

刚下了一本英文的 日本烹饪食谱



2# 部分日本菜的英文名
3# 日本料理专用调味品

magicsakura 发表于 2008-3

日本料理 Japanese Cooking
冷盘(刺身)Cold Platters

综合生鱼片 Assorted Sashimi
生鲜虾片 Fresh shrimp appetizer
生鲜牛肉 fresh beef appetizer

味噌汤 Miso Soup
明虾汤 Prown Soup
煮菜 simmered dishes(Nimono)
福袋煮 stuffed Tofu Pockets
南瓜鸡米 Pumpkin with chicken
煮金线鱼 Soy Simmered Golden Thread
筑前煮 Chikuzen Ni
金平牛蒡 Beef with Burdock Root
煮昆布小鱼 Simmered Kombu-Fish Rolls
冬瓜蟹肉 wintermelon with crabmeat
special seasoning ingredients used in Japanese cooking 日本料理专用调味品
1.Dark and light soy sauce
Soy sauce is brewed from soy beans, wheat, rice, and other ingredients. Dark soy sauce is the most common kind; light-colored soy sauce contains fructose, and is often used in light-corlored dishes.
1. 老抽(黑)酱油和生抽酱油
2. Dashi
Dashi base comes in either powdered or liquid form, and in bonito, kelp, and small dried fish flavors. Use dashi as stock in cooking.
2. 鱼汤[清汤]
3. Mirin
Mirin is a transparent, sweet cooking wine made from glutinous rice, frequently used in Japanese cooking.
4. Crushed laver
This condiment, containing sesame seeds, finely crushed purple laver(nori), and bits of dried bonito fillet, comes in many different types, and is usually mixed into rice or used in making sushi. Use the type you prefer.
4. 碎紫菜
5. Miso (Soy Bean Paste)
Miso is made of soy beans, rice, wheat, and other ingredients. It comes in regular and low-salt types.
5. 味噌(日本豆面酱)
6. Mustard
This is a yellow, piquant paste made from mustard seed powder.
6. 芥末
7. Wasabi(Japanese Horseradish)
Japanese horseradish root is first ground into a powder, then made into a green, piquant paste.
7. 芥末(日式辣根所制调味剂)
8. Seven-Flavor Seasoning(しちみーとおがらし)
This seasoning is made from toasted white radish sprouts, Szechuan peppercorns, fennel, pepper leaf, sesame seed, chili pepper, and pepper.
8. 七味调味品

How to make DASHI stock
Dashi stock plays an important role in Japanese cooking. The freshness and tastiness of a dish often depend to a great extent on the quality of the dashi used. Presented below are methods for making the two different kinds of dashi:
Dashi 1 清汤1
2/3 to 1 oz. (20-30g) dried bonito shavings(katsuobushi;illus.1) 2/3~1盎司(20-30克)金枪鱼干片
5 c. water 5 c.水
1 strip (4``or 10 cm) dried kelp seaweed(kombu;illus.2)
Rub the kelp clean with a cloth, then spread open. Make a series of cuts in the kelp crosswise at 1/2``(1 cm) intervals; do not, however, cut all the way through. These cuts allow the kelp to release more of its flavor into the stock while cooking; and leaving the kelp in one piece makes it easy to remove.
Add the 5 cups of water to a pot together with the kelp. Before the center begins to boil, remove the kelp and continue to boil. Add the bonito shavings and turn off the heat immediately. After the bonito shavings have settled to the bottom of the pot, filter the stock through a piece of cheesecloth. The dashi stock is now ready for use in light-colored dishes, for example, Savory Cup Custard (Chawan Mushi; P.39)
Whole dried bonito fillets may be baked to soften and shaved to make the bonito shavings.
Dashi 2 清汤2
Add 2-1/2 cups water to the kelp and bonito shavings used in Dashi 1 and heat in a pot. Before the center begins to boil, add another 2/3 oz.(20g) of bonito shavings and turn off the heat immediately. Wait until the ingredients have settled, and filter through a piece of cheesecloth. This dashi can be used in dishes with a darker color, such as Chikuzen Ni(p24). Use ready-made dashi for extra convenience(illus.3).

