【xx电音】Hybrid - Disappear Here - (2010) [mp3 / 320 kbps] - 隨 ...

【xx电音】Hybrid - Disappear Here - (2010) [mp3 / 320 kbps]

2010-04-23 22:40:49 阅读12 评论0 字号:

【xx电音】Hybrid - Disappear Here - (2010) [mp3 / 320 kbps]

艺 术 家:Hybrid
发行厂牌:   Distinctive
音乐类型:Progressive House, Breaks, Downtempo, Progressive Trance, Ambient
资源品质:mp3 / 320 kbps
专辑时间:70:21 min
专辑大小:155 mb
    在沉寂四年之后,英国xx组合Hybrid以一张独树一帜专辑让Epic电音重现江湖。从06年的I Choose
Noise到这张Disappear Here,又是4年漫长等待,虽早已没了当年Wide Angle和Morning Sci-Fi的气场却还能从专辑当中感受到电子乐和弦乐带来的碰撞。现今越来越多的xxDJ,诸如Paul van Dyk、Armin van Buuren等人尝试与交响乐团合作,殊不知这种火花的创造者早在上世纪末就已诞生。
 从06年到现在,Hybrid也经历过阵痛期,期间他们发行了首张2CD混音Soundsystem 01,从中能感觉出
他们那种进退维谷的心理,不过,随着两人08年底回归录音室,开始新专辑制作,一切疑惑就此打消。专辑制作花费将近2年,而现在的Hybrid已是第四代——除了核心Chis与Mike,在新专辑中多次出现的女声Charlotte James有幸成为其中一员。08年Charlotte的单曲Shadows Of The City就收录在Soundsystem 01当中,而他们的首度合作The Formula Of Fear也作为新专辑的主打单曲为发片预热。2009年,联手布拉格爱乐乐团,Hybrid完成专辑的整体录音,今年年初,主打单曲Break My Soul发行,那种震颤心灵的弦乐与冲击的Breaks节奏仿佛两股袭来的飓风,席卷人的听觉神经。
 这张专辑的概念构思,既不是Wide Angle那种生猛劲碎,也不像Morning Sci-Fi过分强调概念和试验
性。它在Hybrid本身Epic效果基础上适当加入他们过去很少涉及的元素。就好比在I Choose Noise的基础上混合Morning Sci-Fi,很有新意。新专辑里,能依稀听出02年他们尝试Leftfield的影子,浓厚的Downtempo在专辑中时隐时现,{zj1}点睛之笔的还是弦乐团演奏的那段(Reprise) City Siren,如同协奏曲当中再现部一样,只不过位置变到了前边,婉转深邃的旋律引人入胜。
 新专辑重塑了Hybrid Epic{wz}的地位,不过,更值得人钦佩的是他们用属于自己的音乐感染人,带给
    Quite simply an epic, simply stunning peice of work! Well done Chris, Mike and Charlotte.
I feel I've been lucky to grow up with Hybrid's music, from the early Wide Angle breakbeat days, through Morning Sci-Fi and I Choose Noise. Dissapear Here, Hybrid's fourth and latest studio album feels a grown up, intelligent and perfectly constructed record. Without doutb moremusically inspired, yet still maintaining that cutting, electronic contempory edge. Cliched but, a musical journey from start to end, just like previous albums, Hybrid have continued to develop, shape and define a music genre. I can't think of any other current recording artist who captures emotion and feeling in the 'Hybrid' way. Ahead of their time, much like Eno, surely its only a matter of time before Hyrbid are on the tips of everyone's tongues, Top gear step aside, hollywoodbeckons........
1 Empire
2 Can You Hear Me
3 Green Shell Suit

4 Disappear Here
5 Every Word
6 Formula Of Fear
7 City Siren (Reprise)
8 Salt
9 Original Sin
10 Take A Fall
11 Break My Soul
12 Numb



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