
1、组成:由电动(或气动)执行机构(20)与球阀阀体部分组成,其连接靠支架(18)和连接轴(17)。 2、使用限制 温度和压力限制 铭牌显示有球阀在{zd0}和最小操作温度下所允许的{zd0}操作压力。 使用PTFE或RTFE材质的阀座和密封件,操作温度应在-290C到 2000C之间。其他类型的阀座和密封件的操作温度,应受到KI工厂的检核。 阀的公称压力等级 (PN),可表明阀在正常温度状态下的{zd0}工作压力。(例如:PN40,表明其操作温度在-290C~380C时的{zd0}工作压力为40 Bar)。 电动或气动执行机构的注意事项参见其相应的说明书。 3、 安装 1)、取掉法兰端两边的保护盖,在阀xx打开的状态下进行冲洗清洁。 2)、安装前应按规定的信号(电或气)进行整机测试(防止因运输产生振动影响使用性能),合格后方可上线安装(接线按电动执行机构线路图)。 3)、准备与管道连接前,须冲洗和xx干净管道中残存的杂质(这些物质可能会损坏阀座和球)。 4)、在安装期间,请不要用阀的执行机构部分作为起重的吊装点,以避免损坏执行机构及附件。. 5)、本类阀应安装在管道的水平方向或垂直方向。 6)、安装点附近的管道不可有低垂或者承受外力的现象,可以用管道支架或者支撑物来xx管线的偏离。 7)、与管道连接后,请用规定的扭矩交叉锁紧法兰连接螺栓。  

“ Electric (or pneumatic) valve installation”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国球阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

1, composition: from electric (or pneumatic) actuators (20) and ball valve components, and connect by brackets (18) and connection axis (17). 2, use restrictions Temperature and pressure limits Plate showing the maximum and minimum valve operating temperature under the maximum allowable operating pressure. The use of PTFE or RTFE seat and seal materials, operating temperature should be between-290C to 2000C. Other types of seat and seal parts of the operating temperature, should be subject to review of nuclear plant KI. Valve nominal pressure rating (PN), may indicate that valve in the normal temperature conditions with a maximum working pressure. (Eg: PN40, that its operation temperature of-290C ~ 380C when the maximum working pressure of 40 Bar). Electric or pneumatic actuator Attention see its corresponding description. 3, the installation 1), Qudiao flange end of the protective cover on both sides, in the valve fully open state to wash clean. 2), should be required before installation of the signal (electric or gas) for machine testing (to prevent the vibration generated due to the use of the transport performance), qualified only after on-line installation (wiring by electric actuator line chart). 3), prepared to work with pipe connection, it shall be washed and cleaned of impurities remaining pipe (these substances may damage the seat and the ball). 4) During the installation, please do not use the valve as the crane part of the executive body of the lifting points to avoid damage to the executing agency and accessories. . 5), this type valve should be installed horizontally in the pipe or vertical direction. 6), installation of the pipeline near the falls, or to withstand external force should not be a phenomenon, you can use pipe supports or supporting material to eliminate the deviation from the pipeline. 7), and pipeline connection, please use the provisions of cross-locking torque flange bolts.

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