

2010-03-10 22:20:40 阅读7 评论0 字号:


中 文 摘  要


   在工艺制定过程中,通过生产批量的分析确定梳棉机箱体结合件的加工方案,并寻求{zj0}的工艺方案,借此说明了工艺在生产过程中的重要性;在组合钻孔工序的工装设计过程中,结合实例,介绍了夹具设计方法,特别是对孔的加工精度进行了探讨;在液压控制系统设计过程中,以双面钻孔组合机床为对象,依据液压系统设计的基本原理,拟出合理的液压系统图。通过系统主要参数的计算确定了液压元件的规格;在组合机床设计过程中,结合具体实例和设计经验, 阐述了通用件(如液压滑台,动力箱等)的选取及专用部件(如主轴箱)的设计计算。

关键词:组合机床  多轴箱  工艺  钻夹具  液压传动


This paper introduces the design of the box joint part of carding machine drill combination machine,which is widely used for its high efficiency. This design task includes five parts: working out processing technology of joint part of carding machine, design and assemble of drilling jig, design and assemble of main spindle box, design hydraulic control parts, design combination machine tool.

  During process planning, define the productive process of joint part of carding machine and find out the best process plan by analyzing production lot, which show process planning is very important in product process; this paper introduces experiences of attachment design by using a practical example.It focuses on discussing how to improve the precision of hole position; using two sides bore modular machine tool as an object, according to the basic principle of the hydraulic system design, formulates the reasonable schematic diagram, the hydraulic pressure part specification through computation of the system main parameters is determined; Some designing examples are analyzed in this paper, and the considerations are discussed for designing compo site tools for machining holes during designing combination machine tool, such as general parts’  (hydraulic slippery platform, driving force box, etc) selection and special use components’ (main spindle box) design .

Key words:  combination machine tool   hydraulic transmission        axle boxes    handicraft    drills clamp   


 目      录    







文摘………………………………………………………………………………  1

英文文摘………………………………………………………………………   2

主要符号表……………………………………………………………………   5

{dy}章            引言…………………………………………………………………  6

1.1本课题提出的背景及意义…………………………………………………  6

1.2国内研究现状………………………………………………………………  6

1.3本论文的主要内容…………………………………………………………  6

第二章  工艺方案的拟定……………………………………………………7

  2.1 梳棉机箱体结合件零件的工艺技术分析………………………………… 7

2.2 定位分析、基准选取及制定工艺路线……………………………………  8

第三章  钻夹具设计………………………………………………………… 11

3.1 梳棉机箱体结合件钻孔组合机床夹具分析……………………………… 11

3.2 定位夹紧方案的确定……………………………………………………… 11

3.3 刀具选择及切削用量的选取……………………………………………… 11

3.4 夹具体设计…………………………………………………………………  13

第四章 组合机床总体设计………………………………………………… 17

4.1 被加工零件工序图……………………………………………………………17

4.2 加工示意图……………………………………………………………………18

4.3 机床联系尺寸图………………………………………………………………19

4.4 机床分组………………………………………………………………………21

第五章  液压系统设计……………………………………………………… 23


5.2 钻削进给液压系统设计………………………………………………………25

第六章 多轴箱——右主轴箱设计…………………………………………30

6.1引言…………………………………………………………………………  30


第七章 经济性分析……………………………………………………………… 39


7.2 夹具定位加紧分析: …………………………………………………………… 39

7.3组合机床应用分析:……………………………………………………………… 39

第八章 结论和展望……………………………………………………………… 41


致谢…………………………………………………………………………………… 43附件………………………………………………………………   

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