[2010.03.04] Crash, bang, cushion 是砰的一声撞上去呢?还是用垫子 ...
本帖{zh1}由 lilywizardry 于 2010-3-7 00:25 编辑


Crash, bang, cushion

Aviation: How a collapsible mechanical cushion, borrowed from a space capsule, could help protect a crashing helicoptetr

Mar 4th 2010 | From The Economist print edition
Let’s give this idea a whirl

UNLIKE fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters tend to spend a lot of time flying close to the ground, especially during military and emergency missions. Anything that helps occupants survive a collision with the ground is therefore to be welcomed. Hence the interest in a new system that NASA, America’s space agency, is testing to make helicopters safer.


The idea comes from an expandable honeycomb cushion which Sotiris Kellas, an engineer at the agency’s Langley Research Centre in Hampton, Virginia, came up with to help absorb the impact of landing a space capsule. It has since been tried out by fitting the structure under the fuselage of an MD-500 helicopter, donated by the American army, strapping four crash-test dummies inside and then using a special rig to swing the helicopter forward at 53kph (33mph) and drop it from 10.7 metres (35 feet). The preliminary results show that it worked rather well.

这个设想来自于一套可扩张的蜂窝垫。这套垫子是由Sotiris Kellas(位于弗吉尼亚州—汉普顿的Langley研发中心的一位工程师)提出的,原本用于太空梭在降落过程中吸收冲击力。目前这套设备已经处于试验中,被固定在MD-500直升机机身下面。这些个MD-500直升机都是xx提供的。同时飞机上还扎着4个试验用假人。整个实验用一套特殊的装置来摆动直升机使其拥有50公里/小时的前进力,同时从离地十米的空中下落。初步试验结果证明这套垫子很管用。

The mechanical cushioning system that Mr Kellas has designed has flexible hinges at the junction of each cell in the honeycomb. This allows the structure, which is made of stiff and strong carbon-fibre-based materials, to be folded flat. When it is deployed, using either wires to snap it into place or an explosive charge like an airbag (or a combination of both), the longer sides of the cells face downward. In the same way that the end of a cardboard tube offers more resistance to being stamped on than the same tube would if laid on its side, this presents the strongest aspect of the cell to the outside world during an impact, allowing it to absorb the maximum amount of energy as it deforms.


In the test, the honeycomb cushion absorbed the impact to the extent that if the occupants had been people they would have suffered little or no injury, says Martin Annett, a researcher involved in the project. In fact, the helicopter was so lightly damaged that it is being repaired so that the test can be repeated—but this time without the cushion—in order to obtain comparable data.

此项工程的研究员Martin Annet说:"试验中,蜂窝垫很大程度上吸收了冲击力。如果飞机上坐着人的话他们基本可以毫发无伤"。实际试验后上咱们的直升飞机也就有点轻伤,现在正维修。等修好后打算在不装备蜂窝垫的条件下再试验一次以取得可对比的数据。

External airbags have been used in the past to help unmanned space landers, including Mars Pathfinder, touch down. They have also been fitted under some helicopters, and development work in this area continues. But the researchers at Langley think their mechanical system has a number of advantages.


It is the rapid deflation of an airbag after it has first inflated that actually absorbs the impact, so its position, size, the moment it is fired and its inflation pressure are all crucial. In a car, where the occupants are sitting in known positions, the airbags can be deployed at the optimum time after sensors detect an impact. But in what can be the wildly gyrating final seconds of a helicopter crash, that is harder to achieve. To protect a helicopter in this way would require a multiplicity of specialised external airbags. Covering a machine with honeycomb is simpler.


Indeed, though it is unlikely to replace airbags in cars, Mr Kellas’s honeycomb may end up supplementing them by providing additional energy-absorbing areas. Whether it ends up on Mars as well remains to be seen.

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