能的各种类型的止回阀或其 它阀门不一定是水泵控制阀, 别以此而误导,详见本文第三章“结论”部分。   c)两阶段关阀(即先快速关阀后慢速关阀)   这种关阀形式可以防止停泵水锤的发生,至于快速关阀的 时间,也应与管道的长度相匹配 ,兼顾水泵反转速度和倒流水量大小,满足xx停泵水锤的要 求。   d)匀速关阀   这种关阀的特点是能根据各种不同长度的输水管道和选择 复压波的往返次数,调节不同的 关阀时间,恒满足T关>L/500s的条件。大幅度削弱突然停泵水锤 的水击力,适应性较两阶段 关阀为广,足以满足GB/T50265-97《泵站设计规范》中关于反转 速不应超过额定转速的 1.2倍,持续时间不应超过2min的要求。   水泵控制阀的上述两种方法都由电磁阀自动控制。   5.选择压力源的机动性大   电磁阀的伺服机构设计为双向同时取压,经单向阀分配, 由一条压力较高输液管中的水为 压力源注入电磁阀。无论是进水端的压力水还是出水端的压力 水,都能单独执行控制阀的开 启或关闭。   正因为有该功能的存在,使水泵控制阀能满足各种水泵的 启动、停泵等运行特性要求的可 能。其重要还在于:当输送介质为浑浊水,不能作驱动源需要 外供压力源时,只要一条伺服 管路即可实现控制阀的所有功能。   6.节能   将过流介质的能耗控制在最小,是水泵控制阀的一项重要 课题。我们抽样了某些通径的控 制阀作了实验,得出下列实验公式供读者参考:   阻力系数ξ以下列公式确定: 当DN≤250时 ξ=14.68×V1.1339(7-1)   当DN>250时 ξ=10.97×V1.1339(7-2) 式中ξ——阻力系数;   V——介质流速(m/s)。 局部水头损失hf以下列公式确定: hf=ξ×V2/2g (7-3) 或:hf=0.749×V0.8661 (7-4) hf=0.56×V0.8661 (7-5) 式中hf——局部水头损失(m水柱);   V——介质流速(m/s);   g——重力加速度g=9.81(m/s2)。   经检测,该种水泵控制阀的水头损失比同类型的水力控制 阀能耗减少30%以上。   三、结论   具有控制水泵运行特性功能的阀门才称为水泵控制阀,这 是显而易见的。   本文第二章第1节《泵的启动特性及其控制》中的a)、b)、c) 条;第2节《停泵及其控制》 中的a),b)条;第3节《改变装置特性》中的a),b)条;第4节《 意外突然停泵水锤力的控制 》中的b)条;这里所叙述的八种功能属于泵运转特性所要求的技 术条件,也是泵本身运转特性 要求阀门来控制的内容,也是水泵控制阀的必要功能。这些必 要功能是水泵控制阀区别于各 种类型止回阀或其它阀门质的界定。   为什么不具备上述必要功能不能称为水泵控制阀呢?这可以 通过下面举例予以说明:   若不具备第2节a)条中先关阀后停泵的功能,对离心泵来说 ,所有停泵都变为意外突然停泵 ,占停泵总数99%以上的正常停泵,并可以避免水锤和泵逆转 发生的安全性化为乌有,多么 危险。   若不具备第2节和第3节的功能,则只有泵的启动才能实现阀 的开启、泵的关闭才能实现阀 的关闭,很明显这是泵在控制阀门工作,失去了控制阀的“控 制”实质,更难理解为水泵控 制阀了。   若不具备第3节无级调节流量的功能,一旦泵的运行工况中 因阻力偏小,流量过大时,不但 使泵偏离{zg}效率区耗能,而且因轴功率剧增超载而损坏机组 。所以水泵控制阀应具有上述 八种必要功能是必然的。

“ Multifunctional Pump Control Valve functional characteristics ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国隔膜泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。


What is multifunctional pump control valve? What pump valve to control the operating characteristics needed? Pump control valve can achieve these control System? And its relationship with the traditional gate valve, butterfly valve, check valve, as well as uniform, two-speed slow closing of the hydraulic control valve in principle, function Etc. What is qualitatively different, the author in this paper in order to piston-type multifunctional pump control valve (hereinafter referred to as control valves) as an example, through the Its structure, function, working principle of the analysis put forward views on these issues for the reader is referred. A structure Control valve structure shown in Figure 1 (icon for the open state). Control valve structure of the main characteristics of the abolition of the middle seat positioning mechanism and the valve flap on the side of the spring, but also in the next flap valve Side deflector designed to minimize over-current when the dielectric loss and mechanical valve flap vortex cavity under the dome side of the loss. To Cylinder piston to drive the body components, in the medium itself under pressure to make the upper and lower valve disc drive campaign achieve the valve open or closed Closed. Piston, hoist parts, along with the valve cylinder configuration, the streamlined, wide valve body cavity, not only head loss can be compared with Reduced by 30% or more similar products, but also has good anti-cavitation performance. Of electromagnetic valves for the body (hereinafter referred to as solenoid valve) and pressure piping composed of servo system, to take the pressure control valves at both ends of the water-driven Source, through the signal instructions, on either side of the pressure water pump control valve can be achieved at a set time and speed of the implementation of the pump Open or closed. Second, the performance characteristics of pump and control valve features, working principle 1. Pump start-up characteristics and its control a) the zero-flow centrifugal pump startup characteristics and its control (ie, to start off valve) Centrifugal pump at zero flow rate when the shaft power of the minimum conditions for the rated shaft power of 30% - 90%, so the startup characteristics of centrifugal pump Is zero traffic to start (that is, to start off valve). Until after the pump to the rated speed control valve was set to slow to open. How it works: pump start (in front) with delayed pressure water through the flow of the electromagnetic valve on the cylinder piston body cavity, while the Pistons vena Through the cylinder toward the bottom of the atmosphere through the solenoid valves, control valves are closed at this time. Motor compensation to start the end of the normal operation of pumps, solenoid valves that