一、How to make rice for Sushi

Sushi rice (serves 4)
Choose short-grain or sushi rice that has whole, pure white grains, with no foreign material mixed in, and with a minimum of broken grains. Wash 2 cups of the rice (do not wash and rinse too long, so as to avoid losing the vitamin B1 content in the rice). Drain when the rice is clean, white, and translucent. Add 1-3/4 cups water and soak 30 minutes or longer. Cook in an electric rice cooker (or on an electric or gas stove) until done. Leave the rice covered and undisturbed for another 15 minutes often turning off the heat. Pour the sushi vinegar over the cooked rice while the rice is still hot, and mix it in with a rice paddle. Fan the rice (either by hand or with an electric fan) while mixing in the vinegar. Do this until the rice is light and fluffy, and the flavor of the vinegar disperse. Do not allow the rice grains to cling together in clumps, and do not squish the grains, or the rice will become sticky and pasty.
If you make a large quantity of sushi rice, transfer the extra rice to another container and cover with a wet cloth to prevent the rice from becoming dry and hard. This step is not necessary if making only a small amount for home use.

Sushi vinegar
Mix 1/2 teaspoon salt into 3 tablespoons rice vinegar and bring to a boil over low heat. Then add 2 tablespoons granulated white sugar and turn off the heat immediately. The vinegar mixture is ready when the sugar has completely dissolved. Sushi vinegar must be prepared ahead of time, so it is convenient to make a large amount at once and keep it in the refrigerator for use when necessary. The proportion of sugar to vinegar can be adjusted according to personal taste. The various brands of sushi vinegar available commercially may also be used.

Utensils for mixing the sushi rice
A wooden container with a large, flat bottom can absorb steam and moisture, allowing the rice grains to become springy or stainless steel container may be substituted.
How to store wooden containers
Wash immediately after use, and drip-dry (do not dry in the sun). Store in a dark, cool, and dry place. Wipe clean with a dry cloth before the next use.

How to make homemade UDON Noodles (serves 4-5)
1/2 c. (130cc) water 1/2杯(130毫升)水
1/2T. (10g) salt 10克盐
7 oz. (200g) low gluten flour (about 2/3c) 7盎司(200克,2/3杯)低筋小麦粉
3-1/2 oz. (100g) high gluten flour (about 1/3c) 3-1/2盎司(100克,1/3杯)高筋小麦粉
1/4 c.low gluten flour 1/4杯低筋小麦粉

Dissolve the salt in the water. It should be about as salt as sea water (15 units on a salinometer)
Mix the low gluten flour and high gluten flour together in a large bowl. Add the salt water very slowly to the flour as you knead it into a smooth dough. Cover with a wet cloth and leave undisturbed for about one hour. Remove from the bowl. Press the dough down with the palm of your hand, fold into three parts, then press down again. Repeat the above steps for 5 minutes (about 3-4 times).
Place the dough on a counter and knead until of a consistency that is neither too soft nor too firm. Allow to set undisturbed for another 20 minutes. Remove from the bowl and use a rolling pin (preferably one with about the same diameter as a broomstick) to roll out into a 4``*8``(10*20cm) rectangle. Sprinkle some flour over the top. Roll up the dough on the rolling pin to flatten. You will be rolling out several separate looped layers at once. Press down and roll to lengthen the dough. Spread open the dough on the counter, sprinkle some flour over it, and again roll up the dough around the rolling pin. Repeat as above 5 more times until the dough is about 1/12``(.2cm)thick. Sprinkle liberally with flour and fold into 3 or 4 layers. Cut into 1/8``(.3cm) Udon noodles. Again sprinkle liberally with flour, and the noodles are ready for use.
Homemade udon noodles have a pleasantly springy texture. They can be either stir-fried or boiled, and are very convenient to use. If you do not use them immediately after making them, wrap them in plastic and keep in the refrigerator. They will stay fresh for about one week.
For restaurants that make udon noodles in large quantities, the dough can be placed in a plastic bag, and a piece of cloth spread on top of the bag. The dough is then stamped on with the feet, rather than kneaded by hand. This makes the gluten in the flour soft and pliable.

To cook udon noodles
Fill a pot with water and bring to a boil. Add the udon and wait until the water comes to a second boil. Add 1 cup of cold water, then cook another minute. Remove the noodles when cooked through, and rinse in cold water.




选择新鲜的有着坚硬光滑皮的牛蒡(图示1)。用刀的钝边刮削去皮(图示2)并清洗。切成4厘米段,然后用刀子或切碎机切碎成丝( 图示3)。泡在1中以防变色。在使用前将其弄干。

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