PMA 2010:Sigma 营运长看好EVIL系统镜头

Sigma 鍦?PMA 2010 灞曞嚭鐨?浜嗭紝铏界劧浠锋牸閮戒笉鏄庝簡锛屼篃涓嶈兘鎷胯捣鏉ヨ瘯鎷嶏紝涓嶈繃澶у杩樻槸鍙互鐐逛笅闈㈢殑鍥惧簱灏濅釜椴溿€傚彧鏈夎繖鏍峰悧锛熻繕鏈変竴涓皬灏忕殑娑堟伅锛孲igma 钀ヨ繍闀?Kazuto Yamaki 鍦ㄦ帴鍙?Digital Photography Review 缃戠珯璁块棶鐨勬椂鍊欐彁鍒帮紝瀵瑰 E-P1 鎴?GF-1 杩欐牱鏃犲弽灏勯暅鍙崲闀滃ご鐩告満锛堟垨鑰呮槸 EVIL 鐩告満锛夛紝鎺ㄥ嚭閰嶅悎鐨勯暅澶寸兢涔冩槸瓒嬪娍鎵€鍦紝杩欐槸鍚︽殫绀鸿€呮湭鏉ヤ拱杩欑被鍗曠溂鐩告満鐨勬秷璐硅€咃紝涓嶇敤鍐嶈姳鍜屾満韬竴鏍疯吹鐨勪环閽辨潵娣昏喘闀滃ご鍛紵

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