the implementation of change to the instruction to cut off the piston chamber pressure of water, close the Block the bottom of the loop towards the atmosphere, while pressure water through the solenoid valve into the cylinder under the piston chamber, open the piston chamber leads to large Gas circuit, the piston chamber of water through the discharge valve solenoid valve, the control valve to open by the slow pace set to complete and meet the Centrifugal pump shaft power at zero flow characteristics of the smallest startup to ensure the safe operation of pump units. b) axial flow pump to start a large flow characteristics and control (ie, fully open valve to start) Axial flow pump at zero flow condition when the shaft power of the largest rated shaft power of 140% ~ 200%, so the start axial flow pump special Sex should be a large flow starts (that is, fully open valve to start). How it works: control valve fully open valve to meet the axial flow pump is a centrifugal pump works started off valve to start the inverse operation, namely electromagnetic Valve first, transfer valve fully open, the pump starts again. See a), does not go into details. Axial flow pump before the start, when the valve inlet pressure to zero, the control valve using the water side of the medium pressure valve will open the valve, but from Heart pump start is to use medium pressure valve inlet side of the valve is open. No matter which side of medium valve control valve open to achieve Or Kai, this is a function of pump control valve is one important feature. c) control of the startup characteristics of mixed-flow pump Mixed-flow pump at zero flow condition when the pump shaft power between these two, between the rated power of {bfb} ~ 130%, so mixed Flow pump should also be start-up characteristics between these two pumps, generally choose to pump and control valve of the slow start to open simultaneously. How it works: the working principle and control of zero-flow centrifugal pump start feature the same, as long as the abolition of the delay solenoid valve can be set up . 2. Stop pump and its control a) control of the zero-flow centrifugal pump shut down (that is, first off valve after the pump shut down) For the centrifugal pump, first close the control valve slowly, and then stop the pump is important because: when tube medium flow velocity from the nominal Speed gradually reduced to zero, the rate of change in gradient is extremely small, can effectively stopped pumping to avoid the occurrence of water hammer and pump reversal; pump shaft power Rate from the rated power gradually to minimize the operation of power is conducive to crew safety. Working principle: the need for pump shut down, as long as the first cut off solenoid valve to control power supply, solenoid valve that the implementation of change to the instructions, shut down live Plug the pressure chamber under water and the piston chamber pass loop atmosphere at the same time open the piston and piston chamber pressure of water of inferior vena Tong Gas loop, that is, inlet pressure water as the driving source, slowly close the control valves, control valves, etc. all closed, through the limit switch Directive pump ceases operation, the whole process is automatic. Control valve closing time can be slow through the throttle valve regulation in 5 ~ 60s or according to user needs within the scope to choose. b) control of axial flow pump, mixed-flow pump stops pumping Axial flow pump, mixed flow pumps stop pumping function and working principle is similar with the above is not superfluous. 3. To change the device characteristics (ie, traffic-free level adjustment function) To change the device characteristics of the pump operating conditions belonging to the scope of regulation, the most commonly used method is to cut expenditure, also known as the valve adjustment method, using Large or small open-closed valve opening; change the pump in the drag coefficient ξ, so that the water supply pipeline characteristics H = F (Q) changes occurred Oriented in order to achieve the purpose of regulating traffic. Control valve from full closed to fully open between the valve opening can be adjusted steplessly from the opening display shows opening, and be memory And stability. How it works: a) flow from the minor major Under the piston chamber pressure water injection lines and the piston chamber and atmospheric interlinked open loop, while the