四川建筑陶瓷工程技术研究中心成立« oursolo.net

,夹江陶瓷工业从无到有,从小到大,发展的中国瓷器西部地区区域经济发展和社会事业,作出了积极贡献。同时,在新形势下,四川在整个建筑陶瓷行业的体力明显不足。为了改变这种恶劣的情况下,只有依靠科技创新为依托,加大科技投入,不断调整产品结构,研发和高科技,高附加值产品xx陶瓷产品,使优化和产品结构升级,提高整个行业的设置组的竞争力。 “中心”负责人表示,他们将企业为主体,以技术支持科研机构,行业协会,推进平台,提高科学和技术研究,开发和利用新技术,新材料的使用投入,开发新产品和加快四川省建筑业发展工程陶瓷,建筑陶瓷,四川省领域,提高技术创新能力,提高四川省科技实力和竞争力的建筑陶瓷产业,促进产业集群和发展的同时陶瓷,力争使“中心”建设成为全国同行业{yl}的科研机构。

Sichuan Building Ceramics Engineering Research Center established

Recently, Sichuan Province, the only provincial-level construction ceramics research institutions - Sichuan Building Ceramics Engineering Research Center in Sichuan set up Jiajiang County. Center of ceramic industry in Sichuan Province to promote the concept of scientific development in accordance with good and fast development, has important practical significance.

Over the years, Jiajiang ceramic industry from scratch, from small to big, developing the western region of China porcelain, for regional economic development and social undertakings made a positive contribution. At the same time, in the new situation, Sichuan stamina throughout the building ceramics industry is obviously inadequate. To change this bad situation, only by relying on scientific and technological innovation, increase the scientific and technological input, and constantly adjust product mix, R & D and production of high-tech and high value-added high-end ceramic products, so that the optimization and upgrading of product mix, enhancing the overall industry set group’s competitiveness. “Center” responsible person said that they will be business as the main body to scientific research institutes for technical support to industry associations to promote the platform, increasing scientific and technological input in research, development and use of new technologies, new materials, developing new products and accelerate the Sichuan Province, the construction industry to develop the field of ceramic engineering, construction ceramics, Sichuan Province to enhance technological innovation capability, enhance the building ceramics industry in Sichuan Province scientific and technological strength and competitiveness, and promote industrial clustering and the development of ceramics at the same time, strive to “center” built into the National the same industry-class scientific research institutions. (07-11-15)

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