我国阀门行业虽然近年来发展速度较快,但行业的整体水平仍低,产品技术含量低,许多参数高的关键阀门还依赖进口。有专家估计,我国阀门水平与国外先进国家相比要落后10~20年。前不久,中国阀门行业为加强与欧洲阀门制造行业的交流,先后组织了国内10余家阀门企业的老总出访欧洲,学到了许多国外同行的可贵经验,同时与国外阀门行业相比,也看到了我们自身的不足。 加工工艺上的差距 在焊接工艺上,德国KSB公司为满足核级阀门的密封材料抗辐射的要求,已广泛采用特殊焊粉进行无钴焊接;法国威兰阀门公司将焊前预热、自动焊接、焊后处理在同一设备或同一条加工生产线上完成,无论焊前、焊中、焊后处理,温度都可以实现自动控制,保证焊接质量。 而国内在阀门焊接上工艺落后,有的还采用陈旧的焊接方法,焊工技术水平低,所焊材料也是普通材料,达不到特殊阀门设计要求。好多企业整天忙于产销,很少在工艺上进行钻研改进。 在模锻件新工艺的运用上,德国KSB公司生产阀门材质以耐高温合金钢F91、F22为主,而高压阀门又以锻造件为主,保证了产品的可靠性和经济性。对批量较大的600Lb以下的闸阀采用模锻,并进行焊接,阀门没有因铸造而造成气孔、疏松等诸多缺陷,并大大减少自由锻的材料浪费,经济性大为提高。 而国内行业阀门毛坯件大都以铸造件多,采用模锻的很少,在600Lb以下压力高的阀门模锻更可谓凤毛麟角。这方面好多企业为了减少成本,大都采用铸钢件,低压的采用铸铁件多,材质成本低,加工工艺简单。 质量管理及设备方面的差距 法国伯纳德电动装置公司2005年销售额为3亿元人民币,出口占销售的70%,建立了全球性的销售网络,我国的冶金、造纸、水处理和油气管线阀门大量采用了该公司的电装产品。在核电领域,他们的供货量在全球排名第二,法国有70多座核电站使用他们的产品。他们的管理十分到位,公司的零件加工记录单随零件一起流转,生产场地整齐、整洁,两条装配流水线在有序地工作。他们丝杆加工采用滚压的方式,效率高,零件表面光洁度高。加工后的零件清洁处理及时,工位器具应用得当,如每根轴上套一个塑料袋,很简单,但却很实用,避免了零件之间的碰撞划伤。零件的涂装方式与国内差不多,但由于毛坯本身光滑平整及油漆的质量过硬,喷漆以后的产品,外观效果和质量相当好。 相比而言,国内在质量管理上还有诸多缺陷,首先在工艺上或多或少被忽视,好多企业明明有质保体系,可实际工作中却没有用武之地,质量管理执行起来自行其是,随心所欲;其次在装配过程中也是马虎了事。难怪有的阀门一安装就出现跑、冒、滴、漏现象。 再如国内好多企业生产设备落后,至今停留在上世纪70~80年代水平上,有的设备早已过了使用寿命期,还在满负荷运转,产品加工质量又怎能保证呢?有的限于资金,也在陆续添置数控和加工中心,但形成数控化加工的企业至今在行业中并不多,仅占20%左右。 流程管理上的差距 法国威兰公司设备的布置按产品工艺路线进行,以达到加工工艺路线最短,这样操作人员就可以在最小的动作范围内完成工件加工。 他们大量采用了加工中心甚至五轴联动的柔性加工中心,数控车铣加工机床和CNC数控机床,将计算机辅助制造连成一线,产品在设备上一次装夹、一次编程。编程工作甚至可在办公室远程操作,这样简化了机加工工艺,工程技术人员只要把程序编好,选用合适的刀具,就能保证产品的加工要求,并使产品高质量和高效率。 同样,意大利新比隆公司生产流程特点是:接到订单后,由设计开发中心转化,提供产品的设计图样、外协外购明细、机械加工程序等技术文件,通过内部网络传输到各相关部门,生产部门根据技术要求和销售订单组织生产。坯件进厂后,库管人员会根据生产计划将坯件及其他部分配件送往各加工、装配场地,他们并非全部自己生产,很多也是采购。但他们几乎所有产品零部件都是在数控设备上完成的,加工精度高,加工效率也非常高。员工在数控加工设备的操作台上可调阅零件加工图和零件加工程序,他只需按加工工艺要求将工件装夹到数控设备上,启动加工程序,就可以自动完成车、钻、铣、镗等加工工序。 而国内好多阀门企业不专业,小而全,产品混杂,加工阀门混乱,车间加工设备布局不合理,零部件堆放不集中。目前国内普遍采用计件工时制,但同样存在弊病,工时不合理,多数的还采用原始手工记录汇总结算。正是由于一些企业流程管理水平限制,导致产品技术水平低,加工工艺滞后,原材料浪费严重。 此外,国内机械加工设备的工艺布置大都是按设备的种类进行安排,如加工中心的摆设,卧式放在一排,立式放在一排,数控机床放在一排,这种安排只考虑到现场整齐,而没有考虑便于操作,劳动效率就低,本末倒置了。 技术创新能力上的差距 技术创新能力不足,这是阻碍我们阀门行业发展的绊脚石。目前国内许多阀门企业引进先进技术后就很少进行再创新了,这样的结果是阀门企业很难把产品出口到西方市场。 其实就技术水平而言,常规阀门的设计和材料应用上,我们与国外xxxx相比,并没有多大的差距,在制造工艺上也没有不可逾越的鸿沟,那差在什么地方呢?实际就是差在认真二字上。有这样一种产品,原本是德国某公司水阀专利产品,有几个不同的企业同时生产,一个是某外国公司,一个是台资企业,一个是国内公司。一样的产品图,生产出来的阀门实物却是两样。前两家公司不论是内在质量,还是外观上都比国内公司做的好。令人不解的是,这几家公司都在中国国内生产这种产品,而且铸件毛坯都来自国内的工厂,但结果相差很大。从某种意义上说,我们的经营理念、追求目标和外资企业有很大差距,特别是在产品毛坯加工工艺上确实存在一定问题,也是我们必须深刻思考的。 在工厂建设上国外企业的做法与中国企业也有所不同。我国的企业先是搞基建,扩建生产厂房、增添生产设备,厂房是一扩再扩,追求大而全,现代气派,并只想生产规模的扩大,忽视了新产品的研发和投入,产品后劲严重不足,而生产产品大部分是仿制,只生产普通低档产品,过多地把精力投入市场经营上,因而缺少核心竞争力。国内的一些企业在搞研发时,较多的是参考其他厂商的设计,从而忽略了原始实验数据的重要性,这样开发出来的产品只具有外形而没有真正的灵魂。 形成合力加快阀门行业发展 低成本是中国阀门业的主要竞争优势,同时,我国持续增长的市场空间也是中国阀门行业保持优势的先决条件。 但这仅是企业的外在优势,并不是企业的核心竞争力。 为了解决目前我国阀门业存在的问题,国家也制定了一些政策鼓励带动阀门行业的发展,促进国内企业掌握完整的研发和制造技术,同时国内经济建设的高速发展和诸多大型项目建设,也为国内阀门行业创造了足够的市场空间,在这种形势下,中国阀门业应抓住机遇,努力赶上。 创新是行业发展的惟一途径。一个民族没有创新,就没有了灵魂。一个企业没有自己的核心技术,那么在国际产业化分工中,就只能充当国际打工的角色。与此同时,必须重视管理水平的提高。建立企业文化,在人力资源管理和计算机辅助制造上下功夫,提高劳动生产效率,从而取得良好的经济效益。 显而易见,有差距并不可怕,只要我们调整好发展思路,增强发展的信心,强化企业管理,推进技术进步,重视技术创新和核心技术的研发,提高企业的核心竞争力。在不久的将来,我国阀门骨干企业一定能够赶上和超过国外同类企业,为国家重大技术装备国产化做出贡献,在世界阀门市场竞争中占有一定的份额,并成为世界阀门制造业的强国。
“ Contrast analysis: domestic and international valve industry ”,是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国电磁阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。