piston chamber pressure water column Into the pipe and the piston chamber and the atmosphere under the interlinked loops closed, then slowly open the valve flap to achieve set flow, the control circuit That the directive will be the piston by the upper and lower chamber closed loop interlinked with the atmosphere, while the piston upper and lower chamber pressure water Into the pipeline opened, when the piston upper and lower total pressure on both sides are equal, the piston at rest, a closed state of the cylinder body And stability of the valve opening by the opening display shows opening. b) flow from a small flat Is a), the inverse of the operation, not repeat them. The control circuit implementation of directives by the limit switch can also be set up small-scale implementation of electronic control box, both of automatic control System. 4. Accident suddenly stops pumping power to control water hammer Accidents generally refers to a sudden stop pumping power network failure or strong lightning protection tripping phenomena such as pump shut down, the probability of such a pump shut down less than a The total number of pump shut down 1%, but the resulting water hammer on the pipe network and water supply unit has a destructive, should take it seriously. a) stop the physical phenomena of water hammer pump This is not a discussion of pipeline water hammer, only to facilitate the control valves reduce water hammer force functions and working principle of the narrative , The reference Zhukov Gaussian formula for water hammer water hammer on pump shut down briefly describing the physical phenomena. Where H - to produce water hammer water hammer when the force (m water column); C - water hammer wave velocity, if not for the moment medium, tube Elasticity of wall material and wall thickness, similar to taking C = 1000m / s; g - acceleration due to gravity, 9.81m / s; Vo - media prior to the occurrence of water hammer velocity (m / s); Vt - Water hammer occurs when the medium velocity (m / s). 4-1 can be seen from the type of water hammer in place the necessary conditions for the speed of the fluid changes, water hammer force depends on changes in gradient Size. Stop pump flow from V0 to zero, the first floor surface due to fluid inertia, the water layer is compressed, the pressure increase (ie, water hammer Pressure), and then turn due to inertia force's role tier, layer ... ... stagnation, pressure rise, is compressed, there's high-pressure micro - Areas and low-pressure area, which the interface is called water hammer wave (this time for the pressurized wave), pressure wave until the water pipes of the pipe 端末 layer disappears . Followed by reverse-layer, a layer of ... ... spread to a water hammer at the beginning of the first floor surface (this time for the complex pressure wave), this round-trip process Time t can be expressed as: Where L - the length of pipes (m). If the valve closing time for the T off, then under the conditions of T Guan L/500s indirect water hammer water hammer, ΔH is smaller than the direct water hammer. This is because the Indirect water hammer when the valve is the development of pre-pressurization process, will be re-pressure wave interference is being undermined. ΔH the size and dry Frequency of the interference level and interference. From the above we can see in brief, the control valve can not be stopped suddenly to avoid accidents pump water hammer occurs, but according to the pipeline length Degrees, through the regulation of the valve closing time will be directly translated into an indirect water hammer water hammer so that the smallest ΔH reduced to ensure the water supply pipe And pump unit's security. b) the regulation of the valve closing time Pump control valve commonly used in the current closing time of the regulation two ways, we should point out that this method is referred to in the regulation of water pumps The functions of the control valve, although this function with various types of check valve or other valves are not necessarily pump control valves, Do not use this misleading, as detailed in this third chapter, "Conclusions" section. c) two-stage off valve (that is, first off valve after the fast-slow-off valves) This form of off valve to prevent the occurrence of water hammer pump shut down, as fast-off valve of time, should also be matched with the length of pipeline , Taking into account reverse pump speed and size of