A question about olive oil « Industry info 工业信息

Category:catering food

imports of olive oil brands currently on the market are numerous good and bad, may I ask what in the end the real brand of high-grade stuff, 100 million Bally extra virgin olive oil great? Thank you.

that olive oil, people will think of for cooking. In fact, the olive oil little-known there are many other uses, such as used for hair care, moisturizing eye, do mask, sun and so on. Does he want to immediately know about it? Here we take a look at these strange different kind of olive oil use, I believe you will have it with admiration from the.


olive olive oil is extracted from the olive fruit out in a light yellow transparent liquid, and was known as “liquid gold”, rich in vitamins A, D, E, K, F, these are easily be absorbed by the skin of the fat-soluble vitamins. In particular, the content of vitamin E per 100 grams of olive oil containing 8 mg of all plants of the highest concentrations.

use different kind of olive oil can be used to analyze

In addition to cooking outside, in fact, there are many other effects of olive oil, here we take a look at different kind of its purpose and specific use of bar!

Usage: nourishing the skin

Usage: attaining a first face of the oil with warm water to wash, dry towel gently wiped moisture, then dip cotton, olive oil, all over the face Mayu, after a 10 — 15 minutes later, with hot towels Fumian, the last dry towel gently wipe can be;-run body, bath, after adding some olive oil in a cup of water, mix evenly, sub-sub-poured in the body parts of each one, then the appropriate to massage, you can make the skin more smooth.

purposes: wrinkles

Usage: corner of the eye pattern, to deal with annoying fine lines, crow’s feet or eye fine lines, you can use two drops of olive oil, mix well with a little aloe vera gel after Mayu fine lines at once Tu and it’s absorbed and immediately see lines (do not wash off when you can go directly to the makeup); stretch marks, rub with a tablespoon of olive oil on the stretch marks Office, gently massage, a long time insisted that stretch marks can be removed, or so shallow.

purposes: Hair

Usage: First the amount of olive oil 1 egg yolk and stir into a paste, hair wash after wiping the hair of their stay for 20-30 minutes, then wash your hair will be will become more bright and elastic.

purposes: on the remover

Usage: on the makeup, cosmetics in the basic drip 1-2 drops of olive oil, rub evenly after the smear on the face, the skin immediately becomes glossy and vivid; remover, in the pads on the Drop two drops of olive oil to remover, it can be relieved stubborn makeup, including waterproof cosmetic products advertised.

purposes: Runchun

Usage: before going to sleep at night with hot towel about his lips, and then dip a cotton pad and cover the lips, olive oil, is another on moving up the next day. Lipstick every day, especially for people who need to maintain such lips.

Purpose: to lose weight

Usage: Olive oil contains Vitamin E, easily absorbed through skin, helping to keep the United States women’s posture. It not only helps digestion, but also to prevent constipation, so slimming effect is remarkable. I remember that day, before breakfast, fasting drink spoonfuls of olive oil, weight loss achieved very good results.

purposes: Foot care

Usage: It is said this is a professional model who care enough to “recipe”: Give your feet on the film. The sea salt and olive oil in a 2:1 ratio of allocation, after full foot massage, and then towel; to the foot massage. Will be adding a few drops of olive oil, vaseline, mixing can be used to their feet after the massage.

purchase method

concept: high quality Extra Virgin olive oil bodies clear, and yellow green, the deeper the color the better.

heard: There is an exquisite fruit flavor, preferably almond taste.

taste: taste Smoothness, occasional instantaneous olive fruit astringency.


类别: 餐饮食品

























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