China's valve industry, although in recent years fast development, but the industry's overall level is still low, with low technological content of products, many of the key parameters of the valve has a high dependence on imports. Some experts estimate that the level of our valves, compared with foreign advanced countries to be behind the 10 to 20 years. Not long ago, China valve industry to strengthen the valve manufacturing industry and the European exchanges, has organized a number of domestic companies more than 10 CEOs valve trip to Europe to learn a lot of valuable experience of foreign counterparts, while the valve industry, compared with foreign , also see our own shortcomings. Processing technology gap In the welding process, the KSB companies in Germany to meet the core level of the valve seal material against radiation, and has been widely used in a special welding of cobalt-free solder powder; French Velan Valve Company will preheating before welding, automatic welding, after welding, to deal with the same equipment or the same production line to complete a process, both before welding, welding, the welding post-processing, temperature, automatic control can be achieved to ensure the welding quality. In the valve on the domestic welding process backward, and some also used the old method of welding, welder low level of technology, the welding material and a common material, reach a special valve design requirements. A lot of businesses engaged in production and marketing all day, very few improvements in the technique on the study. In Forging the use of new technology, the German company KSB valve materials with high temperature alloy steel F91, F22-based, while the high-pressure valve forging parts Youyi mainly to ensure product reliability and economy. Large quantities of the following gate valves 600Lb using forging and welding, the valve is not caused by casting porosity, porous, and many other defects, and greatly reduce the free forging of material waste, economy greatly improved. The domestic industry is mostly in valve rough pieces of multi-casting, using a very small die forging, in the high pressure valve 600Lb the following can be said to forging a more rare. Many companies in this regard in order to reduce costs, mostly using steel casting, low pressure cast iron pieces and more low-cost materials and processing process is simple. Quality management and equipment gaps French electrical equipment company's 2005 sales of Bernard of 3 billion yuan, exports accounted for 70% of sales, has established a global sales network, China's metallurgy, papermaking, water treatment and oil and gas pipeline valves extensive use of the Denso Corporation products. In the field of nuclear power, and their shipments in the world's second, France has 70 nuclear power plants to use their products. Their management is in place, the company's spare parts processing records of a single part together with the flow, production sites neat, tidy, two assembly lines in an orderly work. They use flow-way screw machining, high efficiency, high surface finish of parts. Processed parts cleaning processing time, station apparatus applied correctly, such as the root axis of each set of a plastic bag, very simple but very useful, to avoid collisions between the parts scratch. Parts of the coating with the domestic similar manner, but because of its smooth and rough quality, excellent paint, spray paint the future products, the appearance and quality of results is quite good. In contrast, the domestic quality management there are still many shortcomings, first of all in the technique on a more or less ignored, and many businesses have quality assurance system obviously can be real work did not avail of quality management to execute their own devices, arbitrary; Second, in the assembly process is sloppy. No wonder some of the valve appeared to install a running, take, drop, leakage phenomenon. Another example is a lot of domestic production facilities have become obsolete and has to stay in the last century the level of 70 to 80 years, some devices are long past its useful life period, is still running at full capacity, product processing quality, how can