backflow of water to meet the elimination of water hammer pump shut down request. d) uniform off valve This off valve is characterized by a variety of different length according to the water pipes and selection of complex pressure wave of round trips, the regulation of different Off valve time constant to meet the T off> L/500s conditions. Significantly weaken the sudden stop of water pumps water hammer blow force, compared with two-stage adaptive Off valve broad enough to meet the GB/T50265-97 "Pumping Station Design Standards" on the anti-rotational speed should not exceed the rated speed of the 1.2 times the duration should not exceed the requirements of 2min. Pump control valve of the above two methods by the solenoid valve automation. 5. Select the mobility of major sources of stress The servo solenoid valve designed to be a two-way while taking pressure, after the allocation of one-way valve from a high pressure water infusion tubes Pressure source into the solenoid valve. Whether the pressure of the water inlet side or outlet side of the pressure water, can open a separate executive control valve Kai on or off. Precisely because of the existence of this feature, so that pump control valves to meet a variety of pumps to start, stop pump and other operating characteristics required to Able. Its also important because: When the transmission medium is turbid water, can not be the driving source for the needs of the pressure source, as long as a servo Pipeline can be realized all the features of control valves. 6. Energy The over-current media consumption to a minimum, is a pump control valve is an important topic. We sampled some of the control path Valves made experimental system has reached the following experimental formula for readers reference: Drag coefficient ξ in the following formula to determine: When the DN ≤ 250, when ξ = 14.68 × V1.1339 (7-1) When the DN> 250, when ξ = 10.97 × V1.1339 (7-2) Where ξ - drag coefficient; V - medium velocity (m / s). Hf local head loss in the following formula to determine: hf = ξ × V2/2g (7-3) Or: hf = 0.749 × V0.8661 (7-4) hf = 0.56 × V0.8661 (7-5) Where hf - local head loss (m water column); V - medium velocity (m / s); g - acceleration due to gravity g = 9.81 (m/s2). After testing, this type of pump control valve head loss than the same type of hydraulic control valves to reduce energy consumption more than 30%. 3, the conclusion Pump function of controlling the valve operating characteristics can be described as pump control valve, which is obvious. This chapter II, section 1, "start the pump characteristics and its control" in a), b), c) of Article; No. 2, "stop pump and its control" In a), b) section; Article 3 "to change the device characteristics" in a), b) section; Article 4 "unexpected sudden stops pump water hammer control of force "In b); eight kinds of features described here are required for pump operation characteristics and technical conditions, but also its own operating characteristics of pumps Require valves to control the content, but also a necessary function of pump control valve. These essential features are distinct from the pump control valve Check valve or other valve types of quality defined. Why not have these necessary functions can not be called Pump Control Valve? It can be described by the following examples: If not satisfy the first 2 a), the first valve after the pump shut off function of the centrifugal pump, all pumps are stopped suddenly stops pumping into accidents , Accounting for more than 99% of the total pump shut down the normal pump shut down, and to avoid water hammer and pump the safety reversal occurred naught, how Dangerous. If not satisfy the first two and three features, only to start the pump can be achieved valve opening, pump valve closure can be achieved The closure, it is clear that it was pumping at the control valve to work, loss of control valve "control" substance, more difficult to understand for the pump control Valve in the system. If the first three with stepless adjustable function of flow, once the pump operating conditions due to the resistance is too small, heavy traffic, not only Deviation from the pump energy with maximum efficiency zone, but also due to overloading of shaft power surge damaged unit. Therefore, pump control valve shall have the above-mentioned 8 kinds of essential functions is inevitable.

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