guarantee? Some limited funds, but also have been buying a CNC and machining center, CNC machining companies formed so far not many in the industry, accounting for only around 20%. Process management, the gap France Wiranto's furnished equipment, carried out by product line, technology, processing technology in order to achieve the shortest route, so the operator can be in the smallest actions completed within workpiece. They used a large number of five-axis machining center and even flexible machining center, CNC milling machines and CNC numerical control machine tools, will be connected into a computer-aided manufacturing line, the product once a clamping device, once programmed. Programming can even remotely in the office, so that simplifies the machining process, engineering and technical personnel as long as the program compiled well, choose the appropriate tools, we can guarantee product processing requirements, and enable product quality and high efficiency. Similarly, Italy's Nuovo Pignone production process is characterized by: receiving orders from the transformation of design and development centers, providing product design drawings, details outsourcing outside the Association, machining procedures, technical documentation, through the internal network to the relevant departments , the production department in accordance with technical requirements and sales orders to organize production. Blank pieces into the plants, Kuguan officers under the production plan will be blank pieces and other parts of the parts sent to processing, assembly sites, not all of them produce their own, many are purchasing. But they almost all product components are done on CNC equipment, processing and high precision machining efficiency is very high. Employees in the operation of CNC machining equipment, spare parts processing platform and can access maps and spare parts processing, he only need to press the workpiece clamping request processing technology to the numerical control device, start the processing, you can auto-complete vehicles, drilling, milling, boring and other machining processes. While domestic companies are not a lot of valve professional, small and complete, the product mix, process valves confusion, irrational plant processing equipment, parts and components stacked inattentive. Currently widely used piece-working hours, but also found shortcomings in unreasonable hours of work, most still use the original hand-summary billing record. It is precisely because of some restrictions on business process management level, leading to the low level of product technology, processing technology lags behind, and raw materials waste. Moreover, the internal mechanical processing equipment, process layout are mostly arranged according to the type of equipment, such as the processing center of the decorations placed on a horizontal row, vertical placed in a row, placed in a row of CNC machine tools, such arrangements only consider to the site neat, without considering the ease of operation, labor efficiency is low, on its head. Technological innovation capability gap Lack of technological innovation, which is prevented us from stumbling block to the valve industry. Currently many of the valve after the introduction of advanced technology, very little re-innovation, and this result is that the valve difficult for enterprises to export to Western markets. In fact, the technical level, the conventional valve design and material application, we have compared with foreign well-known enterprises, and there is not much gap in the manufacturing process there is no unbridgeable gap, that difference in what place? Is actually the difference in the word seriously. There is such a product, originally a German company's valve patented products, there are several different companies at the same time the production, one is a foreign company, one is a Taiwan-funded enterprises, one a domestic company. The same product map, produced by the valve in-kind has been different. The former two companies, whether inherent quality, or appearance than domestic companies to do good. It is puzzling that several companies are in China's domestic production of such products, and rough castings are from domestic factories, but the results varied widely. In a sense, our business philosophy, the pursuit of goals and there is a big gap between foreign-funded enterprises, especially in rough processing technology in the product that there are indeed certain problems, but also we have a deep thought. In the factory building the practice of foreign enterprises and Chinese enterprises are also different. First, Chinese enterprises engaged in infrastructure, expansion of production plants, adding production equipment, plant expansion is a further expansion, the pursuit of large and modern-style, and just want to expand the scale of production, ignoring the development of new products and inputs, the product of serious staying power inadequate, while the production of most products are fabricated, produced only ordinary low-end products, too much energy into the market to operate in, thus the lack of core competitiveness. Some domestic enterprises engaged in research and development, the more is the design of other manufacturers, thereby ignoring the importance of the original experimental data, so that the products developed have only appearance there is no real soul. Form a concerted effort to speed up the development of valve industry Low cost is a major competitive advantage in the valve industry, while China's growing market space for China's valve industry is a prerequisite to maintain our edge. But this is only the external business advantages, not the enterprise's core competitiveness. In order to resolve the current problems in China's valve industry, the state has also developed a number of policies to encourage development of the industry driven valve, the promotion of domestic enterprises to master the full R & D and manufacturing technology, while the rapid development of domestic economic construction and a number of large-scale projects, but also for the domestic valve industry has created enough market space, in such circumstances, China's valve industry should seize the opportunity to work hard to catch up. Innovation is the only way to development of the industry. A nation without innovation, there will be no soul. A company not have their own core technology, then in the international industrial division of labor, workers can only act as an international role. At the same time, we must focus on management levels. The establishment of corporate culture, human resources management and computer-aided manufacturing efforts, improve labor productivity, to obtain good economic benefits. Clearly, a gap is not terrible, as long as we readjust the development of ideas, enhance the development of confidence, strengthen enterprise management, and promote technological progress, attach importance to technological innovation and core technology research and development, improve enterprise's core competitiveness. In the near future, China's valve key enterprises will be able to catch up and surpass foreign counterparts for the localization of major national technology and equipment to contribute to the valve market competition in the world occupy a certain share, and become the world's valve manufacturing industry powers.